• TripleA

    well what is the current allied strategy? convoy 97, fly stuff into russia, exploit russian NO off of afrrica, stop japan from winning.

    It is okay to lose russia, as long as no further investment is required of the USA for the pacific, because atlantic presence becomes required at that point to prevent london or egypt vc win.

  • Check Italy, give Japan *#^^, Kill Germany. Keep Russia alive at all cost. As long as Russia lives the Axis can’t win. (figuratively speaking)

  • Anzac has the ability to take Java, take Dutch New Guinea, inflate the economy large enough to build a Carrier, add a fighter or two when possible, and then sprinkle in a sub or destroyer as possible.

    I’m a huge believer in one major force, rather than a defensive multinational force, so I use Anzac to kill Japanese screens, transports, and lone subs when possible. Keeping the US force as large as possible is the goal.

    I’ve found that 4 US Carriers in the Pacific, an Anzac Carrier, and the Brit Battleship forms a nucleus of an Allied navy that can take and hold SZs almost at will.

  • TripleA

    Yavid is funny.

  • Hey…

    Good topic for me as I am playing USA ( orig global40 rules ). So my question is, how to get Tokyo and secure it?

    ( In in reverse to be open ), how does Japan get Western USA, leading onto Washington?

    I think the Pacific theatre is a cat and mouse game for both USA and Japan. With the wide open Pacific sea with no IDC on any islands. Tokyo is heavily protected, same with San Fran the momant both see’s an attack ( incl Alaska, BC, Mexico ).

    Playing either side PROPERLY is fine, but if bad dice rolls, then you’re buggerd.

    Cheers, BH

  • What? It works everytime if done right.

  • TripleA

    you basically just said, the allies strategy is to win everywhere, just win. lol. As long as the allies are bi winning they should win!


  • So and it works everytime. Here I’ll give a more detailed version of the Basics, Keep Russia alive at all cost if this mine moving in an Strong American of ground troops than so be it. Remember 2 inf. a turn from America is worth almost as much as the Lead-Lease NO. And it’s not hard to make 2 a turn into 4 a turn. Axis can not win without taking out Russia it was true in Classic and it’s been turn ever since.

  • I agree. 25 years ago my Axis plan was always to eliminate Russia using Japanese help from the East. Once Russia  goes the Axis are undoubtably more than half way there. Buying Inf as the Russians and buying time is your best bet. The introduction of Italy, however, has changed things. Taking the war to the Med and knocking out Italy helps the allies tremendously and as the Axis I am always worried about my weaker Southern neighbour.

  • @Yavid:

    Axis can not win without taking out Russia it was true in Classic and it’s been turn ever since.

    Uhhhhh multiple victory conditions?

  • any reactions for the allies on the india crush? What to do when India is captured by the japanese? I don’t really know how to recover from that because the Japanese are making more a turn then the US… So even if the US spends all his money on the pacific side, they still have less then the Japanese…

  • @Rhey:

    any reactions for the allies on the india crush? What to do when India is captured by the japanese? I don’t really know how to recover from that because the Japanese are making more a turn then the US… So even if the US spends all his money on the pacific side, they still have less then the Japanese…

    India crush generally refers to a dedicated Japanese assault on india starting turn one. Yes they may get a couple islands along the way, but the whole goal is to remove India in the first couple of turns. Generally speaking, the allies have a hard time stopping this crush. Best way to defeat the crush is to buy all ground, fly air in from the anzacs turn one via sumatra/java, and pray. Japan should not be making enough that they have more ipcs then US at that point in the game.

    If you’re talking a later game sack of India, then the best course of action at that point would probably be to defend Hawaii and aussie cap as best you can and hope you get a win in Europe. A Lack of India IC makes it that much harder to wall off the middle east if Russia falls though. Remember, you don’t have to win on the pacific side, you just have to ensure that Japan doesn’t win.

    You should have some early position advantage right after India’s fall IF they had to move the bulk of their air/navy towards india for the capture. Take advantage of this by staging a forward defense somewhere like the Carolines and hold there as long as you safely can, but be ready to fall back if needed. Break Japan’s island bonus if you can and try to deny them that money. You’ll be much better at D then attacking since you’ll have a multi national fleet and a lot of pieces have better D then attack, so fort up somewhere where Japan has to come at you and use that to your advantage.

    Keep a careful eye on where his Japanese air is though and don’t get stand and fight unless you’ve got good odds. Don’t sacrifice the bulk of your fleet for little/no gain since at this point it’ll be harder for you to make good your losses. And build some navy in the pac even if the majority of your money is being spent on the atlantic. You’ll need to replace blockers at the very least and adding some more fodder to your fleet’s always great as well.

  • TripleA

    I got a couple pacific victories against full pacific usa, most axis wins come in europe though… the under 10 rounds wins come in the pacific. europe is a bit later, because it does not end when russia falls. Stopping a pacific win while having an atlantic fleet is easier said then done.

    I am a Japan guy so maybe I am biased, but as allies against good japan players, it is rough. ideally usa wants to get air units into russia. some bombers and fighters. convoying 97 with usa/uk is easier than dropping men on normandy while constantly dealing with italy adding naval pieces… it does allow for more air units to get into russia as well. that is the nice thing about the egypt minor.

  • Things I’ve learned:

    Taranto is better than Tobruk attack.
    Russia should build inf, art and mech- maybe add a tac.
    18inf, 2AA should go towards Moscow, better than Korea.
    India will fall in round 4-6, consider India falls past round 4 a blessing, fall back or stand and fight.
    ANZAC should stack with ground units, watch the Jap TT builds- if low you can build navy otherwise stack.
    Hawaii should also be stacked.
    Game is won in the MidEast, Cairo, Med region every game.
    IC on Egypt is sweet- stack it baby.  Fly those planes there.

    Things I wanna try:

    US bomber campaign- there are a couple of approaches to this depending on how Axis opens.

  • '10


    Things I’ve learned:
    18inf, 2AA should go towards Moscow, better than Korea.

    Finally, you came to reason !  :wink:

  • Ok i’m realizing that my hard line opinion that the war is won and lost in Russia is alittle outdated now. For Germany the war is won and lost in Russia. Now Japan has choices to be made.

  • @Axisplaya:


    Things I’ve learned:
    18inf, 2AA should go towards Moscow, better than Korea.

    Finally, you came to reason !  :wink:

    yeah, had to test it out a few times.  US really doesn’t have the time to advance that far.  I mean they can take Korea and build an IC but you will neglect other needs on the board.  I tried the fighter shuck too, again I can get 12 planes there but then you weaken your ACs and Pac fleets.

    Play is not exausted for the 18inf to Korea- it is playable- for example- in a Sealion it will be somewhat effective- Russia can afford to do this, US however then can’t.

    I think the strategy is open to a few tweeks, but in the long-run they just don’t seem to payoff as well as having the ground units in Moscow for defense or counterattack.

    What is seems common for US is to invest a good portion of their income in the Pacific then rd3 on mostly Europe.  Stack and protect Hawaii and ANZAC and advance on the Euro side.  Tricky to do b/c they are logistically and economically stretched to the max.

  • @questioneer:



    Things I’ve learned:
    18inf, 2AA should go towards Moscow, better than Korea.

    Finally, you came to reason !�  :wink:

    yeah, had to test it out a few times.  US really doesn’t have the time to advance that far.  I mean they can take Korea and build an IC but you will neglect other needs on the board.  I tried the fighter shuck too, again I can get 12 planes there but then you weaken your ACs and Pac fleets.

    Play is not exausted for the 18inf to Korea- it is playable- for example- in a Sealion it will be somewhat effective- Russia can afford to do this, US however then can’t.

    I think the strategy is open to a few tweeks, but in the long-run they just don’t seem to payoff as well as having the ground units in Moscow for defense or counterattack.

    What is seems common for US is to invest a good portion of their income in the Pacific then rd3 on mostly Europe.  Stack and protect Hawaii and ANZAC and advance on the Euro side.  Tricky to do b/c they are logistically and economically stretched to the max.

    It’s worth keeping them there IMO. I like to send 6 inf back to either reinforce moscow, but more often hook around Mongolia and help out the Chinese. The others I keep somewhere in between Bury/Sak/Amur depending on Japanese threats to that stack. If I see an opportunity I’ll take Korea and/or Manchuria, either in force or with a stray dude. Taking Korea in force or reinforcing a US take allows you to land a buttload of planes there. Bombers from the west coast can land there as well. Suddenly anything Japan builds in sz6 is under threat from a massive air strike. Japan will probably do one of four things.
    A) Keep sz6 stacked to protect builds; potentially allowing the allies better freedom of movement down south where the money is
    B) Will build naval on a minor elsewhere; meaning those minors aren’t building ground pounders and that means less pressure on China/India
    C) No naval builds or perhaps just subs; meaning Japan’s fleet will be short blockers and weak to air attack without dd fodder.
    D) Japan will build up an invasion force/shift ground units in asia north to remove that threat; more units gearing towards Korea means fewer that India/China have to face and the longer they’ll be around.

    You can always fly your air out of the danger zone if you don’t like the odds or aren’t ready to lose all that air. I know in our game I was constantly worried about sz6 and I think at one point you were positioned to fly in 10-12 air into Korea and that really would’ve changed my deployments/buys. Instead half of them continued on towards Moscow and the others refilled your empty cvs.

    Anything that can relieve pressure off of India/China is a good thing in my book. It’s not something I do every game though. Sometimes I might grab Korea once and then pull back. Sometimes Japan’s positioning is so strong that he can afford to finish/neutralize both China & India and still deal with the Russians. So you have to play it by ear and be ready to fall back if the situation warrants it. The threat of that stack alone can force Japan to keep troops north just in case. And at the very least it dissuades Japan from picking off Russian terr knowing they won’t get very far without a massive troop commitment.

  • Seth,

    The goal should be to relieve pressure off of India and maybe China some.  The problem is that the “Korea stack” let’s call it, doesn’t serve that purpose to the fullest capacity that you would like.  In our game, I could have kept shucking planes 12-18 over to Korea- problem is that US is spending too much money on harassing Japan or even trying to sack it when the urgency is opening another front on the Euro side.

    It was a budget decision I had to make so I cut it off.  Now a mix of bombers along with the planes could be interesting, but planes and bombers might be able to be shucked over through Gib–>Egypt–>Moscow faster- especially since in most games barring allowance of Sealion by the Brits Cairo is stacked and in safe hands (must do Taranto of course).  With this route, you also threaten many more targets with your planes and bombers on the way to protecting Moscow.  On the Pac side you are just harassing Japan.

    All Japan needs to do is take India (which it can by rounds 4-6), stack capital and make and send all aircraft to Euro Side to bomb etc. and go for the Euro win.  Japan can be very flexible (movement-wise) in that ANZAC and Hawaii can be taken quickly after India if the US is a little lazy in mov’ts and buys- thus getting the early 6VC steals.

    Its fun to see Japan sweat a little bit from the Korea inf/plane stack but in reality there is really nothing to sweat about.  The game is still a Europe win game for the Axis with a flexible Pac win if US gets a little lax.  Japan’s job is really to meet up with Germany/Italy and unite.  This has been the basic strategy for the Axis in every AAgame since Classic- hasn’t really changed much- just more tts, szs and units.

    I think the “Korea stack” still has some playable nuggets to be discovered yet, but I don’t see it as a “winnable” strategy anymore.  I think there are just better ways to do the same kinds of things one wants out of the “Korea stack”.

    Its just like Tobruk vs. Taranto.  Tobruk is playable, its just Taranto just does the same thing but its better in the longrun.  Taranto would’ve made a big difference in our game.  I’ll have to try a Taranto with the Korea plane shuck one time and see what happens.

    The fact is, w/o the bid, the game’s strategy is starting to look more linear now and standard and it looks like Allies need the dice more that the Axis.  I hate to say it, but Cow, for the most-part is right.

  • pffft I give up :p I never even won a game as allies on these forums… Even if you slow down the axis, they still manage to outproduce you and when India falls, Russia can’t handle to fight both germany and Japan…

    at around what round are you guys usually able to turn the initiative in the game to the allies?

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