• If US get Jet Fighter Tech does the Chinese Fighter get it too?

  • No.  It’s considered a Chinese fighter, and the Chinese can’t get any tech.

  • Thank you. That is what I told my enemy.
    (Of course he thought it an  dirty underhand trick!)

  • TripleA

    5 PUs if Japan controls all of Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and Solomon Islands.

    When have you ever seen this? You show me a game where japan got this VC and I will show you a liar. I promise you a pacific victory will happen before that national objective is ever obtained.

    Axisplaya much of global is dumb like you, it is fact. The only thing that makes global playable is the fact that axis have to go for VCs and NOs.

    A nutless monkey can play germany.

    When you play the allies it is always, “the axis did this so I have do that.” There are no options, unless you want to lose.

    Japan has multiple strategies. Let me list them for you 1) rush calcutta 2) rush new south wales 3) expand and maintain 4) sino russia 5) sneak attack africa

    What does germany do? Barb, sea lion, or medit fleets. How easy are they in execution? Nutless monkey can do it.

  • Congratulations, Kevin, on being named geek of the week at board game geek!

    Was just there to start looking for A&A 1941 :-)

    Thanks for your attention to all of the FAQ threads at A&A.org - it is so nice to have access to you.

  • Official Q&A

    Thanks, but with you and kcdzim on the job I hardly have to show up here at all these days!

  • I may be mistaken, but as I understand it, the maximum damage possible on a minor complex is 6, and the maximum on a major is 20.

    Since majors are downgraded into minors if captured, if you do the maximum damage in strategic bombing to a major IC, then later conquer it before it can be repaired, then does that 20 damage become 6? Or do you not get free repairs for taking over a complex you destroyed, and it stays at 20 damage?

  • When the IC is downgraded, the damage is reduced to 6, the new maximum.

    Cow, Axisplaya isn’t trying to start a discussion with you.  This is the wrong thread for that.  Regardless of opinions you should talk about it elsewhere.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Japan national objectives are super dumb as well. By dumb, I mean he gets 1 for dutch and then 1 for calcutta and anymore means he won the game with VCs.

    Agreed.  I think some Japanese NOs could change.

    Would like:

    1. 5 IPC for control of Alaska + Aleutian Islands (a place where Japan really did invade)
    2. 10 IPC for control of ALL Chinese territories
    3. 5 IPC for control of all the Dutch East Indies + Malaya
    4. 5 IPC for control of any 3 allied islands worth 0 IPC
    5. 5 IPC for control of Hawaii
    6. 5 IPC for control of any Australian continental territory (parts of actual Australia)

    Note: that’s a grand total of 35 IPC from NOs, more than any other nation (including the United States), but the odds of getting ALL of it are very minute unless the allies are totally trashed.

    For instance, numbers 1 and 4 should rarely occur, unless America’s ignoring the Pacific.  Numbers 2 and 3 can be stopped by India/Russia or even Australia/USA.  5 rarely happens now, so I doubt it’ll change much and 6 rewards Japan for invading Australia - something that I rarely see unless a really serious push is made to take ALL of Australia

  • That’s very nice Jen, but this is still the FAQ thread.
    Feel free to start a Japan NO thread with Cow.

  • Customizer

    I need clarification on the Chinese rule for removing Factories.

    My understanding:

    1. Chinese take over an Originally Chinese territory from Japan, that happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    2. UK/USA/ANZAC/Russians take over an Originally Chinese territory from Japan (liberating it for China), that happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    3. Chinese take over an Originally UK territory from Japan (liberating it for UK), that happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory STAYS.

    4. Chinese take over an Originally UK territory from Japan but India is controlled by the Axis, therefore the territory becomes Chinese, and it happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    5. UK/USA/ANZAC/Russians take over an Originally UK territory from Japan, that happens to contain a Factory.  No matter whether UK has India or not, the Factory STAYS.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

  • TripleA '12

    By no means do I have the complete Global/Pac 40 rules sussed out yet, but from what I understand I would say that you are correct on all five points.

  • '17


    4. Chinese take over an Originally UK territory from Japan but India is controlled by the Axis, therefore the territory becomes Chinese, and it happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    I am not sure about this one.

    “If a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory and that territory is later recaptured by the Chinese or liberated by another Allied power, the industrial complex is removed from the game.”

    • P40 rules

    Also, I want to know, did this rule get updated anywhere to include German-built or Italian-built factories on originally Chinese territory?

  • Customizer



    4. Chinese take over an Originally UK territory from Japan but India is controlled by the Axis, therefore the territory becomes Chinese, and it happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    I am not sure about this one.

    “If a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory and that territory is later recaptured by the Chinese or liberated by another Allied power, the industrial complex is removed from the game.”

    • P40 rules

    Also, I want to know, did this rule get updated anywhere to include German-built or Italian-built factories on originally Chinese territory?

    The territory becomes Chinese, therefore the factory should be destroyed.  That is my understanding.

  • Read it again, Veqryn.  Wheatbeer posted the correct applicable sentence.

    It says if a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory.  In your example, it sounds like the Japanese industrial complex was built on a UK territory that was later converted to Chinese.  It would stay, because it was not built on a Chinese territory.

  • @wheatbeer:

    Also, I want to know, did this rule get updated anywhere to include German-built or Italian-built factories on originally Chinese territory?

    It’s weird - they knew they were going to make E40 and G40, yet the P40 rulebook ignores this fact and is written specifically for P40, ignoring the future G40.

    You need Krieghund for an official answer on this, but I believe (for what it’s worth - not much) that it would include German or Italian factories as well.  Basically, the Chinese can’t use the complex, so they destroy it.  Matters not which Axis power built it.

  • @Gamerman01:


    Also, I want to know, did this rule get updated anywhere to include German-built or Italian-built factories on originally Chinese territory?

    It’s weird - they knew they were going to make E40 and G40, yet the P40 rulebook ignores this fact and is written specifically for P40, ignoring the future G40.

    You need Krieghund for an official answer on this, but I believe (for what it’s worth - not much) that it would include German or Italian factories as well.  Basically, the Chinese can’t use the complex, so they destroy it.  Matters not which Axis power built it.

    Yes, that’s true, I heard Kreighund answer this a while ago.  Once any Chinese tt is liberated (includes any tt with a Chinese symbol) then any ICs on them are destroyed.  China can’t use them at all.

  • Thanks questioneer

  • Customizer




    4. Chinese take over an Originally UK territory from Japan but India is controlled by the Axis, therefore the territory becomes Chinese, and it happens to contain a Factory.  The Factory is REMOVED.

    I am not sure about this one.

    “If a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory and that territory is later recaptured by the Chinese or liberated by another Allied power, the industrial complex is removed from the game.”

    • P40 rules

    Also, I want to know, did this rule get updated anywhere to include German-built or Italian-built factories on originally Chinese territory?

    The territory becomes Chinese, therefore the factory should be destroyed.  That is my understanding.

    I’m still waiting on official clarification from Krieg on this issue.

  • Official Q&A

    When China takes control of an original UK territory, it becomes Chinese-controlled, not Chinese.  The IC stays, but China can’t use it.

    Any IC on a Chinese territory is removed when China regains control.  It doesn’t matter who built it.

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