• Sometimes an IC in Egypt is great, but a lot of the time you can do just as well with a transport shuck from South Africa, or if you don’t have enough naval units or an airbase to defend z81, just build tanks and mechs and drive them to Egypt.  I would only build an IC in Egypt (or persia?) after the sealion scare has passed (i.e. no transports built on G2).

  • Thanks Vance. Twice when I have played as the Axis my opponent has built an Egyptian IC on UK 1 instead of buying 9 Inf and I have been angered by his impudence and determined to take London. Unfortunately,  I was unlucky the 1st time, narrowly failing and  we never got to play the 3rd turn on the 2nd occasion, so I did not get to try a Sealion that time.
    I wonder if he will resist the temptation to try a 3rd time. (Will not play until December.)
    Anyway,  this explains my interest in G1 non Transport buys.

  • I guess the thing is, Germany doesn’t need all 13 transports to take London if UK doesn’t build all infantry.

  • Sorry for my ignorance but what do these words mean?

    AP (transports? AP is for ?)

    thanks :D

  • Hi . AP: Personnel transport ship.
    CV : Carrier.
    SBR : Strategic Bombing Raid .
    Not a problem. Ever.

  • Most people on the forums will be using military designations for ships. Sometimes you will see some posters use different ones for the same ship, but you can find a lot of ones listed here: http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/index_ships_list.htm

    AP or TT is common for Transports
    CV for Carriers
    BB for Battleship
    CA for Cruiser
    SS for Submarine
    DD for Destroyer

    Did I miss any?

    Also you’ll see tanks called “armor”.

  • it�s me again :D
    What does OOL means?

    Then, I saw that many play TripleA via Forum… How does that work? Do they create 2 separated local games ? how can they imput the exact dice rolls the other person did?

    Oh something else… What about buying a harbour in Alaska to be able to reach Tokyo in 1 turn with transports?

  • OOL = Order of loss

  • I have not heard of that ghr. Is it an AAA term. Perhaps you could explain.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I send a tank at your bomber and infantry.

    I roll 3 and score a hit.

    You have to select your casualties… do you take the bomber first? gamble that you’ll hit me back and select the infantry?

    That is OOL.

    That is Order of Loss.

  • Thanks Garg. Am happier I now know it is basic A@A!

  • You set up a PBEM (play by email/forum - it’s an option on TripleA, on the right hand side) game. You need your opponent’s email address. And the games get saved/posted to the forum. Your opponent gets dice rolls emailed to them. Garg has a great TripleA setup tutorial posted. Maybe he can link you to the thread; it got me started easy peasy.

  • @Fortress:

    You set up a PBEM (play by email/forum - it’s an option on TripleA, on the right hand side) game. You need your opponent’s email address. And the games get saved/posted to the forum. Your opponent gets dice rolls emailed to them. Garg has a great TripleA setup tutorial posted. Maybe he can link you to the thread; it got me started easy peasy.

    Thank you, that would be awsome

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