70 ipc ? I prefer 68 ipc . you need all ground for france unless you want to lose 1/10 games right off the bat.
Prefer carrier 2 transport, makes barb stronger, while keeping the bluff strong.
I almost never deviate much from the standard g1. There is the G5 / G6 russia take down (bomb russia with japan and it is oh so easy, if japan does not DOW usa can’t help russia, it is an all in strat).
Honestly, it depends on what turn you want to take russia. I do the sea lion bluff to keep uk honest, that is pretty much it. If I see the opportunity to take uk (such as not buying enough infantry etc) sure I will take uk, but other than that, screw it.
I don’t know, I always do standard G1, because I always do Japan 1 DOW. Everything else is just boring, except for taking russia g5 or g6, sure japan is screwed in the pacific for awhile (for not declaring war on usa), but you get russia much sooner. The only ground units that make it to russia in time came from g1-g3 so there is nothing allies can do to save russia, russia gets bombed out of the game and then conqured, simple as that, pretty boring actually. yeah that is boring, they should do something about that. Bombers should do 1d6 only, russia is gimped as it is, unless germany does sea lion then you could actually dig into romania and all that good stuff.