1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    The ratings lists for all of the games have been updated on the Cellar Gaming boards – most of these are still very early in those stages, and ratings will get more spread out after a few more tournaments.  I am also going to try to post them here:

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    World At War

    1771  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 9-1, A: 5-0, X: 4-1)
    1699  captain walker  (Record: 8-3, A: 5-1, X: 3-2)
    1685  Bacala  (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
    1640  redrum  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1638  Whackamatt  (Record: 5-4, A: 4-2, X: 1-2)
    1601  wheatbeer  (Record: 2-2, A: 1-0, X: 1-2)
    1596  Balladeer  (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
    1530  dawgoneit  (Record: 5-8, A: 3-3, X: 2-5)
    1506  aequitas et veritas  (Record: 2-6, A: 2-2, X: 0-4)
    1388  Entek  (Record: 0-10, A: 0-5, X: 0-5)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    New World Order

    1649  redrum  (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
    1625  Bacala  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1625  captain walker  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1600  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  dawgoneit  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  Narushima  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1551  Entek  (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    The Rising Sun

    1673  Bacala  (Record: 3-0, A: 1-0, X: 2-0)
    1625  Balladeer  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1625  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1576  Entek  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1576  redrum  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  dawgoneit  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  mike48484  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  captain walker  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    Great War

    1674  redrum  (Record: 3-0, A: 2-0, X: 1-0)
    1625  Bacala  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1625  dawgoneit  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1624  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 2-1, A: 2-1, X: 0-0)
    1576  Narushima  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  mike48484  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  Balladeer  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  Whackamatt  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1551  Entek  (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016

    1625  Bacala  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1625  redrum  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1625  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1600  Balladeer  (Record: 1-1, A: 0-0, X: 1-1)
    1575  Entek  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1550  dawgoneit  (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    Total Ancient War

    1650  redrum  (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
    1625  Balladeer  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1600  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-1, A: 0-1, X: 1-0)
    1575  Bacala  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  mike48484  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  Entek  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    Lord Of The Rings

    1650  Bacala  (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
    1649  Balladeer  (Record: 2-0, A: 0-0, X: 2-0)
    1625  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
    1600  redrum  (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
    1576  dawgoneit  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  Narushima  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  Entek  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  mike48484  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  Whackamatt  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)

    Cellar Gaming Forums
    Official Rating List: June, 2016
    Napoleonic Empires

    1650  wittmann  (Record: 2-0, A: 2-0, X: 0-0)
    1625  DizzKneeLand33  (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
    1601  Balladeer  (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
    1599  captain walker  (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  mike48484  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
    1575  Entek  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
    1575  Narushima  (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)

    Players with an established rating of 15 or more games
    Provisionally rated players with 10-14 games rated
    Provisionally rated players with 5-9 games rated
    Provisionally rated players with less than 5 games rated

    • Note: Low Luck games are rated as an “open DB” game, since this type of game differs substantially from one using dice.
      ** In the records listed, “A” stands for “Allies” and “X” stands for “Axis”.  Where the sides are not defined by Axis/Allies, the “A” is for the status quo (i.e. Romans, Coalition, Good) and the “X” is for the instigators (i.e. Anti-Roman, Carolingians, Evil).

    The Rating System Explained

  • TripleA

    NWO: Redrum (Axis) surrenders to Bacala (Allies) in round 12


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    New World Order:

    dawgoneit [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs redrum DiceRolling 1d20:

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    Bacala (Romans) over DizzKneeLand33 (Anti-Romans) in Total Ancient War.


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    The forces of Evil (dawg) defeated the forces of good (Entek) in this LotR game.

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    Lord Of The Rings:

    dawgoneit [Sides: even is Good, odd is Evil] vs redrum DiceRolling 1d20:

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Okay, we are down to two games that need to be started:

    – Great War:  Bacala (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Central Powers)  --> This still needs to be started, please start ASAP

    – Lord Of The Rings:  dawgoneit (Good) vs redrum (Evil)  -->This was just assigned, so in the next few days is fine.


  • TripleA

    LOTR started. Dawg and I also need to start a NWO game  :-D

  • Great War:  Bacala (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Central Powers)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Thanks, guys!  8-)

  • balladeer Anti Roman Allience -VS- dawgoneit Roman Allience Total Ancient War - balladeer Anti Roman Allience Wins

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    TRS:  Balladeer (Allies) over DizzKneeLand33 (Axis)


  • '18 '16 '15

    So I’m down to just 2 games in the tournament and as Domination 1914: No Man’s Land might be the map added in the next tournament I’d like to practice that, anyone up for it?

  • sure I’ll check it out

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Total Ancient War:

    redrum [Sides: even is Romans, odd is Anti-Romans] vs BalladeerDiceRolling 1d20:

    Entek [Sides: even is Romans, odd is Anti-Romans] vs dawgoneitDiceRolling 1d20:

    The Rising Sun:

    Bacala [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs BalladeerDiceRolling 1d20:

    Entek [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs DizzKneeLand33DiceRolling 1d20:

  • Great War: Bacala (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Central Powers) - Bacala (Allies) Wins

  • TripleA

    Hey fellas. Since WaW is part of this tournament and many of you have a separate WaW tournament going I figured I’d post here. We are planning to release TripleA 1.9 soon and along with it a revamped WaW 2.0 (will not be backwards compatible with existing saves). In order to check out the pre-release of TripleA 1.9 and the revamped WaW 2.0 you’ll need to:

    1. Download and install the latest TripleA pre-release: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releases
    2. Download WaW from in-game map downloads (alternatively you can manually download from https://github.com/triplea-maps/world_at_war/releases)
    3. Test it out!

    The changes are mostly focused on updating the map interface and overhauling the notes (for full changelog see game notes). There are very minimal balance changes. The only outstanding item we still need to update is renaming territories to much more realistic names which can be seen here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/155CXax8k9FXX4hDV5rU31F7haUtLEjwfQwdZRUwdUgs

    Please provide any feedback in this thread: http://tripleadev.1671093.n2.nabble.com/WORLD-AT-WAR-td5862407.html

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  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Thanks for the update on World at War, redrum – I know you have been working hard on that to make the game even better!  I encourage everyone to take a look at the new map when you get time (I hope to next week).  For our tournaments, we will be using the old map to finish up this one, and then use the new map for all future tournaments.  Therefore, if you download 1.9 TripleA, you will still want to keep 1.8.x.x.x. to be able to play the old map.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Great War:

    redrum [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Central Powers] vs BacalaDiceRolling 1d20:

    Balladeer [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Central Powers] vs dawgoneitDiceRolling 1d20:

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