Ahhh, fair enough. Sorry did not see…
They are, yes. I think it is a good sculpt.
1941 has some very good planes (and 2 tanks).
Just for us, I think.
Well it does seem like the detail quality has improved, so somebody must be listening.
We have some really nice new units to game with. Still would like to see a HMS KGV for a Battleship instead of a Royal Soverign.
What do you guys think of the HE-111 as a new unit for Germany? I think it is a decent sculpt.
What do you guys think of the HE-111 as a new unit for Germany?�  I think it is a decent sculpt.
I love it, personally. As is to be expected, the molding detail is average, but I don’t mind too much. When you are painting them, you can add more detail yourself and what is or isn’t there already is less noticable.
Honestly, I was just thrilled to get a new sculpt for the German bomber, and even happier seeing that it was an He-111. Much more representative of a German strategic bomber than the Ju-88. Same for the new Tiger tanks… Not that they are more appropriate as an overall unit choice than the Panther, because they aren’t, but they are going to look really bad ass when painted up and on the board. If they don’t actually matter to the game mechanics, at least you will have a psychological advantage knowing your tanks are better than the enemy’s. Gotta be worth something… I mean, “so many positive waves maybe we can’t lose… you’re on.”
Love it. Am so happy with all the sculpts.
As I said, they did that for us. We have cried out for unit variety.
The game itself is for our friends: I cannot play it for fun, only teaching.
Did any other scuplts change in the Pacific 1940 Second Edition besides the ones mentioned already?Â
I finished inspecting the new Global sculpts last weekend and here are the main differences I was able to spot between old and new versions of sculpts which are supposed to represent the same model of equipment. I took a few pictures (see below) to go with these notes. (I haven’t noted cases in which some of the details on the sculpts are simply defined a little better in one version than in another, without being different in actual shape.) Most of the differences involve sculpts which were introduced in 1942 (2nd ed) game, and which were then replaced by revised sculpts in the Global 1940 (2nd ed) game.
Artillery: 105mm LeFH 18 howitzer (German)
Antiaircraft Gun: 3.7in QFAA (British)
Antiaircraft Gun: M1939 85mm (Russian)
Antiaircraft Gun: 88mm FLAK 41 (German)
Antiaircraft Gun: 75mm Type 88 (Japanese)
Cruiser: Kent class (British)