I don’t understand what you mine
Global 1940 (metal map)
Thanks for the kind words YG. It was your U-tube video that inspired me to build this map. I also forgot to mention Bob_A_Mickelson who developed the Reaserach/Tech chart. I just cut and pasted it to fit in the corner of the map. Here is a link to his original work.
Here is the file I sent and had made by a place called FastSigns. The map was made with paper then laminated and fixed to a poly-carbon material that is then affixed to sheet metal. Its about 6mm in thickness. I love the reactions from the people at the sign company when they saw what I was printing. Maybe I educated some people on geography, hehe.
I am not interested in any profit from this project. I really have a lot of passion for this game and hope I can help others like YG helped me. Thanks again and enjoy. More to come on the chips, magnets and pieces.
Thanks Cyanight, you have just inspired me to make more youtube videos.
I’d totally be interested in buying one of these maps, if Honolulu were on the correct island. :-D
Im having one printed and i’ll bring it to next con.
Here is an updated map with Honolulu moved to the correct isle. I think they might have put it on the southern isle because the victory marker almost covers the whole island. Anyways hope this is better.
Thank You!
Congrats on your customizer badge Cyanight, looking forward to seeing more projects.
:-o that badge can be rewarded?!
I didn’t know that! Grats of course Cyanight!
YG, thank you very much for the badge. It was very unexpected.
Here is a pic of my magnetic chips.
Grey(1), Green(3), Red(5), Blue(10).Factory Damage
Black(1) and Orange(5)Fuel Markers
Purple (numbered 1-7) These are my new chips to mark the spaces left that a plane can fly after combat. With so many planes in global 1940 we found it useful.This second pic shows my IPC board which is a small replica of the main board. Here the board can be tilted perpendicular and still hold a stack of 30 chips.
Now the facilities and neutral pieces are next… :)
Be sure to create new threads and show your work in the customizations forum, there are members there that will appreciate your efforts.
This second pic shows my IPC board which is a small replica of the main board. Here the board can be tilted perpendicular and still hold a stack of 30 chips.Â
Impressive holding power. Are you using any special type of magnets?
YG, thank you very much for the badge. It was very unexpected.
I’m in charge of the badges and i gave it out to you.
Thank you Imperious Leader! I promise to never use Paint Shop Pro 7 ever again, :)
New thread
CWO Marc, I use 3x1mm Neodymium Disc Rare Earth magnets for all the pieces except fighters which have 2X1mm magnets and carriers have one on each end with matched polarity per faction. Those magnets fit perfectly inside a standard axis chip. I use super glue prior to inserting the magnet and then cover it with a sticker. I have 6mm than I might use for markers or flags but I think they may be too strong. You want the magnets to have space between pieces sitting next to each other because they may pull all the pieces together.
I finished the facilities, blast markers, rockets and turn marker. Almost finished with the neutrals and their roundels.
Major and Minor IC.
Air Bases, Naval Bases, Blast markers for Battleships and Carriers, Rocket launchers for tech. (I tilted one on its side to see the color sticker) I also posted an example of a naval base on an orange chip noting damage to the facility. For the most part these will not be used since the map has them printed on it. These are for newly purchased or damaged facilities.
and now for my turn marker. I had originally posted a 12 sided dice with different countries on each side. I had problems making it magnetic without destroying it. So I came up with the Fatman which was the first plutonium bomb. I thought the Fatman would be appropriate since it was the weapon that ended the war. I thought about unveiling it on August 9 but decided to post it early. August 9th was the day it was dropped.
I wish I would have done this before I printed my map. I edited the roundels for Italy and replaced them with the fascist Italy roundel instead of Iran’s roundel. Why was the Iran roundel chosen to be Italy’s roundel?
Here is the link to the latest map
You, sir, are an inspiration.
Given time, I think I’ll “sincerely flatter” your works.