@SuperbattleshipYamato If germanany does’nt send enough units to 110 and 111,I would consider scrambling.Generally if the number of dice I get to throw is equal or more than my opponents,I will scramble.
Of course that does’nt happen often.
Technology In This Game?
I had a disagreement with my ally during our game on Sunday. He claimed that the optional tech rules in the Europe book applied to standalone Europe '40 as well, I said they were designed only for the entire Global '40 game.
They are, after all, in the chapter for Global '40 rules.
Help me out here. -
It would seem it was only meant for Global, as you said. There is no mention of it in the Pacific rules.(something I did not notice before.)
We’ve played only one game with tech but that was Europe only. This would be really good to get a solid answer on, though I think you may be right.
Can I get a ruling on this, please? Someone?
Officially technology is an optional rule for the Global game only. However, technology works equally as well for Europe only.
As it’s OPTIONAL, aAll players must agree to it beforehand, or it’s null.