Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • good morning all

    thanks all for clarifications on my IC/damage question
    (your replies were so fast that by browser can’t see 'em  :-D until yesterday… bad cache or something …)

    I used them in my italian traslation with something like this  (my english is really basic one)

    IC can produce units only when damage markers are in numbers less than production ability. With more damage markers (equal or greater than production ability) no new units can enter the game through that complex until it’s repaired enough to regain some production level.
    Damage markers over 20 (major) or 6 (minor) are ignored.

    to wittman: come si sta in Inghilterra? Immagino tutto bene. Qui, Piemonte-Torino, la giornata e’ stupenda. ciao!

  • Sounds fine like that.
    Sei vuoi scriverlo in Italiano, posso guardarlo come l’hai scritto per I tuoi amici. Anche per PM.
    Stiamo benissimo, grazie. Vado dai miei per pranzo, poi guardo la Fiorentina. Siamo appassionati. Il 3 Aprile sono a Firenze in vacanza e andro’ allo stadio.

    Enjoy your games!

  • General question Europe or Pacific…  Sea zone amphib assualt against an island with a defending carrier and 2 fighters in the sea zone and 1 infantry on the island.  After first round of sea zone battle, attacker has 1 damaged BB and transport with 2 infrantry, and defender chooses to lose the carrier and keep 2 fighters in air over the sea zone.  Question… can the transports land the infantry and start a land battle even though the sky above the attacking BB and TP still has defending fighters?  Rules only state there is a sea battle if there are defending warships and/or “scrambled” aircraft (not aircraft from a carrier).

  • @Carolina:

    General question Europe or Pacific…  Sea zone amphib assualt against an island with a defending carrier and 2 fighters in the sea zone and 1 infantry on the island.  After first round of sea zone battle, attacker has 1 damaged BB and transport with 2 infrantry, and defender chooses to lose the carrier and keep 2 fighters in air over the sea zone.  Question… can the transports land the infantry and start a land battle even though the sky above the attacking BB and TP still has defending fighters?  Rules only state there is a sea battle if there are defending warships and/or “scrambled” aircraft (not aircraft from a carrier).

    No, the attacker has to kill the defending fighters before being able to land his units. When the Carrier is sunk, the sea battle continues unless the attacker does not retreat.

    HTH :-)

  • The latest FAQ link in this thread is now broken.  This one will work.

  • Q: Why does the map show Sierra Leone as true neutral and not under British control?

    I feel strongly that this should be addressed in the Errata, both for historical accuracy and gameplay. As a British starting territory Sierra Leone could serve as a staging territory for the Allies, and as a potential location for bases, as it actually was during this period of the war 1940.

  • Has anyone felt the need for blow-up boxes on some of territories because they are just too small to handle all of pieces?  esp. United Kingdom, France.  There was such things for use in original A&A.

    OR why is Africa so large?  Europe needs to be increased in size (so what if somewhat distorted).  BTW, 1914 has the same problem.

  • Very sorry if this is too ignorant a question… Is the 1940.2 rules document the most current, definitive ruleset?  Does this incorporate the Alpha 3 rules changes?

  • @Swishtail:

    Very sorry if this is too ignorant a question… Is the 1940.2 rules document the most current, definitive ruleset?  Does this incorporate the Alpha 3 rules changes?

    Yes it is, the 1940 2nd Ed. ruleset superseded Alpha3.

  • To sir_cala    Re: amphib assault by Bri>Ger:  Bri transports in sz110 could move unimpeded thru sz112 and 113 even with subs, and ended in sz114 and unloaded into Berlin.  Air in W.Ger can’t scramble for transports passing thru sz112 or sz113 because scrambling occurs only after all combat moves by attacker are complete.  Without surface warships, the sea territory with the airbase is not hostile.  This is verified by computer allowing the full combat move and not asking for scrambling in an actual game that I played.

  • Sorry, not sure where this belongs but I have a question.

    In the 1940 edition, if a sub is in a sea zone with multiple ships but no destroyers, can it attack multiple times without retaliation?  I have played with people that when a sub is in a sea zone without a destroyer the ship is automatically sunk.  The assumption is it would just keep doing surprise attack until the other ship is sunk.


  • Morning jbet
    That is not what is meant by a Surprise Attack.
    The Sub(s) does get to shoot first in every Round that a Destroyer is not present, but once it/they has had its  roll(s) , the surviving enemy ships get theirs. Their is no automatic kill for the Sub, unless the target is a defending (defenceless) Transport. All naval units can shoot back, once a Sub has had its roll, until the Sub chooses to submerge, rather than go
    another Round .
    Note that Air Units, without a Destroyer, would  not get to shoot at a Sub though.

  • Thanks, that is the way I would interpret it as well.

  • Good. I meant to say: welcome  to the forum. Enjoy your games.

  • Experienced 1942 AA player… still getting used to Europe nuances.

    Can someone explain the: “2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.” NO rule… my game partner and I settled on you needing to have Iraq, and then one of the other two for a minimum of 4 IPC, up to 6 bonus. Of course one argument is that it is simply 2 IPCs each?

    Similarly for the NO rule:
    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Do you require Novgorod for any bonus?

    We’re also still a little confused if Germany can transport into Finland in non-com from SZ 115 in turn 1, when the Ruskies still have their ships there even if there is no declaration of war against USSR?

    Axis fans in Australia

  • @SteveO:

    Can someone explain the: “2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.” NO rule… my game partner and I settled on you needing to have Iraq, and then one of the other two for a minimum of 4 IPC, up to 6 bonus. Of course one argument is that it is simply 2 IPCs each?

    Similarly for the NO rule:
    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Do you require Novgorod for any bonus?

    It is 2 (5) per territory, starting with the first one captured.


    We’re also still a little confused if Germany can transport into Finland in non-com from SZ 115 in turn 1, when the Ruskies still have their ships there even if there is no declaration of war against USSR?

    Yes, you can. Powers not at war may share seazones. See the “Powers Not at War with One Another”-box on page 15 of the rulebook.

    HTH :-)

  • Hi everyone, I have not been on the forums for many years now, but I find myself with a gameplay question I am unable to find an answer for, so I thought why not try the old A+A forum? :-) Anyway the convoy in SZ 125. It is not in fact a German convoy for Norway but a Russian convoy if I read the national bonuses correctly. How is it disrupted? Can the Germans disrupt the four IPCs in the Soviet coastal territories in the north? Or just the 1 IPC for Archangel? Or is the “disruption” simply the elimination of the 5 IPCs in the Soviet national bonus income? Can the Allies disrupt the 3 German Norway IPCs? Thank you for any insight.

  • Moderator 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Good afternoon and welcome back.

    The disruption is the loss of the Russian NO, worth 5 IPCs. The Axis need only have a warship in SZ125 to do so.

    The Allies can also Convoy Raid Norway, as you thought, (or an Allied nation, should Norway have been captured).

  • @Vall:

    Hi everyone, I have not been on the forums for many years now, but I find myself with a gameplay question I am unable to find an answer for, so I thought why not try the old A+A forum? :-) Anyway the convoy in SZ 125. It is not in fact a German convoy for Norway but a Russian convoy if I read the national bonuses correctly. How is it disrupted? Can the Germans disrupt the four IPCs in the Soviet coastal territories in the north? Or just the 1 IPC for Archangel? Or is the “disruption” simply the elimination of the 5 IPCs in the Soviet national bonus income? Can the Allies disrupt the 3 German Norway IPCs? Thank you for any insight.

    To avoid confusion it is a good idea to separate the procedure of “Convoy Disruption” from the achievement of a National Objective.

    Convoy disruption (through SZ 125) itself is a procedure that takes place during the Collect Income Phase of the Power controlling Norway. So in case Norway is German and there are Allied warships in SZ 125, Germany’s income will be reduced according to the procedure explained on page 24 of the rulebook.

    The bonus income for the achievement of the “National prestige and access to Allied Lend-Lease material”-National Objective will only be granted to Russia, if all requirements are met. The absence of Axis warships (from SZ 125) is one of three requirements. As explained above, this is completely independent from the process of convoy disruption.

  • Thank you for clearing this up. I was thinking it would be unrealistic for the Germans to drop a sub in 125 and reduce Soviet income by 9 so easily

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