• Geez….
    My event card seem to be popular…OK then
    Message for Coachofarmy, Gen.Rommel and Detuite.

    Before the week end, i’ll try to send you the document.

  • Thankyou cursa for event cards. What game do you play them with?

  • @crusaderiv:

    My event card seem to be popular…OK then
    Message for Coachofarmy, Gen.Rommel and Detuite.

    Before the week end, i’ll try to send you the document.

    Yep, I also sent a PM for your cards. They sound great. Thank you for sharing.

  • how did you make them into cards. off computer then print on stock card?

  • Well perhaps you might post the link for others to use these cards?

    I can sticky it if you like?

  • I’m gonna take some pictures of my cards and post a future reply with photos and how I printed them.

    Thank you cursa for event cards. What game do you play them with?

    In 1996, I bought the WWII Xeno 1939 game but there was a lot of error and the map was so terrible.
    With the years, I developped with friends, a new map, new rules and introduced new pieces and now we play our own
    1939-1945 game and since 2002 we founded an A&A club.

    Of course you can used the event card for others A&A game and change a few…


  • Sounds great, thanks again!

  • cursa  you come up with any pictures and how to make cards?

  • cursa  you come up with any pictures and how to make cards?

    Soon…I have a lot of job to do…

  • Sorry      thanks for your time

  • Can somebody please post a link for these cards?

  • Even just attach them to a post would be good

  • Customizer

    Yeah… was wondering that myself.  Haven’t heard anything back about 'em…

  • Cursa, Thanks again for event card list. Made my cards out of card stock painted to the color of countries and then printed off computer and cut to 3" x 2"  size of business card. Might also put on countries logo.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Pics and post?

  • Here is a list of 52 we started playing with (the first two letters are the card equivalent: so AD is ace of diamonds).  We play by our own rules, all countries on board are worth 1 pt except capitals and factories, we don’t play the standard game with everyone taking a country, so the cards may be different if you play a standard game.  I can give more details on our version if people like, but basically all we did for the cards was add a draw card round after combat movement but before resolving combats.

    we have played with most of these, this is a revision so the revisions haven’t been tested but seem similar.

    ADOil shortage – transports can not move for a full turn – card must be played immediately, affects every country for one turn (your combat moves remain this turn, but you may not move your transports your next combat move.  But non-combat movement will be allowed).
    2DFuel shortage – tanks can not move this round – card must be played immediately, affects every country for one turn (your combat moves remain this turn, but you may not move your tanks your next combat move.  But non-combat movement will be allowed).
    3DLate orders – half of the infantry units arrive late for battle, they do not get to attack the first round – Can be used when one of your territories is attacked. Must be played or discarded before your next draw phase.
    4DMissed orders – one type of unit does not get to attack the first round (random) – Must be played immediately, affects one of your attacks you declare this round. Roll randomly to determine which attack is affected, then roll randomly to determine the type of unit that misses the first round.
    5DBolstered defense – locals rise up to help the army, add 20% to the infantry stack rounded down (1-9 infantry =+1, 10-19=+2).  These units can be taken as casualty but they disappear after battle even if not taken as a casualty. Must be played before your next draw phase, can be used when one of your territories is attacked or you may use it when someone is attacking any other territory.
    6DPill boxes - Repel amphibious assault – no shelling of the beach attacks this round. Must be played before your next draw phase, can be used when one of your territories is attacked or you may use it when someone is attacking any other territory.
    7DLeague of Nations steps in – all neutral defenders get +20% infantry rounded down (minimum of 1 infantry). Card must be played immediately.
    8DTemporary tech - Scientific breakthrough, roll for a research tech that you may use this turn only (until your next draw phase).  Card must play immediately.
    9DWoman at work – Factory output doubles (can place 6 units in a 3 unit factory etc) next turn.  Card must be shown immediately but its effects do not take effect until your next turn. Only affects your factories.
    10DGeneral’s refuses orders – one of your generals refuses its attack orders.  Random determine from one of you declared attacks this round. Destroy one infantry from the declared attackers to regain control of military.  If no infantry are in attacking zone, destroy one infantry elsewhere.
    JD Propaganda – Two infantry rise up in a neutral country and attack an enemy occupied neighboring zone. If no neutrals remain that can attack an enemy, you may place two infantry in an enemy controlled territory that is unoccupied by anything (no factory, airbase, etc).  Opponent loses the IPC. You must play this card before your next draw phase. 
    QD Assassination attempt foiled – destroy one unit in enemy capital.  Card must be played immediately. Card does not affect sea zones.
    KD Subs run silent – remove any of your subs from the board that you desire (after writing down their starting position), if they have movement available, you may move them and write down their location on a separate piece of paper for non-combat.  Subs reappear at the beginning of your next turn, or if an enemy boat enters their zone (forcing a fight if it’s a destroyer, automatically sinks any transports that enter its zone if unaccompanied).  If subs enter a battle they get to use their attacking ‘to hit’ number for the first round and the other boats use their defense value (second round and beyond is sub defend, sub may still submerge at any time if no destroyers are present).
    AH No Retreat – Attacking force can not retreat.  You must play this card before your next draw phase.  You can play it against any opponent after they declare their attacks but before they start rolling for combat.
    2H Code breaker – attack orders intercepted, retreat from one zone attacked this round.  You must play this card before your next draw phase, you can only play this card when one of your territories are attacked (allowing your armies to withdraw before the battle and you can only move one space to an area you control to withdraw).
    3H Sandstorm – pick one zone in Middle East or Africa without a factory.  A sand storm prevents any units from moving into our out of that zone.  You must play this card before you next draw phase, it is in effect for one full round of turns (if you play it on your turn, it ends on your turn.  If you play it on France’s turn it ends on France’s turn, etc)
    4H Winter sets – choose one zone along the north without a factory (must touch the top of the board or touch a zone that touches the top of the board). No units move into or out of that zone this turn. You must play this card before you next draw phase, it is in effect for one full round of turns (if you play it on your turn, it ends on your turn.  If you play it on France’s turn it ends on France’s turn)
    5H For god and country – a territories air force volunteers for the unwinnable fight.  Any air units from one zone gain the kamikaze ability for one round. You must play this card before you next draw phase, it can affect any countries air force in one territory. Planes are not forced to use kamikaze ability.  For the purposes of this card, any plane that is a kamikaze chooses its target and hits on a 5 or less.  Capital ships still require two hits to sink.  Kamikazes can be used as industrial bombers doing d6 damage (they can not be shot down).
    6H Forced march – one stack of infantry may move 2 squares this round.  Card must be played immediately. You may move an infantry stack that has not yet moved in combat movement 2 squares to enter combat or you may move an infantry two squares during non-combat (you may not retreat an infantry after combat as its ‘forced march’ movement)
    7H Friendly support – a neighbor aids your cause.  Roll a die 6, add ipc’s to your funds. You must play this card immediately.
    8H Desert fox – reroll one round of tank rolls. Must be played before your next draw phase, can be played on any nation’s armor after an attack roll.  After card is played, owner of armor must reroll that set of attack rolls taking the new total for hits/misses.
    9H Hartmann’s Maneuver – reroll one round of fighter rolls. Must be played before your next draw phase, can be played on any nation’s fighters after an attack roll.  After card is played, owner of fighters must reroll that set of attack rolls taking the new total for hits/misses.
    10H Yamamoto’s manual found – reroll one round of naval rolls (one type of naval unit of your choice). Must be played before your next draw phase, can be played on any nation’s naval force after an attack roll.  After card is played, owner of navy must reroll that set of attack rolls taking the new total for hits/misses.
    JH Indecision – after all attacks are declared this round, randomly withdraw one of the attacks (die roll).  This card must be played before you next draw phase and after a nation has declared their attacks but before they have rolled any hits/misses.
    QH Precision targeting – all industrial bombers do 6 ipc damage this round. Note, heavy bombers don’t do 12, just 6.  This card must be played before your next draw phase; it can be played on any nation’s bombers.
    KH Mussolini’s dilemma – You must attack at least 5 different territories the next round.  Destroy one infantry in capital if you only attack 4 territories.  Destroy 2 if you attack 3 territories, etc.  Card must be played immediately.
    AS Churchill’s aura – double the number of infantry in defense of any territory with a factory (up to 5 extra infantry).  You may hold this card until you wish to play it.
    2S Stalin’s lesson – after a battle where you lose at least 10 infantry, you may place 2 of those destroyed infantry into an adjacent territory. You may hold this card until you wish to play it.
    3S Roosevelt’s sale – you may sell up to 10 units to another country (or countries, 10 total).  The countries may pay 1 less IPC for them, you gain 1 more IPC than listed (for example, you could sell 4 infantry to one enemy (they pay 8 to bank, you gain 16 IPCs).  Buyers must place units in factory territories. You may hold this card until you wish to play it. You do not remove items from the board, these are increased production that you are selling off (to you enemies?)
    4S Secret path – you may move units into an impassible territory for one turn.  They must move out of that territory next turn.  You may hold this card until you wish to play it.
    5S Elite squad – one random type of unit other than infantry subtract one from each roll in the first round.  This card must be played before your next draw phase.  Any nation or neutral may be the target of this card.
    6S Surprise Attack – half of the defending infantry (up to 5) do not return fire round 1.  You must play this card before your next draw phase. It can be used on any attacking army.
    7S Sabotage – 2 die 6 damage to a random capital factory (yours included).  Card must be played immediately.  Damage is applied after your place units phase (so it doesn’t affect your placement this turn).
    8S Strike – one factory cannot produce units this turn. Card must be played immediately. Card can not target capital factories.  You may choose any country’s factory.  If only capital factories exist, card is discarded.
    9S Poor roads – your tanks and mechanized infantry’s movement reduced to 1 for this turn. Card must be played immediately. If a tank moved 2 spaces to enter battle, withdraw it one space.
    10S Radar Glitch – your Aircraft movement reduced by one this turn if an airplane will splash because of this (due to its combat movement) you may withdraw the plane from battle and land in the zone it took off from.  Card must be played immediately.
    JS Fear for subs – all of your non-sub naval units movement reduced by one this turn. Card must be played immediately. If units moved two spaces to enter a battle, withdraw them one space.
    QS Tech problems – enemy’s tech advancement fails this round.  IF an opponent has a tech, card must be played immediately.  If an opponent does not have a tech when this card is drawn, you may hold the card until you wish to play it. The tech fails for an entire round (until your next draw phase if played immediately, otherwise, a full round of turns from when it is played).
    KS Spy – roll die 6 a roll of 6 results in a new tech being learned from an enemy (randomly determined). If an opponent has a tech, card must be played immediately.  If an opponent does not have a tech when this card is drawn, you may hold the card until you wish to play it.
    AC Defector – a great scientist defects to your side, you may buy 1 tech roll next round at a 5 or 6 for success. Card must be played at your next purchase phase (and roll made immediately).  This is a bonus tech roll, you can still purchase your normal amount of rolls per turn.
    2C Unrest at home – each unit cost one more IPC to produce in your capital.  Card must be shown immediately but it takes effect next turn.
    3C Political unrest – one unoccupied territory an enemy controls becomes a neutral with 2 infantry defenders. Card must be played immediately unless no enemy has an unoccupied territory.  If no enemy has an unoccupied territory, you may play it during the draw phase of any subsequent turn that you wish.
    4C Back room dealings – you may pass through one enemy controlled territory (you must not finish your move in that territory but you may end in a different enemy territory that is unoccupied (you may not end in an enemy occupied territory).  You may end in a neutral’s territory. This includes being able to pass through canals or straits.  You have two turns (including this one) to play this card or you must discard it.
    5C Hurricane in the Atlantic – one naval unit destroyed in a random occupied naval zone in the Atlantic owner is able to salvage half of its cost in ipc.  Card must be played immediately.
    6C Typhoon in the Pacific – one naval unit destroyed in a random occupied naval zone in the Pacific owner is able to salvage half of its cost in ipc.  Card must be played immediately.
    7C Rough seas – amphibious combat is prevented for one full cycle of turns (that includes this combat round, so none of your amphibious assaults work this turn).  Card must be played immediately.
    8C Clouds over Europe – all aircraft based in Europe is grounded, no units my fly into Europe for one full cycle of turns.  Card must be played immediately.
    9C Earthquake – Any country controlling a territory in America loses die 6 ipc.  Card must be played immediately.  May affect multiple countries.
    10C Fire – one factory takes die 6 ipc damage this turn that cannot be repaired until next turn (reduced output capability).  Card must be played immediately.  Randomly determine which factory from all the factories on the board.
    JC The Calvary has arrived – One mechanized infantry appears in a territory of your choice.  Card must be played immediately.
    QC Monsoon – 1 infantry is destroyed in South East Asia.  Infantry is chosen by the player to your right.  Card must be played immediately.
    KC Peace in the Middle East – No combat is allowed in the Middle East for one full turn.  Card must be played immediately.

  • '10

    I was working on a set of these a while back.  Maybe I will re-open the project.

    Here is a sample of what I had


  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I took your 52 Event cards and modified them for the Global 1939 game.
    They added a nice twist and everyone had fun with them, thanks!
    I will post them on them in a few days, I need to tweak them once more.

  • Customizer

    The first edition of the Attack! game has some nice ideas for cards like this…

  • I think event cards it’s a great addittion for the game.
    I will try to send an example of my event cards. (When I’ll found the time).
    I used the same size as poker cards.

    By the way, FMG sample is realy good…

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