@panther guess not then
Triple-A -- Which map is the correct one for the 1941 A&A Anniversary edition?
Was having some trouble finding the correct one. Was wondering if anyone knew…
@Xlome_00 If you download “World War 2 V3” from the maps collection, it will come with two scenarios. “World War 2 V3 1941” and “World War 2 V3 1942”. Which is which should be obvious.
Stay way from the one named “World War 2 V5 1941”. That’s just the “Axis and Allies: 1941” game that was designed for casual audiences and new players.
Appreciate the help.
Also, which Global 40 map is the one most commonly used in the community on Triple-A?
These two, IMHO:
They are included in this download:
Thank you all for posting this… Was able to find what I needed from the use of this post!!