Ok, it looks like the Strat Bombing bug fix will be incorporated into 1.9.
I agree about the sub combat casualty choosing being the next most important but it isn’t the easiest fix.
How would people feel about automatically looping through all the air/bombing raids in random order before the user is given an option to pick a battle?
Should that be extended to amphibious assaults or should it only be auto selected if there is only one? If there is sea combat, obviously that has to be auto selected. Can’t imagine it being a problem if there are multiple sea combats for one amphibious assault battle (never seen that happen) but what if the land/air combat is auto selected even if the sea combat fails, without the amphibious troops? In theory, the attacker should then be able to select the combat in the order he/she chooses but that doesn’t seem worth the bother.
I presume that it is an axiom that if there is only one remaining battle after amphibious assaults that it should be auto selected.