Glad to help.
It is more economical to just have one central power ship and one entente ship for each class using iconic ships. That way you get everything replaced by just buying different colors. Who will wait 10 years to get every conceivable nation? The game will be passed up by lots of new games by then. If you just work on the obvious things first, you fixed the major problems. I don’t want the French naval designs to be used by central power forces.
I am sure we can wait some more months to use your pieces then!
So I am absolutely fine with Coach’s perfectly historical French set!
See, every piece as the representative choice for the specific unit IS the optimum solution in the long run for EVERY WWI based game being it A&A 1914, your or my own game orwhatever other!
In geek dreamland we ALL want it this way, don’t we? :wink:
I just want the best for Coach. Economics must be considered. No matter what i buy 6 sets
Armored Trains? They seem pretty important.
combined with the HBG rail piece, it could be like a defensive tank that can only move on rails.
Armored Trains would hardly make the 1st Exrended Set because Heavy and Railway artillery, Machinegunners, Reconnaissance Planes, at least one more type of fighter, Battlecruisers, seamines and Zeppelins certainly come first
Would be a cool unit though to ferry Lenin to Saint Petersburg. 8-)
Armored Trains? They seem pretty important.
If you’re Harry Larris…. i mean Flashman, then yes with big guns. Yes the most important in that war.
Armored Trains […] Would be a cool unit though to ferry Lenin to Saint Petersburg.
Yes, though sadly:
a) He supposedly used a “sealed” train, not an armoured one.
b) The whole story about the sealed train later turned out to be just an invention.
But yes, armoued trains are cool. One of the neatest designs I’ve ever seen was in the James Bond movie GoldenEye. The front of the locomotive looks vaguely like an Easter Island statue.
There will be no Armored Trains at this time.
Rightfully so as it is the BASIC French set.
(and as I said even a a 1st extended set shouldn’t have one!)
SOme remarks:
1. Would you mind adding “Edgar” in front of the cruiser class “Quinet” on p-1. Just for accuracy it is “Edgar QUinet class”.
2. Have you decided on the transport yet? (I made some suggestions p.2)
3. Will the set indeed include BOTH destroyer classes??? (I read on HBG facebook page that the set will feature 12 sculpts, so if I count….)
(I would personally prefer a Heavy Artillery or a Machine Gunner than 2 ships of the same class so maybe you can clarify!)
For shame!
There will be no Armored Trains at this time.
There will be no Armored Trains at this time.
Way to lay down the law, Coach! :-D
But seriously, I do like your original concept, as it is ingeniously flexible, possible as a supplement for both periods. For sculpts I’m in general agreement. I like the idea of an “early war infantry” but am also conflicted, as this makes is a tad less applicable for ww2 (though the French did sometimes wear kepis even later… though mostly the officers…) I DO think though, that you should either do the Adrian helmet for both infantry and cavalry (making both more late-war in flavor) or for neither, making both more early war. (I’m not too worried about the French Cavalry’s applicability in WW2) For early-war French cavalry, you need one with the crested helmet (which incidently could serve for Austrian cavalry, too, which might make for an interesting item in the individual piece department, especially as Austrian cavalry didn’t necessarily have uniforms in the same color as their infantry, so you wouldn’t have to make the full French set in Austrian colors for us to use them this way, rather we could just let the Austrian cavalry be their stubbornly loath to modernize selves…)
Anyway, I’m torn about late vs. early war style uniforms for French infantry and cavalry, but think you should be consisten for at least these two pieces.
Why not do both?
That is, the same sculpt but with different headgear.
I’ve thought of using the caps/steel helmets difference to mark either green and veteran troops, or the development of helmets as a tech.
Why not do both?
That is, the same sculpt but with different headgear.
I’ve thought of using the caps/steel helmets difference to mark either green and veteran troops, or the development of helmets as a tech.
……so 2 Infantry sculpts? For neutrals…why?
Please do not loose the main aspect of the set: FRENCH WWI
Yes, you could use the set - at least various pieces - for other nations, BUT I would strongly recommend a perfect historically accurate French WOrld War 1 set in the first place! (unique as selling point! :wink:)
Considering this you COULD think about making 2 Infantry sculpts, one for the 1914 uniform (with cap) and the “most of the war” 1915-1918 one (with helmet).
BUT: To say it with IL’s words: Economically I would produce 1 Infantry sculpt which clearly has to be the latter classic one.
Again, the early-war Infantry could be included later in an Expanded set.
But, of course after all other nations had their basic sets first!
(if the French set is a success Germany ought to be next!)
Please do not loose the main aspect of the set: FRENCH WWI
Yes, you could use the set - at least various pieces - for other nations, BUT I would strongly recommend a perfect historically accurate French WOrld War 1 set in the first place! (unique as selling point! :wink:)
Considering this you COULD think about making 2 Infantry sculpts, one for the 1914 uniform (with cap) and the “most of the war” 1915-1918 one (with helmet).
To say it with IL’s words: Economically I would produce 1 Infantry sculpt which clearly has to be the latter classic one.Again, the early-war Infantry could be included later in an Expanded set.
But, of course after all other nations had their basic sets first!
(if the French set is a success Germany ought to be next!)
I think you’ve convinced me, Stefan, to get past my ambivalence: The priority for French infantry should definitely be the Adrian helmet (and so the cavalry with Adrian helmet is fine, too if he does do cavalry) Since his other French set will have a beret, having one Adrian-helmet infantry is crucial, especially considering how widely used it was by other allies: the Russians, Italians, Belgians, Greeks, even the Japanese started out with it! (… and I’m sure I’m leaving out another half-dozen users that you guys will think of…) It was truly one of the “big 3” original modern infantry helmets along with the Stallhelm and the British Brodie. If he does a second infantry, I say, THEN do the early-war kepi.
Dear, Coach!
now to the next big one:
Please make this FRENCH WWI set in historically correct HORIZON BLUE !!! (exact color scheme and picture) (1st pic right uniform; last pictures)
(yes, I noticed there will be other colours! No problem as long as the colour palette will also contain the “true” colour!
It’s (NEW) WWI in the first place, not WWII !!!)
Is this set the only WW1 set that HBG will do?
Is this set the only WW1 set that HBG will do?
Possibly, we will play it by ear to see how popular our first set is, we will continue our WW2 sets.
As I see it you will (rightfully) continue your WW2 sets anyway!
BUT if your first FRENCH WW1 set is a hit, you will (most likely) make a second one, right?
(so please make a perfect one and you might get it!)
This set will have cavalry, zeppelins, rail guns, forts, and destroyers right?
At least in different colors the 1914 game could have extra piece types even though they are all french design…