About the air-to-air phase:
I suggested that for the planes which can be put on a 3 planes Carrier.
Here is the combat value for air-to-air:
Fighter A2D2
TcBomb A1D1
StBomb A1D0
I know you advocate the A1D2 Fighter to keep the same value from one phase to another.
You make Fighter better on defense than on offense.
You probably think about Battle of Britain effect.
I also kept this historical point by adding this:
When scrambled from AirBase Fg and TcB get +1D on air-to-air battle.
That’s it for the planes going on board a 3 places CV.
Now, talking about a balanced 2 places Aircraft Carrier I just suggested these combat value:
6 IPCs for a Fg A2D3 in dogfight and A1D1 when strafing ground or warships and
8 IPCs for a TcB A1D1 in dogfight and A3-4D4 when strafing ground and warships (getting +1A with Air Supremacy)
I can now explain the combat value of Fg A2D3.
Just think it is based on the same pattern than your A1D2 Fg.
Planes are better on defense than offence.
On air-to-air you get this:
Fg A2D3
TcB A1D1
StB A1D0
So, in dogfight a Fighter (@2/@3) is always better than a TcB and a StB (@1).
A defending Fg (@3) is better than an attacking one (@2).
And finally, attacking StB (@1) are just on par with TcB (@1/@1).
The historical combat scale is preserved all the way.
But is not always the case with a Fg A1D2.
Attacking Fg vs attacking or defending TcB are on the same level: @1.
But attacking fighters were better in dogfight than TcB.
You don’t talk about StB, I suppose you give it A0D0 in air-to-air combat.
Which I found too low compared to all other SBR and interception rules (G40 and 1942.2).
Finally, with a real Fighter A2D3 against other planes,
it makes sense to put 1 Fg on a 2 places Fleet Carrier with 1 TcB.
The combat weakness of a unit in the air/in strafing phase is saved by the strength of the other.
G40 CV A0D2C16, 2 hits, carry 2 planes, A1D1??? vs Air
1 TcB A3-4D4C8, A1D1 in dogfight
1 Fg A1D1C6, A2D3 in dogfight
A full carrier will cost: 30 IPCs
Attack against naval: A4-5
Defense against naval: D7
Attack against Air: A4
Defense against Air: D5
How does it stand vs 4 DDs A8D8 32 IPCs?
And an OOB full Carrier (Fg/TcB) A7D9C37 IPCs vs this same 4 DDs?
So, 1914G40 full Carrier is it weaker or stronger vs OOB?
I hope you see how it is an answer to this call:
But myself, I prefer the classic 2 plane carrier for several reasons. First, its standard so everybody are used to it.