Here is what I’ve come up with so far - it involves a pretty extensive revamp, so I’ll try to illustrate it as much
as possible.
First off, only submarines can convoy raid. This greatly simplifies things and fits in with the wide brush Axis
and Allies paints with (each unit usually has one specialty).
Next, my new custom map (Adapted from IL’s) has no regular convoy raiding zones on it. This is because on my map you can raid any enemy coastal area that has some economic value, so why clutter the map up with symbols? How do I avoid abuse of this? I have given each country a National Convoy Raiding Cap. This is a number that you can’t do convoy damage beyond. For example, Germany’s CRC is only 6, while Japan’s is 30, representing how much more Japan is dependent on convoys.
I have three special convoy zones marked that were historically important during WWII. One is the North Atlantic:
![](http://i217.photobucket.<br />com/albums/cc11/klustick/album2/post1.jpg)
Much vital shipping went to the UK through here. Notice it says “UK” on it. This convoy zone can be thought
of as a window or a wormhole that gives access to the UK territory. The UK on my map is worth 10 so raiders can do 10 IPCs worth of damage here. The next special area is the North Sea Convoy area here:
![](http://i217.photobucket.<br />com/albums/cc11/klustick/album2/post2.jpg)
This area gives subs direct access to attack the Russian capital, which is worth 10. Much allied aid went through here and Germany could cripple Russia here with enough raids. If the Russian ports are taken around the White Sea then this convoy shuts down. The third special convoy area is by Gibraltar.
![](http://i217.photobucket.<br />com/albums/cc11/klustick/album2/post3.jpg)
These are the Mid-Atlantic convoys that came from all over the British empire and bottlenecked here. Notice
it’s window is linked “British Empire” - this means the Germans could do huge damage here, up to 28 IPC’s
worth. (On my new map every territory has a value, so Britain’s total income is 42.)
This is a prototype for a different kind of battleboard. Here we have two subs attacking a cruiser and a destroyer. Notice column 2 has a section with an icon of a sub and ASDIC pings over it. The other section
has a sub with “special abilities” listed under it. As there are 2 subs and only one DD defending, only one of the subs loses its special abilities. It is considered “pinned” by the DD and is placed in the top section with the ASDIC. The other sub is considered “free” - it can use all of it’s special abilities.
The free sub gets a First Shot strike - a hit! The defender chooses the cruiser - it is lost with no chance to
fire back. The second sub misses. The DD then fires and hits a sub. The pinned sub is taken. Now the free
sub becomes pinned - it is moved to the ASDIC area and loses its special abilities.
The sub fires and hits the DD, and the DD misses. The battle is over.
Next we’ll do a convoy raid. My convoy raids happen the step before the combat move sequence, after strategic bombing. Three German subs enter the Mid-Atlantic Convoy zone to do a raid. Notice there is a British DD there, along with a cruiser.
The rules say that any time a sub enters a zone with an enemy DD it must stop. So notice with a 1:1 rule
the DD stops only one of the subs - it has the sub “pinned” and it cannot convoy raid. The other two subs get by, however, and they will raid the zone.
One die is rolled per raiding sub and added - the two subs do 8 IPC’s damage to the convoys there. I have
special colored “damage” chips I use - yellow means one and orange means 5. 8 damage chips are put out on the zone. This is a good way to keep track of damage. If this were a smaller yield zone, for example, and
the damage was maxed out, the Italians could not come by and “double dip” by raiding the same zone again. At the end of the UK’s turn when it’s pay time, these chips are collected and subtracted from the UK’s income, so they never see it.
Every convoy is assumed to be protected by its own escorts, so now it is time for reprisal. One die is rolled
by the British for each ofthe two subs that did the raiding. Any ones rolled kills a sub.
One sub was lost to depth charging after the raid. Now the remaining free sub uses what’s left of its movement and escapes. There is a sub pen in France. In my rules, it costs no movement to enter or leave a sub pen. So the sub uses its last movement point to zip up into the pen. The other sub is still pinned by the DD.
The convoy raid step is over and the combat movement phase begins. Now the remaining sub finds itself at
the beginning of the combat move phase in the same seazone as two enemy ships. According to the rules,
he can either attack the ships or withdraw. So the sub chooses to escape into the sub pen, which holds 2
![](http://i217.photobucket.<br />com/albums/cc11/klustick/album2/post9.jpg)
On the UK’s turn, two British DDs are moved into the zone where the German Sub Pen is. Now on the next
German turn, the subs try to come out for another convoy raid. But they are each pinned by a DD. No
raiding can be done. All they can do is wait for the combat move sequence to leave the zone or attack the
This is basically what I have so far - let me know where you see the holes in it….:) � Â
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