HI Amanntai,
Not in the near future. Possibly by summer.
Hi Veqryn,
Thank you for your great work with TripleA.
It seems to be an issue with the retreat option in the sea battles. It does not give this option. I’ve attached the file. Please take a look when you get a time.
i second that, really wonderful work. you can’t be thanked enough.
i too am experiencing the inability to retreat during a naval battle. unfortunately, this could be a really big problem!
Hi Veqryn,
Thank you for your great work with TripleA.
It seems to be an issue with the retreat option in the sea battles. It does not give this option. I’ve attached the file. Please take a look when you get a time.
I think this has already been reported in the bud tracker. It looked like it was diagnosed but I haven’t seen anything about a fix.
just saw this mentioned in league discussion. So it didn’t happen in 05 but does in 07 ?
can someone please confirm if this problem happens in as well, or is it new to
and also, can someone please confirm if this problem happens in a FRESH game (ie: start the game from scratch using 1807)?
I did not have this problem in 1805.
The retreat problem happened in a fresh game with 1807.
I can confirm that this issue was present in the pre-release Jars leading up to the stable release. I mentioned it in the AI dev thread.
The issue is particularly pronounced in the G1 opening for global. Where the German attacker can get stuck in sz 110 and sz 111 battles, unable to retreat.
I found and fixed the issue. I have a pull request open to merge the change in: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/pull/127
We will probably need to do a new release but will need to discuss with Veqryn.
You can test the fix by downloading and installing the pre-release using the instructions here: http://tripleadev.1671093.n2.nabble.com/AI-Development-Discussion-tp7585227.html
Would appreciate if a few people can test it out.
Just downloaded, seems to work for me. No more skipping the combat phase in sz 111, the German battleship is free to strafe once more hehe
@all - We are looking to release shortly due to the naval retreat bug that was found and fixed. I’ve uploaded the pre-release equivalent of that and would appreciate some assistance testing various maps, game types, etc to make sure there aren’t any issues. Pre-release install instructions here: http://tripleadev.1671093.n2.nabble.com/AI-Development-Discussion-tp7585227.html
Here is the change log: