I’ve been looking at the situation and it seems that the most Germany can bring G3 is 13 inf, 9 tanks, 4 art, 4 ftr, 4 tac, 2 bmb (2 planes in 110 to help cruiser/CV with scramble.
If Germany does not get it’s lucky shot at 2 off of canada, then that frees up a transport. I don’t see anyone going 109 anymore, so that transport is freed up to go to canada and land back UK 1.
G1 is France/Normandy/Yugo/110/111/106, buy CV, 2 trn. I really haven’t seen anyone do anything different. Perhaps that’s where I am doing sealion wrong.
UK1 hit 96, 110 tobruk, somaliland, move ftr from gib to UK, move trn from 106 to 109, then one from 109 to 106, land 2 units in england (before you say “But what if the sub won in 106?” To that I say if your sealion needs that to be successful, then we don’t need to look at it any further.), buy 1 ftr 6 inf. Land tac, ftr on Egypt, pick up inf art from malta and drop in egypt from red sea. Take E. Persia
G2 buy 10 trn, move all planes in position.
UK2 9 inf 1 tank, move transport from 106, drop 2 units. Evac bomber if desired.
G3: Hit 23 inf, 1 mech, 1 art, 2 tank, 5 AA, 6 ftr with 13 inf, 4 art, 9 tank , 4 ftr, 4 tac, 2 bmb, 1 bombard cru.
Germany wins that only 34%, and will take massive plane losses most of the time. After all that, you still have to face russia.
Are you doing G4? Is UK scrambling G1? Are you ignoring 110 and/or 111 and focusing on 106 and 109? Is UK buying battleships? Is this combined with a G2 strat bombing?
Ok I’ll bite. First of all most Sea Lion deployments use 2 subs in 106. So there is a high likelihood of success there. The potential for failure is one of those things that make Sea Lion high risk…
Given that Germany will be down a sub, there is also a higher likelihood of British scramble. But given your ac 2 tpt buy, scrambling is a high-risk move for UK.
I have to admit that most Allied players I have faced are not as careful as you are about having 5-6 planes on UK after UK1 to prevent a G2 Scotland landing. Many Allied opponents attack 97 and leave themselves wide open.
Another factor to consider is if Germany takes 106 with 2 subs, then UK may want to divert a plane to 106 on UK1 to be sure it clears that space. And if UK diverts 2 planes to 106, then that reopens the possibility of a Scotland landing G2.
Germany should have close to or better then 50% odds G3, but I’m not one to risk a game on a G3 assault that’s less then 85%. So if UK is doing EVERYTHING right, you can still wait until G4 to attack. You land 24 land units in Scotland…UK could probably attack this force, but the bulk of the UK forces will be infantry (since they need to assume Germany intends to attack G3) and it would be a high-risk attack. Then on G4 you smash London and build some more navy. At that point, Russia and United States can liberate London and defeat Germany…but Japan has a great chance of snagging the win because United States won’t be able to spend enough in the Pacific to hold India and Hawaii while also liberating London.
To reiterate, the desire for Sea Lion to be just as effective a tactic as Barbarossa is not what the game designers had in mind…that’s why 3.9 is how it is. No prior A&A game is so friendly to Sea Lion as Europe/Global. But Global was also meant to be historical…and Sea Lion is what is is…a high-risk gamble. It should be difficult to pull off against a ‘perfect’ Allied response.