@1940_Fan These are great, thank you for sharing! How do I download these flash cards? Do I have to make a quizlet account?
Need help identifying pics for cards
Is this Italian?
Is this British?
The top one you posted shows an airplane with the Romanian Airforce roundel (not Italian).
https://www.google.nl/search?q=romanian+airforce&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5_4DD15jQAhWEJhoKHUyMD9wQ_AUICCgB&biw=1376&bih=791#tbm=isch&q=romanian+airforce+roundelI’d say the 2nd one you posted is a British one, like you said. It has the familiar RAF roundel.
You will probably love this link :-D:
http://i.imgur.com/fWghfvb.jpg -
The second one looks like a Hawker Tempest or a Hawker Typhoon, though I’m not 100% certain. Note that its wings and fuselage are painted with the distinctive black-and-white “invasion stripes” that were used to identify Allied aircraft during the D-Day invasion, and that it’s carrying attachment points for rockets, an Allied weapon of choice for ground attacks against enemy tanks (like the Panther and Tiger tanks over which it’s flying).
Thanks guys… gonna use this for Italy.
No, the first one is not Italian. It is a Romanian I.A.R. over the Ploesti oil fields.
The second is a Hawker Typhoon.
The third is definitely Italian per the roundel, which can just be made out on the starboard wing.