What do you use the old Stuka’s for? They’re smaller as well as the HBG FW190 is smaller than the OOB FW190. Personally I’m thinking “naval”. Not too historical perhaps but any German carrier is a “What If?”.
––Well, as far as “Stuka’s”, I remember reading a great book about dive-bombing that included an ‘elite’ wing of Italians that utilized the JU-87 Stuka for most of it’s Mediteranean service. So I already have two Stukas reserved for use in my Italian Med. paint scheme. :-o
––Whether we use the OOB Stukas, or a newer version will be decided at the time of their painting. As I recall, I DIDN’T like FMG’s new sculp of the Stuka.
----As far as the size comparisons of a/c,…I’ve adopted HBG’s philosophy of having Fighters somewhat smaller than the Tactical Bombers. When you think about it,….it really makes sense. At least for me. Everyone has their own preferences, though.
“Tall Paul”