National Advantages for A&A Europe Version 1.2

  • 5.  Afrika Korps  
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    9.  Jagdpanzers
    The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
    Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.

    I definitely prefer the Royal Tigers

  • 5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    ++++ no you roll one per turn. If you get it then you get it. any other roll and you have to wait another turn for another chance.

    BTW Andersson does not post that often here… but sometimes we work together on these things so i thought i might interprete his rules on his behalf.

    Note: these are not free units… they come from existing units on the mainland.

  • @Imperious:

    5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    ++++ no you roll one per turn. If you get it then you get it. any other roll and you have to wait another turn for another chance.

    BTW Andersson does not post that often here… but sometimes we work together on these things so i thought i might interprete his rules on his behalf.

    Note: these are not free units… they come from existing units on the mainland.

    Thank you Impy for the clarification of my rule “Afrika Korps”. I need to improve my lousy language. What about:

    5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per turn, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your non-combat movement phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you may move a maximum of two tanks and two artillery from your existing units in any tan territory to Libya.

  • @Admiral_Yamamoto:

    9.  Jagdpanzers
    The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
    Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.

    I definitely prefer the Royal Tigers

    I have made two variants of Tiger Tanks, which one do you mean?

    Royal Tigers
    The massively powerful Royal Tiger was virtually impervious to Allied tank guns and capable of dominating the battlefield. A single Royal Tiger tank could halt the advance of a complete armored division.
    Every third tank you have in each combat cycle, attack or defend on a 4.


    Tiger Tank Battalions
    The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC´s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have movement capabillity of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

  • The second is much better than the first IMO

  • I like the first one.

  • @Admiral_Yamamoto:

    I like the first one.

    Why? :?

  • If prefer Tiger Tanks too.

    a) In mid-game Germany will have an average of above ten tanks in action. On the long run a good player will group his tanks and have more Royal Tigers at 4 than you could have with Tiger Tank Battalions(3).

    b) Groups of tanks that carry Panzergrenadiers give Germany an outmost of logistic flexibility. Fast Royal Tigers are best for this tactic. The smallest battlegroup are 3 inf, 2 arm, 1 RT at a movement of 2. That is awesome!

    c) An Africa Corps with 3 tanks has a 4 on attack and most important on defence. Now you may advance much faster due to improved defence in just conquered countries.

  • Thats fine but B Anderson last was around here to post about a year ago.

  • @Imperious:

    Thats fine but B Anderson last was around here to post about a year ago.

    In fact I am back! Last time we spoke Impy was when I was going to Boreno almost two years ago I think. You sent me some stuff to read about a game you made. You sent it to my e-mail at my work. Can you help me to get a new loggin, so I can write under my old signature?  :?

  • Moderator

    Our Dear Old Mr Anderson! So good to see you sir… Can I take your hat and coat?


  • Alas as a simple Mod I cannot help you recover your previous log in info.

    However, if you send a PM to either Yanny or DJensen they should be able to give you the info you need to re-access your old ID.

    And welcome back…

  • My god Anderson… you like a soldier who lost his outfit and has been wondering around the eastern front and picked up by gestapo hiding in an old shed.

    AARHE was finished only recently, please download the rules and all the files and give us your assesment. Dont forget the 4 page AARHE: Lite and various other free games we created  ( AARME, Eastern Front, and others)

  • @ncscswitch:

    Alas as a simple Mod I cannot help you recover your previous log in info.

    However, if you send a PM to either Yanny or DJensen they should be able to give you the info you need to re-access your old ID.

    And welcome back…

    A PM? I can tell them whats in my mailbox from them and Impy that would verify that I am B. Andersson. Impy should by now be able to verify that. By the way can you give the email to either Yanny or DJensen. Someone of them actually gave me a login to change/update my house rules on my own, just before I went off line - behind enemy lines in Borneo. I have lost my old hotmail since than and would like to use a new one. :-P

  • I want to make a new PC game of A&A and need some guys to help. I will make a new topic for this. Who is in?

  • i can help with artwork.

  • Partisan Resistance
    When the Wehrmacht rolled into the Soviet Union in World War II, it got more than it bargained for. Soviet citizens fought fiercely against German occupiers, engaging in raids, sabotage, and intelligence gathering.
    You may end the battle after first round of combat when you attack, and stay in the same territory as the enemy. These units are locked in combat and can not move out of this territory before the opposing force is destroyed.

    This last NA would let a minor Russian infantry-corps attack a larger German panzer army, and if some russians survive, they can stay in this territory and lock the panzer-army in combat. There are historical reasons to back this rule up. Since most Russian territories had forests, swamps, mud, dirt-roads only, and a long cold winter, it was easy to bug down the German advance. Russian units would hide in the forest, let the German panzers through, and then close the gap and do ambush-attacks. Also the russian winter would kill more germans than the bullets. Half of the attackers would freeze to death, or be sick from frostbites and cold desies, just like Napoleons Grande Armee 100 years earlyer.

    Do you think this is a better NA than Rasputista or should I replace it with any other NA of Russia?

    With heavy rains the landscape changed in a blurry mess of mud where vehicles and men got stuck and were unable to advance.
    Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a Rasputista. Until the start of your next turn, no combat movement for land units is allowed in any red territory.

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