For what it is worth, it sounds like this may be what happens when they do a FAQ/eratta:
Yes, it is 13 VC. Honolulu was missed. Can’t comment on the quality control issue but remember, Larry is in Mass. while WotC is in Washington. Things like this are bound to happen.
As I understand it:
The rule book (on page 6 � HOW THE WAR IS WON) will eventually be corrected to read:
On the map are thirteen victory cities crucial to the war effort. As the game begins, the Axis controls 6 of these cities and the Allies control 7 of them. The Allies begin the game controlling Washington, London, Leningrad, Moscow, Calcutta, Honolulu, and San Francisco. The Axis powers begin the game controlling Berlin, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, Manila, and Tokyo. The standard victory condition is if your side controls three more total victory cities than it started with (9 for the Axis or 10 for the Allies) at the end of a complete round of play (after the completion of the U.S. turn), you win the war.
Page 23 (WINNING THE GAME) will also be corrected. The third column in the chart will read “9 for Axis and 10 for Allies” (or something similar) and “13”.
You should also note that the German and UK starting IPCs as listed on page 6 are incorrect. Germany should read 41 (not 40), and the UK should read 31 (not 30).
That is what we have to date…
Gregory J. Smorey
Axis & Allies Tournament Director/GM - GEN CON/Origins/Spring Gathering
�The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself� - MacArthur