Believe me, It’s nothing I’m losing sleep over. I’m curious thats all.   I wonder if commander jen gets to pick the name of the next level since she’ll be the first one there? :-)javascript:void(0);
Powerful in the Force, she is.
24-21 Bears over Colts. :wink:
27 - 16 BEARS win
Indy over Chicago 29-17
:-o how did you know
Check the time stamp of my post :evil:
I know :lol:
Indy over Chicago 29-17
OMG!! What a prediction!! You must be like farkin Nostradamus or somethin! :lol:
Really wanted the Bears, but oh well.
After that 92 yard kickoff return we all wanted the Bears!
Now, bearing in mind I’m just a girl and I’ve only watched two football games ever (1985 Bears Super Bowl and 2006 Bears Super Bowl) I think I can say this:
In the 2nd Quarter the Colts figured out how to run the ball. In the 2nd Quarter the Bears should have remembered to try and THROW the ball. And what was with the punt by the Bears when it was 4th Down and 1 Yard to go!?!?!?! They were averaging 3 yards a down running it!
Well I hate to burst any bubbles, bu tthe Bears were simply out classed. They were luck they got the points they did.
Well I hate to burst any bubbles, bu tthe Bears were simply out classed. They were luck they got the points they did.
No, they were skilled. And if we coulda kept the offense out at least for 3 minutes at a time, our defense would have been rested enough to shut down the Colts.
The reasons the Bears lost are because 1) Grossman has more nuts than brains and 2) because they shied away from their game plan when the Colts stacked the line.
The conditions were sloppy and yet they continued to attempt passing even though the running game was working (Jones had about 80 yards in the first half). The longest pass play Grossman should have attepted was no more than 15 yards, but he kept on trying to force the long strike on them in a constant rain. If the Bears had still insisted on passing at all, the check down to the running back in the flat or the screen pass would have killed the Colts plan of putting 8 men in the box. The fumbled snaps were much less devastating than Grossmans interceptions.
Lovie Smith inherited an awesome defense from Dick Jauron but the more I see the more convinced I become that Jauron was simply the better coach.
All I have to say is that this was by far the weirdest Super Bowl I have ever watched. What was it, like 5 fumbles, 4 interceptions, 1 opening kickoff return, 2 straight sacks on each Manning and Grossman? I mean stuff that you usually don’t see in a Super Bowl, you saw it in this one.
Also why did they keep boo-ing that middle eastern guy on the Bears? He scored them a touchdown. Oh wells.
I thought that kickoff return was really awesome and thought that the Bears were going to win but it was quite the oposite. All that did actually was piss off the Colts and make them even more determined to win and thats what they did. That and Grossman not playing smart.
My main issue…
Was that FG attempt at the end of the first half. Had it scored, I’d have made $40 on the grid. Instead, I am just out $10 :-(
My main issue…
Was that FG attempt at the end of the first half. Had it scored, I’d have made $40 on the grid. Instead, I am just out $10 :-(
What were you guys betting on?
Probaby scores at the end of each quarter.
10 x 10 grid with 1-10 in random order from top to bottom and left to right and one team has top one team has bottom. The last number of the score of one team is match with last number of score on the other team and if you have the box that aligns with the grid you get the money. That’s what i do anyway
Probaby scores at the end of each quarter.
10 x 10 grid with 1-10 in random order from top to bottom and left to right and one team has top one team has bottom. The last number of the score of one team is match with last number of score on the other team and if you have the box that aligns with the grid you get the money. That’s what i do anyway
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Give that man a cookie!
The Bears fan were not booing Muhsin Muhammad they were yelling Muuuussssss!!!