Latest Japan NO (Alpha+3 or 2nd ed)
� 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and Solomon Islands. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
We don’t get it either. The Japanese never go for this NO because it’s not in their best interest income wise (need to protect DEI & Asia). It is also very difficult to keep if they do go out of their way for it.
We liked the old Alpha+2 5/7 islands NO that both Japan & US got (created a lot of island hopping/fighting). I would probably only allow Japan to get it (not the US), because the US NO income was adjusted to France.
Alpha+2 NO
� Collect 5 IPCs per turn if Axis controls 5 of the 7 following islands. Midway, Wake, Marianas, Iwo Jima, Carolines, Solomon Islands and Guam. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
4 of the 7 islands are the same as the new NO, it swaps out Gilbert, and makes Marianas, Iwo Jima and Caroline (islands Japan starts with) options too. It gives the Japanese options that aren’t as predictable which is good IMO.
A blend of the 2 NOs could have kept Gilbert in the mix and removed one of the islands Japan starts with like Iwo Jima (because it is closest to Japan, worth 1 IPC and both sides already have reasons to fight for it). We have done this a couple times and because Japan starts with a couple of them they will go for it. It forces some island hopping on both sides. The US will play ball although they don’t get a bonus to stop the Japanese from getting theirs. It allows Japan to go South Pacific, or Mid Pacific which keeps things somewhat unpredictable.
So basically just adding Marianas and Caroline Is to the 2nd ed Japan NO would result in more opportunity for Japan causing more fighting for Pac islands IMO.
Collect 5 IPCs per turn if Axis controls 5 of the 7 following islands. Guam, Midway, Wake, Gilbert, Solomon Is, Marianas, and Caroline Is. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
I think there was even a lot of feed back from the community that was scratching their heads when this NO was announced for Alpha+3. They missed the boat on this IMO.