• Thank you again. I knew about Sweden, but you have taught me much.
    Those modern figures threw up a few surprises.

  • April 9 1940
    Denmark’s government capitulated when German forces gained all of their objectives within 4 hours
    The German cruiser Karlsruhe was torpedoed and sunk in the Skagerrak.
    British bombers sank the German cruisers Admiral Scheer and the Hipper at Kiel
    Tomorrow lots of Me-262’s were shot down over Berlin
    And in 1938 Hitler was astonished by what happened on the 10th
    Enjoy the history

  • April 14 1945
    The U.S. First and Ninth armies linked up in the Ruhr, splitting the pocket in two. Several high-ranking German generals were captured. Bayreuth was occupied.
    U.S. Fifth army units pushed off an offensive to clear the Po River valley from positions in the Apennines south and southwest of Bologna.
    The Japanese high Command ordered the expeditionary force in China to pull four Divisions back to central and northern China, leading to a withdrawal from the Hunan-Kwangsi railroad which linked up the former Allied air base recently captured by the Japanese.
    A fierce Japanese counteroffensive was turned back on Okinawa.

  • 20th April is Hitler’s birthday(born in 1889).
    The last live footage of him was taken today in 1945, as he surfaced from the Bunker, looking gaunt and unwell, to decorate some Hitler Youths with the Iron Cross.
    He would be dead in 10 days and the war all but over.

    For any of you who have not seen it, I can strongly recommend:Der Untergang(Downfall), with Bruno Ganz playing Hitler.

  • Good movie

  • April 23rd 1941: the Greek King George II fled Athens for the island of Crete as the Germans were threatening his capital.(They had invaded on the 6th April to help the Italians.) In May he had to leave again as the German Para Division attacked Crete. His home for the rest of the war would be Britain.

    In 42 the Germans bombed historic Exeter, Devon, in the start of retaliatory raids on historic cities in England after the Allied bombing of beautiful Lubeck, Northern Germany.  These raids were known as the Baedeker Blitz, after the Guide book used by the Luftwaffe to pinpoint which targets to choose. Incendiary bombing did much damage the centre of Exeter, which would be attacked 16 times between 40-42. Bath, Norwich and york were targeted later in April and May. The raids cost Germany more in losses than they did the English.

  • 28th April 1944: Operation Tiger.
    The Allies were doing an exercise, practising for the landings in France when disaster struck. It was at Slapton Sands in Devon(3 miles from where my wife’s grandmother lives) when a mix up caused a friendly fire incident: a British ship was bombarding the shore to simulate a real war landing situation.  To compound matters, a handful of German E-Boats got close to the shore and caused more casualties: four of the landing craft were torpedoed, two of which sank. A total of 946 Americans died and the incident was hushed up at the time.
    There is a Sherman and a tiny memorial on the beach now.

  • 29th April 1945: Hitler married his longtime girlfriend. Eva Braun, in the Fuhrerbunker where they were now living.
    He also named Grossadmiral Donitz as his successor. (Goering had been his successor, but he had angered Hitler just days before, so he changed his mind.)

    Donitz had been head of the Navy since January 43, when he replaced Raeder.
    During WW1 he had been on board the light Cruiser, Breslau, fighting the Russians in the Black Sea. The Breslau was later given to the Ottoman Empire and he decided to transfer to Submarines.
    He ended WW1 as a Submarine commander, captured by the English when his ship was sunk.

  • @wittmann:

    He also named Grossadmiral Donitz as his successor.

    I once heard Dönitz described as the “second and last Führer of the Third Reich”, but in actual fact Hitler disassembled the centralized powers and titles he had held as Führer and gave only part of them to Dönitz.  A couple of months ago I tried to read Dönitz’s memoirs, but I gave up before getting to the end: the tone was naive and self-serving, as if Dönitz was trying to project the image of a correct, respectable, professional naval officer who had fought the war in a purely technical and non-political way.

  • I commend you for trying. I have read books and had to put them down, as the author bored me to tears.
    I thought I remembered Donitz was a commited Nazi.

  • April 29 1937
    Goring was quoted as saying “The Fuhrer does not ask me what kind of bombers I have. He simply wants to know how many”

  • April 29 1941
    The last of the British main forces were evacuated from Greece.
    Two ship loads of British reinforcements arrived at Basra to aid in what was building up to a military confrontation with the new pro-Axis Iraqi government. Rashid Ali proposed British woman and children be evacuated out of Baghdad to the RAF base at Habbaniyah, 50 miles to the west  for their protection

    Hitler and Mussolini met at Berchtesgaden. One of the key issues was the rupture between Axis partners Hungary and Rumania who were close to fighting each other continuing territorial disputes

    Theres more for this day but heres one for tomorrow
    Air Raid casualties (British civilian) for the month were 938 killed and 998 injured

  • May 8, 1945 - VE day  8-)

  • Thanks 221B Baker Street.
    Was in London(on a short holiday) and you see that date quite a lot if you go to WW2 museums. Even went to the Churchill War Rooms at Whitehall. 
    I forgot May 8th in all the excirement!

  • May 9th 1941: the damaged U110, a type IX Sub, was forced to surface after being chased by 2 British Destroyers, Bulldog and Broadway after she sank two convoy ships. Despite the Submarine’s Captain thinking his ship would sink, it did not. It was boarded and the enigma machine and codes were captured. The Captain, Lemp,aware of the danger of having his ship captured with the secret machine and codes still intact, had dived into the Sea and was killed trying to correct his crew’s mistake.
    Both the machine and codes were sent to Bletchley Park, where the information was used by British Intelligence Officers to break the  Reserve Hand Procedure, used when the Enigma Machine was broken or not available.
    1400 messages were read by breaking this code, which also led to later breaking Enigma.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    In the afternoon of May 9th, 1940, a Thursday like today, Hitler and a few members of his staff left the Reichskanzlei in Berlin by car and boarded a train at an inconspicuous site somewhere to the north of the city. The train drove north, and Hitler jokingly promised his secretary a fur coat. Many aboard assumed that a trip to recently invaded Norway had been planned.
    However, as the night fell, the train turned west, to reach new headquarters in the Eifel mountains in the early hours of the 10th. And on it’s way there, it stopped at Celle near Hannover, where a phone call to Berlin was made. After a confirmation that auspicious weather was to be expected, the order was given at 9 PM to issue the code word “Danzig” to all Wehrmacht and SS units in the west. This was the signal that Fall Gelb, the attack on the Netherlands, Belgium and France, would start at daybreak.

    Earlier that day, back in Berlin, Colonel Hans Oster of the Abwehr informed his close friend Bert Sas, the Dutch military attache, that the orders had been given and unless they were revoked by 9:30 PM, the invasion would start tomorrow morning. Sas immediately informed his Belgian colleague, and then, contrary to his expectations, he managed to contact the Dutch authorities in the Hague by phone and tried to warn them of the imminent danger, but while the overall tension was high, they were not quite ready to believe him. Fall Gelb had been planned and postponed many times before, and each time Oster had warned Sas, and Sas had warned the Dutch government.

    This time, he was right.

  • AWSOME ! ! !

  • I did enjoy that Herr KaLeun.
    Thank you.
    I am too busy to post one of my fav days; hope someone does!

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    In the early hours of May 10th, 1940, a large formation of German bombers overflew the Netherlands, and disappeared into the west, giving the impression of an operation against Britain. But their true intent became clear before too long: the planes turned around above the North Sea and closed in on the Dutch coast at 3:55 AM to attack the already outnumbered Dutch air force on the ground. At the same time, German forces crossed the border on a 300 mile front into the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

    The Dutch were not well prepared for war. Numerically, their army of 280,000 was a force to be reckoned with; but years of neglect and budget cuts had left the soldiers with a severe lack of modern equipment and adequate training. An effort had been made in recent years to repair these defects, but it had been too little and too late.
    Still, some optimism prevailed at headquarters. It was assumed that the Dutch army could stand its ground for at least a fortnight, and that strong French and British units would arrive in time to save the country. In the mean time, the natural defense lines, based on the many rivers and waterways that cross the land, and the possibility of inundations, would stall the enemy.

    Reality was very different, however. Negotiations with the Belgians, French and British had been going on for months, in secret so as not to compromise the semblance of neutrality. But there was no agreement, and the failure to set up a joint defense line with Belgium resulted in a forty mile gap in what was supposed to be the Allied front line. It was precisely there that the strongest German forces would strike.

    The north and the east were quickly overrun. That was no surprise, as it had been strategically impossible to hold these areas that share a long border with Germany. The defense focused on keeping the enemy out of the west of the country, where the big cities are - the part of the Netherlands that is actually called “Holland”.
    But the situation in the south looked grim from the very beginning. The Germans captured a single railway bridge that allowed them to quickly send an armored train across the Meuse river, soon broke the defense line that was supposed to protect the province of Noord-Brabant, and drove west without meeting too much resistance.
    Further south, the great Belgian fortress of Eben-Emael had succumbed to a daring airborne raid.

    The French seventh army dashed north in an attempt to plug the gap, but when they found that most of the Dutch forces had already withdrawn into “Fortress Holland”, their effort petered out. This lack of coordination between the Allied armies probably saved the day for the Germans, because actually, not everything had gone quite according to plan for them.

    Germany had hoped to overwhelm the Netherlands in a single day, by combining an overland invasion from the east with an large airborne attack aimed at capturing the city of the Hague, where the government, the Queen, and the military headquarters were. Paratroopers were dropped at airfields near the city, with the intent to capture those, and allow transport planes to land more troops. But the entire effort succumbed to a Dutch counterattack, and the surviving Germans had to withdraw south, to link up with other forces that had landed near Rotterdam. But all Germans in the west were relatively lightly armed and facing numerically superior opposition. Their survival would ultimately depend on the arrival of the 9th panzer division from the south, across the bridges that separate Holland from Noord-Brabant.

    The Dutch and the French may well have missed an opportunity there. They had a few hours to deny the Germans the use of those bridges. If they had, Germany could have lost most of its Fallschirmjaeger, including their overall commander, General Kurt Student.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Nice KaLeun… thanks for that.

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