Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • Hello

    1-I need some clarification on the convoy disruption rule
    Ex: A Ger submarine on the coast of New Brunswick and Quebec (sz 106) When does the damage is done? during the ger turn or the uk oneÉ Because if its uk it leaves them time to kill the sub and makes convoy raiding too risky

    2-About the USA NOs. They require that ths USA be at war. USA usely gets into the war at their collect income phase on turn 3? So my question is do they get the +20 IPC bonus at the collect income phase of round 3 or 4?
    3-Just to be sure if Ger declare war to usa on round 1, usa gets the +20 IPC on their collect income of round 1?

  • @texasranger97:


    1-I need some clarification on the convoy disruption rule
    Ex: A Ger submarine on the coast of New Brunswick and Quebec (sz 106) When does the damage is done? during the ger turn or the uk one� Because if its uk it leaves them time to kill the sub and makes convoy raiding too risky

    2-About the USA NOs. They require that ths USA be at war. USA usely gets into the war at their collect income phase on turn 3? So my question is do they get the +20 IPC bonus at the collect income phase of round 3 or 4?
    3-Just to be sure if Ger declare war to usa on round 1, usa gets the +20 IPC on their collect income of round 1?

    1 - Collect income phase of UK.  Yes, it does give them a chance to kill the sub, but only if they have a destroyer to spot it (otherwise it can always submerge to avoid combat and remain in the seazone).

    2 - Collect at US’s collect income phase of turn 3 (the turn they go to war).

    3 - Collect at US’s collect income phase of turn 1 (the turn they go to war)

  • Ten usa makes 60 ipc per turn (35+25NOs)
    Seems like alots

  • Also when u attack with carriers can u take them as casualties?

  • @texasranger97:

    Also when u attack with carriers can u take them as casualties?


  • So even if they have no attcak value you can destroy them during an attack instead of another unit
    it doesn’t make sense

  • Their attack value is represented by the fighters they carry! But they don’t contribute directly to the battle. They can still be sunk tho (soak hits)

  • Can it really be true, that Great Britain have free acces to take Greece in their non combat move? As we placed the units when trying the SE setup, there was nothing to do, to prevent them taking greece.

    Or, if an attack to the italian fleet in was successful in seazone 97, Great Britain could actually take Yugoslavia???

    I can’t see anything prohibiting this in the rules, but can it really be true, that this is possible?

  • Hi Rednalyn. Yes, they can.
    The downside is that you are activating a Nation Germany or Italy  was probably going to invade anyway, so activating it will play into their hands.
    The UK only has that one Transport in the Med, if they lose it to an Axis counterattack, they could lose Egypt and any other attacking options. . Egypt is a VP city and Italy’s one contribution to a European Axis victory.(Germany takes Russia for the other three.) the Allies must hold it.
    Yugoslavia should have already been attacked by Germany and their 5 Inf eliminated.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I think your are right. It’s very exciting with these new rules and setup, haven’t played any of the alpha setups, so its a big step :)

  • Can a lonely sub in sz 109 convoy disrupt both Scotland an UK?

  • @Juhlius:

    Can a lonely sub in sz 109 convoy disrupt both Scotland an UK?

    In theory, yes, but in game play, no, a single sub cannot disrupt both Scotland and UK.  Vessels in SZ 109 can disrupt both Scotland and UK, but no more than the combined 8 IPC value (2 Scotland + 6 UK).  A single sub can’t cause that much disruption, though.  You roll two dice (subs only) and add the rolls of 1, 2, or 3.  So the most a single sub can disrupt is 6 IPCs.  If you had two naval war vessels in SZ 109, it’d be possible to max out at 8 IPCs.  Hope that answers your question.

  • When the USA is not at war can its sea units go to sea zone 121?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes.  However, they will be stuck there until the US either goes to war or builds a naval base in Greenland.

  • A question about the naval bases: does one naval base service all adjectend sea zones? My understanding is yes, but it seems rather wrong with for example Karelia and its two sea zones…

  • '16

    And your understanding would happen to be correct.
    A Naval base will serve all adjacent sea zones.

    As for Karelia, I only see one adjacent sea zone…

  • hello, me and my buddy have been playing the original 1940.  we tried playing the with the second edition rules recently.  does any good axis player know any strategies for this version?  it seems the italian navy is spread out vunerable and gets completely destroyed by the uk in turn one making it next to impossible to build transports and protection to get over to north africa with 10 ipcs.  Also for germany…the russians get a additional 9 ipcs bonus each turn for that far eastern territory.  It was hard enough taking russia down in 5-6 turns and now they get that bonus.  Also with having the uk and usa turns go back to back it is crippling for germany when it comes to allied stragetic bombing raids.  Any help please?? havent found any forums on the second edition strategies here.

  • '12


    As for Karelia, I only see one adjacent sea zone…

    They may be referring to Lake Ladoga, which is not a game space.

  • Hi question to Naval Movement: :?

    In SZ 113 there is a German and a Russian submarine.
    Germany and Russia are in war. There was no combat.
    In NCM, I can´t move the german sub out of SZ 113 to another SZ, this happens in TripleA but based on what rule? Thxs

  • @Babubaer:

    Hi question to Naval Movement: :?

    In SZ 113 there is a German and a Russian submarine.
    Germany and Russia are in war. There was no combat.
    In NCM, I can’t move the german sub out of SZ 113 to another SZ, this happens in TripleA but based on what rule? Thxs

    What exactly happened during Combat Move phase?
    What map (version) are you referring to?

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