I have had a 3D printer hobbyist CAD design a new BB playing piece and a new DD playing piece.
The BB is based on the WW1 UK Iron Duke modified for appearance. It is, certainly, better looking than the original BB design. Additionally, I (we) used a depiction of a WW1 US 4 stacker DD to make a modified DD playing piece for A&A WW1. The rationale that the Sub replaces the need for a DD just doesn’t ‘cut it’ (make sense). Most of the colour filaments used to 3D print these units are a good match to the original playing piece colours. I will post pictures of these as I have assistance doing so.
Painting Pieces
@john-brown ya , I see your customizer tag , do you paint pieces and stuff ?
Yes, at first I hired a painter to do my global 1940 set, but he got a new job, and started a family.
I’m currently finishing my global set.
I’m on France, now, and then Russia will be my last country to paint, then I will be painting facilities, and then I will go back to each country, and all the 1936 Global pieces that I need, then I will be painting last but not least Pro-Allies, Pro-Axis and Neutral countries.
@john-brown I’m currently painting my pieces as well and I was wondering if you could give me some inspiration on painting , maybe tips and tricks or a picture ?
@john-brown ya its hard to get most of the pieces for global war 1936
John Brown '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizerlast edited by John Brown Apr 2, 2022, 2:53 AM Apr 2, 2022, 2:51 AM
One thing that has helped me, find inspiration, is I will google images of each piece I do.
I will also look others who have painted and that gives me, inspiration, as well.
Here are all my customization posts in the past.
I hope this helps you!
Here is where you can buy Global 1936 pieces.
@jonahawesome said in Painting Pieces:
@john-brown I’m currently painting my pieces as well and I was wondering if you could give me some inspiration on painting , maybe tips and tricks or a picture ?
There are some good pointers here as well https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37964/painted-pieces-take-a-look?_=1648868133462
@barnee dam those are great
@john-brown dam that’s awesome
Appreciate it. There are many talented painters on these forums. I recommend looking all through the customization threads.
Lots of good stuff.
Do you paint for people?
I paint just my own pieces, but barely have time for mine, lol, because I run a retail mattress store.
I myself, hired a painter before I ever got into painting my own pieces, his name on these forums, is Spitfire38, but he had to stop painting after college, because he landed a full time job, after school.
If you talk to the painter who paints for combat miniatures, I believe he paints, you would just have to find out if he paints a whole set or pieces and what price he charges.
He is the only one I know, right now.
@john-brown! He’s a fellow Texan, like me. My grandfather lives about an hour from him. I’m a monk at an Monastery of Benedictine Christians in Massachusetts now. He is currently bogged down with the navy for our monastery, and he stays extremely busy without my requests as is, but he is well worth if. I have one order from him already)). Someone donated a lot of custom pieces, so I was trying to find a person who would want to help. I can’t paint, I have a slight shake to my hand, otherwise I would love to try. The game will probably be kept by the monastery for decades after this generation is dead and gone, monks never throw things out and we pray for the people who do things for us. I mean any student of history knows we were the keepers of everything until the modern era. Anyway, I do appreciate the advice, I just thought your work was superb.
Brother Pius, OSB
)) -
Thank you, I’ve gotten better at painting over the years but having trouble finding time.
I see. Always good to hear from a fellow Texan. Yes wish I could help but I’m taking over my fathers business. He turns 80, and needs to retire.
Our whole delivery crew walked out on my Dad and I a couple weeks ago.
No one wants to work any more, and I’m delivering beds for first time in years when I should be helping at our store.
But these are the times we live in.
Nice talking with you, and wish you nothing but the best.
@john-brown I was born and raised in Santa Fe, TX and went to college at SFA, before becoming a seminarian for the diocese of Tyler, which eventually took me to Lincoln, then bank Managment then on to Monastic life. Where are you from? Say some prayers I can get this board done, I don’t really care how long it takes, as long as we can get it done. Right now I’m hoping to find someone who is willing to do a country at a time, and if it takes a year, we wouldn’t really care…
Also, pray I get some Blue Bell soon, I miss it so much and Whataburger and Shipley’s
I live in Reno, Texas which is a community just north of Paris, Texas.
Been in the bedding business for over 30 years.
Went to a few colleges, but never graduated from any.
The Lord wanted me to help in father’s business, and been doing this since ‘89.
I will definitely put you on my prayer list, and hope you can find someone who can paint your set.
Best wishes to you
John Brown
@john-brown I always went south on 271…… from Paris! Just missed you!
Yes sir, just barely.
@john-brown, ugggg. Benedictines really started the hotel business. All monasteries have a guest house, since the rule was spread throughout Europe before 1000 AD, and ours doesn’t charge, but accepts donations. Guests are welcome to eat with the monks at the main meal and we stick the kitchen at the guest house. Some monasteries (like the one Rich from Combat miniatures lived near in Missouri) have more of a hotel set up. Beautiful facilities with over 80 rooms, ours has 13. Anyway, years ago, they found a benefactor because a guy who stayed at the guest house owned a furniture store, well monasteries don’t make money, so they don’t tend to replace beds…… ever, let alone every 7 years. He saved them and ever since they have had comfy mattresses. I tried to get “Mattress Mack’s” attention since he’s Catholic and donates so much, but Massachusetts is a little out of his wheel house. I have had neck surgery and bad middle back problems, due to a work injury, so I keep stressing how important a good mattress is however, they don’t understand sometimes. Do you have a recommendation as far as a good mattress pad goes? The mattresses are twin XL in our “cells” (rooms) and I barely sleep 5 hours a night.
John Brown '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizerlast edited by John Brown Apr 19, 2022, 7:38 PM Apr 19, 2022, 7:37 PM
We order from GBS enterprises. They have mattress protectors in all sizes., and they are water proof.
Any good mattress protectors should be water proof, and I’m sure there are other companies that sell them.
We quit using mattress pads, because it takes the feel away from a new mattress, because of the padding in them.
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