Did any other scuplts change in the Pacific 1940 Second Edition besides the ones mentioned already?Â
I finished inspecting the new Global sculpts last weekend and here are the main differences I was able to spot between old and new versions of sculpts which are supposed to represent the same model of equipment. I took a few pictures (see below) to go with these notes. (I haven’t noted cases in which some of the details on the sculpts are simply defined a little better in one version than in another, without being different in actual shape.) Most of the differences involve sculpts which were introduced in 1942 (2nd ed) game, and which were then replaced by revised sculpts in the Global 1940 (2nd ed) game.
Artillery: 105mm LeFH 18 howitzer (German)
- Introduced in 1942 (2nd ed), in which the breech and the undercarriage are connected. In the 1940 (2nd ed) version, there is a gap between them.
Antiaircraft Gun: 3.7in QFAA (British)
- Introduced in 1942 (2nd ed). In the 1940 (2nd ed) version, there is an additional structure underneath the thick lower part of the barrel assembly, at the point where it connects to the mounting.
Antiaircraft Gun: M1939 85mm (Russian)
- Introduced in 1942 (2nd ed), in which the gun ends with a flared muzzle brake. In the 1940 (2nd ed) version, the barrel is more slender and ends with grooves running around the barrel tip.
Antiaircraft Gun: 88mm FLAK 41 (German)
- Introduced in 1942 (2nd ed), in which a spur extends backward from the base of the breech, the horizontal element projecting forward from the front of the mounting is cylindrical, and two of the mounting’s legs are thicker than the other two. In the 1940 (2nd ed) version, the breech is shorter, the horizontal element projecting forward from the front of the mounting is oval, and the mounting’s four legs are the same thickness.
Antiaircraft Gun: 75mm Type 88 (Japanese)
- Introduced in 1942 (2nd ed), in which the mounting’s four legs are thicker than in the 1940 (2nd ed) version.
Cruiser: Kent class (British)
- Introduced in Anniversary. In the 1940 (2nd ed) version, the third funnel is short instead of being the same height at the other two.