look at Websites that print vinyl banners. You can get them as low as $50. I printed my map using cheapbanners.com
Thanks… I’ll check it out.
It’s been a long time in the making, but with the German set finally in hand and being shipped, we also finalized both the Japanese Supplement Set and the Japanese Expansion Set. These are moving into the production phase and sculpting has begun. No projected finish date yet, but I think most of you know about how long it takes our sets to be finished. No pre-orders yet for this. Not until we have something tangible to show you… Sculpts and quantities still subject to change! We’re very excited about these sets!
Latest changes in BOLD
Set 1: Supplement Set
(2) Japanese Airborne
(4) Type 94 6-Wheel Trucks
(2) Type 92 6-Wheel Armored Cars
(2) Type 1 Ho-Ha Mech Infantry
(2) Type 3 Ho-Ni II Tank Destroyers
(2) Type 4 Ho-Ro SP Artillery
(4) Ki-61 Tony Army Fighters
(2) Ki-57 Topsy Transport Planes
(2) B5N Kate Torpedo Bombers
(2) G8N Rita Heavy Bombers
(2) Fuso Early War Battleships
(2) Ryujo Light Carriers
(2) Kaga Fleet Carrier (could be fleet or heavy)
Set 2: Expansion Set
(2) Heavy Infantry
(2) Type 1 Ho-Ha Mech Infantry
(4) Type 95 Ha-Go Light Tanks
(2) Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha Med Tanks
(2) Ki-43 Oscar Early War Army Fighters
(4) D3A Val Dive Bombers
(2) Type 89 Cannon Heavy Artillery
(2) Kagero Destroyers
(2) Nagara Light Cruisers
(2) Mogami Heavy Cruisers
(2) Unryu Fleet Carriers
(2) Nagato Battleships
(2) Yamato Heavy Battleship
Niiice! :-D
Looks like Japan will finally gets it day. Before now Japan was treated like a step child
We you doing the type 1 Ho-Ha mech in both sets?
Greatly looking forward to these two new batches of goodies, and also to the WW2 Japan Basic Set which the HBG website says is at the design stage.
HBG Guys,
––IMHO your list of units is excellent !:-D I think most gamers will agree. You’ll never
get all of them to agree to anything.
––I noticed that you listed the “Type 1 Ho-Ha Mech. Infantry” in BOTH sets.:? Is this a typo?
––Keep up the good work and all of us fans/customers will keep on buying them.
“Tall Paul”
This is great news. check you guys site about once a week to see if anything changes. I look forward to purchasing these. Question for you guys at HBG. Do you see yourself rounding out the WW2 genre first or with go with WW1 after France is done. I personally would like you guys to finish off the WW2 genre. We need complexes and naval bases. Not to mention updated British units. Keep up the good work guys loving these products. Can’t wait to hear whats next.
HBG Guys,
––IMHO your list of units is excellent !:-D I think most gamers will agree. You’ll never
get all of them to agree to anything.
––I noticed that you listed the “Type 1 Ho-Ha Mech. Infantry” in BOTH sets.:? Is this a typo?––Keep up the good work and all of us fans/customers will keep on buying them.
“Tall Paul”
No Typo, HBG needs more mechs for selling, cannot keep them in stock.
This is great news. Really look forward to them.
Is the SNLF going to be in the paratrooper pose you established with the USA and German units? Or a more traditional “marine” pose?
I personally would prefer the upright paratrooper pose, as I intend to use that for all elite forces, and this pose distinguishes nicely from the OOB lean-forward infantry poses.
Also, if you find a way to include a cap-wearing irregular in a kneeling pose… that would be extra-excellent.
HBG Guys,
––IMHO your list of units is excellent !:-D I think most gamers will agree. You’ll never
get all of them to agree to anything.
––I noticed that you listed the “Type 1 Ho-Ha Mech. Infantry” in BOTH sets.:? Is this a typo?––Keep up the good work and all of us fans/customers will keep on buying them.
“Tall Paul”
One additional design note on this. The German set had room to include 4 in one set (now 5 because of Do-17). To give the Japanese enough variety in each set, we needed to split this 2 and 2.
Can’t wait for these to come out. Great job once again HBG.
Been looking forward to this for over twenty years. Please make the infantry in an action pose. You did this with the Soviet set and they are excellent. When you think of Japanese infantry, the first thing that immediately enters your mind is a bayonet charge and men screaming BANZAI!!! while doing it.
Awesome line up of IJN and IJA units. Get ready for another large order from me.
Question. Is you Yamato class going to be the same size as the OOB or bigger?
I would like to see a bigger unit seeing they where the largest WWII Battleships ever built.
Keep up the excellent work. Waiting to receive my new German units this week so I can start painting them.
WARIOR888 when you finish painting your german set, I would love to see some pics
Awesome line up of IJN and IJA units. Get ready for another large order from me.
Question. Is you Yamato class going to be the same size as the OOB or bigger?
I would like to see a bigger unit seeing they where the largest WWII Battleships ever built.
Keep up the excellent work. Waiting to receive my new German units this week so I can start painting them.WARRIOR888
Like our Heavy tanks the heavy Battleships will be larger. The Nagato will be the same size as OOB, the Fuso sized like Nevada and Holstein, and Yamato larger.
Banzai charge infantry sounds pretty cool. Island defender style pose would be awesome too.
Man, I am really looking forward to your version of the Yamato. One thing that has always bugged me is the OOB Yamato is the same size as all the other battleships. I felt the same way about the Iowa class. At least your Nevada class BBs make the Iowas look a little bigger.
Really looking forward to all the new units like light cruisers and heavy artillery. We are going to have so many choices for carriers and battleships for Japan between OOB and HBG.
So next are the Japan supplement and expansion sets. Then the France basic set and the Japan basic set. Are you getting into the British after that? Or the next Axis Minors set?
Britain set,British Colonial or bases any of these sound good to me. Anzac and Italy after that. BTW I hope the French set will change and we will get a cruiser and battleship in this set instead of 2 different tanks. Just do the Char B1. I am sure HBG will not disappoint.
We are running the U.S. Allies set to get more Olive drab pieces, (we are out of SP Art and trucks), we are also running more UK tan pieces and adding the Light green offered in the neutral color. We will also run it in the OOB Fench blue so that there is Airborne, SP Art, TD, light tanks, CVE, trucks, Transport plane, etc so that when we make the French set, we can make the standard pieces to replace the OOB ones. We will then come around again and pick up the correct pieces for SP Art, Transport, etc.
This is our short term fix.
We will also run it in the OOB Fench blue
Excelllent idea.