@lebowsky I’m good
2015 League Post Game Results Here
I guess your plan didn’t account for dice “variance”. ;)
He just had some (team) bad dice :P.
Variance + 4 Allies over Surprise Attack Axis
Topic#32919.180 -
15L axis-dominion (axis) defeats Slovenehero (allies+14)
Re: 15L G40 Balladeer (Axis) v Odonis (allies +16)
Balladeer wins. 11% chance of successfully defending Italy and yet successfully done! :(
Dice Gods have been angered by me in some way… need to find their altar and offer sacrifice to make amends… any idea where I can find one?
Dice Gods have been angered by me in some way… need to find their altar and offer sacrifice to make amends… any idea where I can find one?
I’m not going to give away all of my secrets, but lets just say my solution involves green electrical tape, 3 unicorns, and a talking mouse….
Mine revolves around singing kumbaja while running around naked around a church without getting caught by cops or the people who try to send you far far away.
Mine revolves around singing kumbaja while running around naked around a church without getting caught by cops or the people who try to send you far far away.
Now I know where to find you!
axis-dominion(Allies+14) over DizzKneeLand33(Axis)
16 fun rounds – I now know what the limits of the save file are for the MB lol.
JDOW (Axis) over rgp44 (Allies +17)
easy win for JDOW
League Games DELAYED
Apologies to:
Surprise Attack
Shin Ji
Juan SpainIn the last 4 days my dog Mr. Bear has taken a VERY ill turn for the worst. Any moment could be his last. There is a hail mary play in progress that may see him recover, or at the very least get him some relief, and the rest of my available time has been set aside for his management and care.
A dog may be trivial to some, but as some of you know, Mr. Bear is my dog son, and we have been through a lot together, so I’m rolling the dice on his best possible chances for recover, or at-least pain management. (He is fighting back, and making it clear that he WANTS to make it through this)
This means my league games are suspended for now :( sorry. This has also been the cause of XDAP delays.
I understand, Garg. Good luck taking care of Mr. Bear. I hoe he’ll be alright.
All the best for Mr Bear Garg. See you soon.
Wish your dog the best.
I was wondering, can one of the mods create another topic for this purpose, to easily notify all our opponents with one posting if we need more time. Would be useful for those of us who have like many games going on.
Use the 2015 league discussion thread for that, dominion, thanks
Very sorry for Mr. bear. Pray he recovers. Good luck
Have faith and good luck.
Kris -
To All League Players,
I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be posting an experimental rating lists (using a hybrid ELO system) later today for 2015 league games (Gamer and I discussed this at the end of last season on the league MB). This has no bearing on league standings or anything – in fact, it is a system that can be used to rate any PBEM/PBF game in TripleA (including any version of A&A as well as non-A&A games). For those that are interested, more information will be included with that posting. Because AA.org doesn’t have a rating system, I’m hoping this will be a useful feature for players who would like one for their PBEM/PBF games here.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday!
– Dizz
Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: November, 2014
Axis & Allies Global 19401720 JuanSpain (Record: 5-0, A: 1-0, X: 4-0)
1701 Shin Ji (Record: 4-0, A: 4-0, X: 0-0)
1686 Bjergmose (Record: 3-0, A: 3-0, X: 0-0)
1671 Gargantua (Record: 3-0, A: 3-0, X: 0-0)
1665 Balladeer (Record: 5-2, A: 1-2, X: 4-0)
1649 bmnielsen (Record: 2-0, A: 0-0, X: 2-0)
1644 rgp44 (Record: 3-1, A: 3-1, X: 0-0)
1640 Me1945 (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1637 JWW (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1627 Soulblighter (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1627 JDOW (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1626 captain walker (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1625 albertorelonchis (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1625 FuzzyKittens (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1624 wittmann (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1624 alexgreat (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1608 MrRoboto (Record: 3-3, A: 1-1, X: 2-2)
1595 axis-dominion (Record: 4-4, A: 3-4, X: 1-0)
1577 wheatbeer (Record: 1-2, A: 0-0, X: 1-2)
1577 bonusbent (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1576 souL (Record: 1-2, A: 1-1, X: 0-1)
1576 ArtofWar1947 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1576 dawgoneit (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1576 Unknown_Soldier (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Rasmustb (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Don_Guti (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1574 Odonis (Record: 2-3, A: 2-1, X: 0-2)
1561 Slovenehero (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1553 variance (Record: 1-3, A: 1-1, X: 0-2)
1551 mrcunego (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)
1547 surprise attack (Record: 0-2, A: 0-0, X: 0-2)
1528 Karl7 (Record: 1-4, A: 1-1, X: 0-3)
1521 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-4, A: 0-1, X: 1-3)
1503 Whackamatt (Record: 2-7, A: 2-3, X: 0-4)
1489 Entek (Record: 0-4, A: 0-0, X: 0-4)Official Rating List: November, 2014
Axis & Allies Global 1940 – Open DB1649 ArtofWar1947 (Record: 2-0, A: 0-0, X: 2-0)
1625 Rasmustb (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1576 dawgoneit (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 hobo (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)Players with an established rating of 15 or more games
Provisionally rated players with 10-14 games rated
Provisionally rated players with 5-9 games rated
Provisionally rated players with less than 5 games rated- Note: Low Luck games are rated as an “open DB” game, since this type of game differs substantially from one using dice.
The Rating System Explained
Prior Rating Lists (this is the first list, so there are no prior ones)
Individual Game Log For 2015 League