Yea i got that too, but don’t play that anymore.
Give left 4 dead another shot. go on steam and find me
John Brown and Wolfschanze thank you for the compliments :-D
The deluxe version of the boardgame with 3D map is my personal idea for my house… also I use it during conventions.
The base set for 3-5 players that will be marketed will cost about 100 Euros, it will have miniatures, but it will not have the deluxe components (3D map, metal coins, little swords)… only “standard” components.
More information about the prototype version similar to the commercial version (in italian, sorry):
John Brown and Wolfschanze thank you for the compliments :-D
The deluxe version of the boardgame with 3D map is my personal idea for my house… also I use it during conventions.
The base set for 3-5 players that will be marketed will cost about 100 Euros, it will have miniatures, but it will not have the deluxe components (3D map, metal coins, little swords)… only “standard” components.
More information about the prototype version similar to the commercial version (in italian, sorry):
Thank you Veldriss for the info. :-)
I’m starting a big project …;)
And if I could produce the 3D map in series with the costs, but above all of the times “reduced”? :-D :-D :-D
I made a simulation with a CNC machine for woodworking (and similar such as MDF, OSB, particleboard, plywood, etc.) and I have tried to simulate the working of a MDF panel of 30 mm. thickness, 3-axis machining with the various tools … here is a first result applies to England:
hopefully this is still going on, I cant imagine not having this game at home!
hopefully this is still going on, I cant imagine not having this game at home!
Giochix should launch crowdfunding campaign on and at the end of 2016.
I am preparing a list of miniateres in 3 different versions: minimal, medium and full…
This is the first draft, but I still think a couple of days:
I started the long process of re-reading of all the historical information gathered so far to extract the greatest number of ideas that will then, after having been revised and supplemented with possession of TECHNOLOGIES, the creation of the largest possible number of CARDS EVENTS historicized.
In this first phase will put a link to a thread to which I refer in order to quickly access the full text in case I had doubts, under the text extrapolated from the discussion itself and under the idea that will help me in the second phase to create the drafts of the new CARDS EVENTS historicized.
More info here:
It is not a video much, but I upload the same for those who had never seen the 3D map Live :)
#crowdfunding #boardgame #medioevouniversalis
it is with great pleasure that I can finally announce the start of the crowdfunding campaign on and !!!
23/11/2016 !!! SPREAD THE WORD !!!
I’ll be there on day one!
Only 9 DAYS to the beginning of the crowdfunding campaign for the boardgame MedioEvo Universalis on and … Are You ready? SPREAD THE WORD IN THE WORLD!!!
Today is the big day! I can’t wait to back this game!
Today is the big day! I can’t wait to back this game!
Official message of Giochix:
There is a bit delay, we are preparing Spielesmiede also ;-)
How long of a delay are we talking?
How long of a delay are we talking?
Sorry, I don’t know, only Giochix manages the campaign.
Giochix today announced: agreement made with Spielesmiede! :)
Soon a first version of the project page will be visible … Meanwhile, I leave you with the first version of bombard’s miniature.
Giochix announces: crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, Giochistarter and Spielesmiede will start January 13, 2017 !!!
–- —
2 videos of the prototype…
Latest version of the prototype:
Deluxe version of the prototype with 3D map:
Only 6 days!!! Crowdfunding campaign of MedioEvo Universalis on Kickstarter, Giochistarter and Spielesmiede will start January 13, 2017 !!!
2 pictures posted on twitter by Giochix:
how much is this game gonna cost?
I think he said 150 Euros is the early bird price…
The campaign start date has been postponed to Monday, January 16 at 17:00
The box… Wonderful !!!
Components of the deluxe version with miniatures !!!
The HERMIT version is WITHOUT miniatures, there are only cardboard pieces … the other deluxe versions are all WITH miniatures and differ only in price, not in the components … Therefore the first who join the campaign will have the cheaper version.
I remind everyone that those who view the page of the crowdfunding campaign with his cell phone does not see the pictures … at the bottom of the page there is a link in red DESKTOP VERSION, this way you will see all the images as if you were in front of a computer.