Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Why am I excited?  Because the rules are fine as they are.  The only bidding rule that should be changed is one unit per territory max.  Or maybe that is the rule.  I’m not even sure of that.

    To bid any unit to a country that they are not entitled to changes the entire game mechanics, that’s why.  Let’s let trannies hit at a 1 while we’re at it….

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    And, no offense, but I was thinking of asking all of the top tier – I wasn’t inferring you weren’t one of them.  ;)

  • '17

    Cmdr Jennifer has a perfectly sensible argument that bid placement can conceptualized as a revised setup (aka “grandfathered in”). Like any house rule, bids merely require the consent of the players.

    That being said, as Gamerman suggests, using a bid for Chinese tanks or bombers is foolish anyways.

  • Dizz, believe me, I am totally with you about changing the rules of the game for the league - HANDS OFF.
    Like you, I don’t want the game mechanics of league play to be any different than the rule book.  After all, if someone goes and plays somewhere else, or a friend at home, they won’t be following the league rules, which shouldn’t be any different than the rule book.

    I want you to show me any game that you find someone actually taking a bid to China that is beyond infantry, artillery, or a fighter.  Then I want you to show me the impact that it had on the game.  Keep in mind that even aircraft are contained to China.  There is no way that this is like letting transports defend on a one.

    I will join you in resisting Jenn’s interesting ideas to changing the game for the league (like the D-Day rule), and I would be liable to boycott the league if she decreed that transports would defend on a 1, but I have no problem whatsoever to allowing an open Chinese bid, and I want you to tell me when you have found a tier 1 player who is opposed.

    One more thing - if you ever allow a bid of 11 or 12 (required to get a tac or a bomber) you are crazy.  :-)
    So you’re effectively just protesting the ability to place a Chinese mech or 2, or 1 armor, and I think you are over-reacting, with all due respect from a fellow gamer  :-)

  • By the way, Dizz, I don’t remember you even protesting the D-Day rule or agreeing with me when I did……

    Can you explain that?  :-)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    omg….what D-Day rule??  Did I miss that one in-between turns, or perhaps it was tax season??

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    And people ask me why I still play in chess tournaments…… let’s just say nary a rule change (from a game mechanics perspective) since the Renaissance… ;)

  • @DizzKneeLand33:

    omg….what D-Day rule??  Did I miss that one in-between turns, or perhaps it was tax season??

    Well that explains your silence
    That’s right, Jenn was kicking around the idea of allowing the Allies to attack together in NW Europe in next year’s league.  Believe me, I was all over that.

    If you have any more league discussion, please use the league thread - thanks

  • @DizzKneeLand33:

    And people ask me why I still play in chess tournaments…… let’s just say nary a rule change (from a game mechanics perspective) since the Renaissance… ;)

    I always have at least a few chess games going….

    Gotta love the fact that when you go to capture their queen with a pawn, you don’t have to roll a die to see if it succeeds  :-P
    Flying over AA can be heart-stopping!  :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The way I see it is this:

    A. If the rules do not specifically ban it, then it’s legal.  
    Bidding is a house rule, it’s not to be found in the rule books, or I have yet to see it as even an optional rule.  For perspective, TECH is optional and is mentioned in the rule book, so it’s not a house rule even if implemented in a game.
    B. The rules already put non-Chinese units on the board for China and allow China to use them as if they owned them.  Allowing them to do the same for other pieces does not feel like much of a stretch, just annoying because now Veqyrn may have to go back into TripleA and edit it so these pieces can be added. lol. (Sorry, it’s literally the most annoying thing I can think of, and even that is tenuous because how many people are going to bid Strategic Bombers or Tanks for China?)
    C.  The spirit of the bidding rule is to allow the player to make up for the fact that s/he feels his/her side cannot win with what it starts with.  If they think a tactical bomber for China (and 11 IPC might not be too much of a stretch to see in a bid) is what they need to contain Japan long enough for America to come in, then let them.  If you don’t want to see that happen, counter bid 9 IPC and bar the option from even being on the table.  Likewise, 1 armored unit is probably not optimal for China, it’s too hard to both use and protect at the same time, though it might come in handy at times as a piece that can stay in newly conquered territories, then again, the planes can retreat from forward positions to safe areas so they both have some merits.  Personally, I think Artillery is better, but that’s me.
    D.  China’s units are still restricted to Chinese controllable territories which means no matter what the bid is, you’re not going to see Chinese Aircraft Carriers - I don’t care if you give them 100 IPC worth of units to put on the table! Â

    As for a D-Day rule, it should have been floated in House Rules instead of a league discussion thread.  The idea, in a nutshell, was once, per game, the British and Americans in the European theater could have a joint attack on: Normandy and Holland or either one if they didn’t want to hit both.  That would mean shared transports, shore bombardments and air cover.  I still think it’s a good rule, but it’s a house rule for the oblivion of other house rules. lol.  IF we ever end up with a G40 Enhanced then we may see it come back.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    And people ask me why I still play in chess tournaments…… let’s just say nary a rule change (from a game mechanics perspective) since the Renaissance… ;)

    I always have at least a few chess games going….

    Gotta love the fact that when you go to capture their queen with a pawn, you don’t have to roll a die to see if it succeeds  :-P
    Flying over AA can be heart-stopping!  :lol:

    Bah, the Queen used to be the dainty one who could only move one place.  Pawns used to turn around at the end of the board and come back.  Now those are the rules!  They changed, I don’t agree with them, but they did, so I live with them and move on.

  • There are no official bidding rules so the debate doesn’t even belong here.  Make up whatever China ruling your group agrees to, even if you agree to allow a Chinese battleship in the Caspian Sea!!  :-D

  • Customizer

    TripleA only allows bids of units that a nation can produce.

    If you want something different, use edit mode.

    Edit Mode is not some evil or difficult to do thing, it just 1 extra click of your mouse to turn it on.

    Also, the future edit mode add units function will allow adding any unit that exists in the game AND has artwork in the nation’s folder (so that Chinese BB will be able to be placed in the caspian if you wish).

  • The way I see it is this:

    A. If the rules do not specifically ban it, then it’s legal. �
    Bidding is a house rule, it’s not to be found in the rule books, or I have yet to see it as even an optional rule. � For perspective, TECH is optional and is mentioned in the rule book, so it’s not a house rule even if implemented in a game.

    B. The rules already put non-Chinese units on the board for China and allow China to use them as if they owned them. � Allowing them to do the same for other pieces does not feel like much of a stretch,….

    As Krieg has stated, the units that China can legally have are set out in the rulebook.  From those that it can produce to the one extra special unit that it is given pre-game start, it is all in the rules.

    Any bid would have to conform to units that it is able to build.  Anything else would be a stretch.

    Bidding is a nice mechanism to help level any inconsistencies and to give the game some variety, but giving a power the ability to obtain a unit that it normally can’t possess is beyond the scope (and intent) of the game.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Just because it’s been FOREVER:

    West India is part of Europe United Kingdom, right?  So they could, if they were so inclined, put a Minor Complex there and shuttle troops in, or was that part of Pacific UK?

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    West India is part of UK Pacific, so that plan doesn’t work.  I had high hopes on that one too, actually.  :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    West India is part of UK Pacific, so that plan doesn’t work.  I had high hopes on that one too, actually.  :)

    Kay, means Egypt or Persia. No big deal.  Glad I asked, it had been a WHILE and I know some territories for England have changed hands in the last year and a half. lol.

  • '16


    Just because it’s been FOREVER:

    West India is part of Europe United Kingdom, right?  So they could, if they were so inclined, put a Minor Complex there and shuttle troops in, or was that part of Pacific UK?

    I think pacific gains west india and loses the Canadian provinces to UK Euro.

    “There are two exceptions to this regional division. West India, on the Europe map, is part of the Pacific
    economy, and the North American territories on the Pacific map are part of the Europe economy.”

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