Thank you, that actually helped a lot. We had a general idea of the subs ability to submerge unless facing destroyers, but that got a little confusing when it came to combined arms. Your comment about dice actually sorted that out. Thanks a bunch, I’m sure I’ll be back with questions about convoys, bombing, and scrambling once we play again.
Just played my first A&AE40 game: Questions
First off, the game is great. The Changes from the Anniversary Edition are awesome, especially the rules for neutrals.
But I have a couple of questions:-
Are the NOs optional, like in the Anniversery Edition? I ask because my next planned game is against someone new to A&A, so I want to keep it simple.
The American rule giving it an extra 30 IPCs seems a bit much, no? With an income of 65, and the ability to land in Spain in one move, the US, in our game at least, was able to get a factory just 2 steps from Paris that could crank out 10 tanks a turn, with their own and British fighters joining them each turn.
1. NOs are mandatory
2. Not really. If the US takes Spain, all other true neutrals become pro-axis. Thus, Germany can take 6 inf in Sweden, 8 inf in Turkey, and 2 inf in Switz.Also, Spain, having 2 ipcs, can’t support a Major IC. Thus, you can’t build 10 units in Spain
I also just played my first game of AAE1940 last night and i did not feel that the US was too powerful at all. In fact by the time America was a legitimate threat Germany (i was the axis) had already taken Russia and Italy had taken north Africa. I actually find this version more balanced than the other ones (1942, anniversary, etc.). I find the way neutral territories work now to be great since it adds another level to the game and gives both the Axis and Allies tough decisions to make.
Just a question though i’m not too familiar with the lingo, what does NO stand for?
Welcome, drmckool!
NO stands for National Objective.
Welcome, drmckool!
NO stands for National Objective.
thank you very much, I should have figured that’s what it was, I actually love the national objectives, particularly Lebensraum; even though the historical link between lebensraum and the actual launching of Barbarossa is slightly tenuous. I found as a historian the national objectives (NO) really adds to the game because it really grounds the action in concrete history.