• Which one is a better buy for g1; one ac two trans or one ac one dd one ss?

  • one ac two trans imho, analyzed it to some extent here:


  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    1 CV, 2 transports is the more common buy.  Soulfien posted a standard German opening for keeping options that included that buy.

  • Depends. Alpha 2, definitely 1 AC, 2 Trans. Alpha 3, 1 AC, 1 DD, 1 SS. Alpha 3 is harder to SeaLion than Alpha 2. You can always build more Trans on Turn 2 when you have 70 IPC’s…

  • thanks

  • I like the 1 AC, 1 DD, 1 SS build.

    A carrier gives you options, and keeps UK honest. The dd will strengthen your fleet if you go Sea lion, or comes in handy to kill a Russian sub later if you don’t (hate when that Russian sub sits in sz 125 to convoy Norway, and you can’t kill it). Subs are generally a good German purchase to convoy, take away Russia’s NO, or combine with air power. If you killed off a good potion of the RN G1, you also have a chance to move your fleet into sz 109 to convoy later if you kept your BB & cruiser alive. A convoy fleet in sz 109 and an SBR run on London can really set them back if you get the chance, even if its only one turn.  From sz 109 you can move to Gib, or back to the safety of your port/air base.

  • I like 1 AC, 2 Trans for a German Turn 1 build. That way, you can invade Scotland w/3 Inf, 3 Art on Turn 2, IF the UK player makes a stupid purchase and you can SeaLion on Turn 2 or Turn 3. Of course this is Alpha 2. It seems like with Alpha 3, SeaLion is much harder…

  • 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 sub

    Use that to sink the remains of the UK fleet round 2.  If you sink z110 on round 1, make sure you land planes and AA guns on Holland to hold it so you will be able to reach z109 in case they get smart and put destroyers in z119 and z110.  Use the carrier as a hit soaker if it will save your planes, and try to keep your subs alive so they have to spend money on destroyers.

    Next turn build 3 subs out of South France and put some planes in Rome to help Italy clear out the med.

  • TripleA

    70 ipc ? I prefer 68 ipc . you need all ground for france unless you want to lose 1/10 games right off the bat.

    Prefer carrier 2 transport, makes barb stronger, while keeping the bluff strong.

    I almost never deviate much from the standard g1. There is the G5 / G6 russia take down (bomb russia with japan and it is oh so easy, if japan does not DOW usa can’t help russia, it is an all in strat).

    Honestly, it depends on what turn you want to take russia. I do the sea lion bluff to keep uk honest, that is pretty much it. If I see the opportunity to take uk (such as not buying enough infantry etc) sure I will take uk, but other than that, screw it.

    I don’t know, I always do standard G1, because I always do Japan 1 DOW. Everything else is just boring, except for taking russia g5 or g6, sure japan is screwed in the pacific for awhile (for not declaring war on usa), but you get russia much sooner. The only ground units that make it to russia in time came from g1-g3 so there is nothing allies can do to save russia, russia gets bombed out of the game and then conqured, simple as that, pretty boring actually. yeah that is boring, they should do something about that. Bombers should do 1d6 only, russia is gimped as it is, unless germany does  sea lion then you could actually dig into romania and all that good stuff.

  • Cow - Just wait for that J1 DOW and let Germany do its thing.  Its more interesting with the Jap fleet moving through the Suez and into the Med after forcing Calcutta to play turtle and skipping over it instead of sacrificing Aircraft to it.

    Not much the Allies can do with Egypt falling the same round Moscow does and a impressive Jap Fleet moving into the Med to defend Italy while Germany secures that final VC.

  • @Spendo02:

    Cow - Just wait for that J1 DOW and let Germany do its thing.  Its more interesting with the ��� fleet moving through the Suez and into the Med after forcing Calcutta to play turtle and skipping over it instead of sacrificing Aircraft to it.

    Not much the Allies can do with Egypt falling the same round Moscow does and a impressive ��� Fleet moving into the Med to defend Italy while Germany secures that final VC.

    j1 dow means uk can put egyfac in uk1.

    so usually this scenario u described becomes not too likely to happen.

  • sigh another post was flagged as spam - and there wasnt any links this time.

    just trying without a quote this time:

    j1 dow means uk can put egy fac in uk1, and persia fac soon after.

    so a j1 dow is better utilized for a pac win instead of an euro one.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I dunno if it’s the right strategy but lately I don’t even bother buying any naval G1 in conjunction with a J1 DOW.  Why bother if I’m not serious about the Sea Lion bluff and USA can buy bombers to reinforce London anyway?  USA will need to be 80%+ on Japan to stop a pacific win, which means Allies will have a hard time conquering Western Europe in time without letting Japan win.

    This is a far cry from when I first starting playing the game (Europe oob then global oob) where it was all Sea Lion all the time, and every other strat seemed like a flop.  At this stage Barbarossa seems like a better bet.

  • @Zhukov44:

    Why bother if I’m not serious about the Sea Lion bluff and USA can buy bombers to reinforce London anyway?

    to deny uk investing early in middle east, thus giving ita a real chance to make 30+ early on, instead of getting convoyd out of the game without doing anything at all.

    plus the initial naval investment (ac+trans) actually helps ger against barb, enabling ger to have a solid stack drinking in novgorod g3.

  • TripleA

    everyday germany is shuffling.

  • @soulfein:


    Why bother if I’m not serious about the Sea Lion bluff and USA can buy bombers to reinforce London anyway?

    to deny uk investing early in middle east, thus giving ita a real chance to make 30+ early on, instead of getting convoyd out of the game without doing anything at all.

    plus the initial naval investment (ac+trans) actually helps ger against barb, enabling ger to have a solid stack drinking in novgorod g3.

    Invest with what fleet lol? UK fleet should be gone turn 1. Its not that hard to sink it. Just use fighters and fleet correctly. And if you want to annoy the UK take Scotland turn 2. But build armor for Russia. 1 tech token and 4 armor…best German 1 build I have found for Alpha 3. You are not going to be able to pull off Sealion unless the UK is stupid and even if you pull it off you bring USA into the war a turn early for which Japan is not thankful to you. You won’t normally be able to hold the UK and build enough for Russia, depending on turn 1 USA builds. If they think you are going to sealion you can bet they are going to build to counter turn 1.

    I have said this before and I will say it again. If France doesn’t fall and the UK has fleet left you can pretty much call the game turn 1. It digs Germany into a huge hole they have a hard time recovering from.

  • @RedHunter:



    Why bother if I’m not serious about the Sea Lion bluff and USA can buy bombers to reinforce London anyway?

    to deny uk investing early in middle east, thus giving ita a real chance to make 30+ early on, instead of getting convoyd out of the game without doing anything at all.

    plus the initial naval investment (ac+trans) actually helps ger against barb, enabling ger to have a solid stack drinking in novgorod g3.

    Invest with what fleet lol? UK fleet should be gone turn 1. Its not that hard to sink it. Just use fighters and fleet correctly. And if you want to annoy the UK take Scotland turn 2. But build armor for Russia. 1 tech token and 4 armor…best German 1 build I have found for Alpha 3. You are not going to be able to pull off Sealion unless the UK is stupid and even if you pull it off you bring USA into the war a turn early for which Japan is not thankful to you. You won’t normally be able to hold the UK and build enough for Russia, depending on turn 1 USA builds. If they think you are going to sealion you can bet they are going to build to counter turn 1.

    I have said this before and I will say it again. If France doesn’t fall and the UK has fleet left you can pretty much call the game turn 1. It digs Germany into a huge hole they have a hard time recovering from.

    sigh those transports plus ac built in g1 is not for sealion it s for reinforcing barbarossa… with that build u can stack novgorod in g3 - fastest way to make money from barb with ger.

    meant uk can invest in middle east (factories + newly purchased land/naval units), ofc ger should hit uk navy in g1 that s a no brainer.

    taking scotland on turn2 doesnt help barbarossa at all.

    slightly off topic, usa is already in war in 2nd round max if u want to threaten a pac win, so sealion doesnt interfere with that.

    if allies think ger s going for sealion and build to counter it, that s all the better for axis, since it means barbarossa will be much stronger, because allies built against sealion, not barb.

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