Although it’s more time consuming, I’ve been using acrylic paints because they’re cheaper. Here’s what I’ve been able to match so far:
Apple Barrel brand (available at Walmart):
Coffee Bean - Russia
Barn Red - Maroon Russia/HBG Maroon (matches ok, not perfect)
Lite Mocha - D-Day Blonde
Khaki - UK G40/HBG Tan
Milk Chocolate - Italy
Christmas Green - HBG Dark Green
Cool Blue - HBG Light Blue (ok match)
Elephant Gray - HBG Light Gray
Dark Gray - HBG Dark Gray
Pewter Gray - Anzac
Bright Blue - France
Bright Red - Pacific 2001/HBG Red
Sublime Lime - HBG Yellow Green
For American Pieces I use Craft Smart’s Olive Green from Michaels
I’m having trouble matching Celery Green (Revised UK), and the Classic Japan/HBG Yellow Gold. Anyone find something that works with them?