• February 19th 1945 US Marines landed on The Island of Iwo Jima, about 700 miles south of Tokyo. It was a volcanic island covered in rock and ash. It was not much to look at, but was to prove a costly venture for the attackers. The Japanese had 21000 defending it and it contained 3 airstrips. The defenders could count on concealed gun emplacements, pillboxes and an elaborate network of underground caves. Its defence was to be fierce as if is proximity to Tokyo meant it was important to both sides. The US wanted it to take the air war to Japan proper.
    Two days before landing US Battleships pounded the island while smaller ships went in closer to scout the beaches. Two Marine Divisions landed on D-Day and a 3rd followed. There would be 60000 by battle’s end. The volcano, Mt Suribachi, fell on D+4. The 1st flag went up that morning and was seen by thousands. Mt Suribachi was only to be the beginning. The Japanese fought stubbornly for every inch and it was to be 35 days before all resistance ended with a predawn suicide charge.
    The US Marines and Navy suffered 26000 casualties, 6000 of them deaths.
    Perhaps 1000 Japanese survived as prisoners.
    Before the battle ended a B29 low on fuel, landed on one of the strips. It was the first of 2400 that would use the island.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Good action Wittman    didn’t realize the anniversary was today

    one thousand japanese survivors    thought their was less than that

    Salute to the combatants

  • Hi Barney. Wicki says 216 surrendered, another site 212, the only book I have on the Pacific says about 200.
    You were right to query it and remember it was lower than 1000. 
    Thank you for the correction. 
    Have since read was the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions that fought in the island.(I had presumed it was 1,2 and 3.) Also it was the first time the Americans lost more men than the Japanese. Of  the original 24 Battalion commanders who landed with their men, 19 were killed or wounded.
    Not many Marines wanted a repeat of this landing.
    One said:“I hope to God that we don’t have to go any more of those screwy islands.”

  • 25th February 1932: Hitler obtained German citizenship by right of Naturalisation, so that he could run for Reichprasident in the 13th March elections. He came second with 36.8% of the vote; the sitting President, Hindenberg, was reelected, but on 30th January 1933 made Hitler Chancellor.
    I think we know the rest of the story!

    On the 25th February 1945 Turkey also declared war on Getmany.(Another source said the 23rd Feb.)
    In August of 1944 Russia’s entry into Bulgaria had severed their overland contact. Turkey ceased  their Diplomatic Relations at this point.
    In June of 1941 they had signed a non aggression pact, followed in October by a commercial deal which ensured Germany was supplied with chromite ore in exchange for weapons and other military supplies. (Not sure what chromite was used for. Please tell me someone!)

  • Feb 27th 1942: Battle of Java Sea. This engagement sealed the fate  of the DEI and saw a multinational force(UK, US Australian and Dutch)of 5 Cruisers(3 Heavy)  and 9 Destroyers take on Admiral Takagi’s Eastern Invasion Force convoy protected by 4 Cruisers(2 and 2) and 14 Destroyers.  The Japanese Heavy Cruisers were armed with 10 8" guns and, therefore, more powerful. Their torpedoes were also of a better quality.
    The commander of the multinational force was Dutch Admiral Doorman. He tried all afternoon to reach the troopships, but was foiled by the Japanese warships and a lack of Radar. (Onlythe HMS Exeter had it.) the Allies even had local Air Superiority as the Japanese planes were it of range. In the initial engagement gunnery was poor and only an 8" shell hit Exeter, which had to retire. The Japanese launched two torpedo attacks, but only the Dutch Destroyer, Kortenaer, was hit and sank. Only one Japanese Destroyer was forced to retire and at 6pm the Allies withdrew.
    About 11pm that evening the two fleets met again and this time the Japanese torpedoes hit both Dutch Cruisers, including the Dutch Admiral’s flagship, the De Ruyter. Only 111 survived on the two ships. This time the surviving Australian Cruiser, Perth, and USS Houston  retired  for good.
    The Japanese troopships unloaded the next day.

  • @wittmann:

    Feb 27th 1942: Battle of Java Sea. This engagement sealed the fate  of the DEI

    This battle also proved to be the final nail in the coffin of the short-lived American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (ABDACOM), a multinational joint command structure which tried unsuccesfully to hold the line against the Japanese.  And it illustrated the difficulty of joint naval operations being conducted by the navies of nations which had not previously trained and operated together.

  • Thank you Marc. From my reading of the battle I gathered coordination was an Allied problem.

    Have you any idea when the US first got the better of the Japanese in a Cruiser battle and was there one factor that made the difference or was it a combination?
    I think I remember the Japanese bettered them in the first engagement at Guadalcanal.

  • @wittmann:

    Have you any idea when the US first got the better of the Japanese in a Cruiser battle and was there one factor that made the difference or was it a combination?

    I don’t really know the answer (cruiser actions not being a subject on which I’ve read a lot), but you might want to have a look at an intriguing but little-known naval action that took place between the US and Japan in early 1943: the Battle of the Komandorski Islands.  It involved 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser and 4 destroyers on the US side and 2 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers and 4 destroyers on the Japanese side.  It was one of the rare occasions in WWII (and one of the even rarer ones in the Pacific theatre of operations) in which two surface fleets slugged it out entirely with gunfire, and without any aircraft or subs taking part.  The Japanese had a 2-to-1 advantage in both heavy and light cruisers, yet the battle was essentially a tactical draw (and arguably a strategic defeat for Japan).  So in this sense the Americans did better than expected in view of their weaker force.

  • A very interesting read, thank you Marc.
    Failure to finish off the US ships resulted in the Japanese commmander being relieved. 
    I see he commanded a 42000 ton Battleship in 1934.

  • 1st March 1941 Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact. They were the last major Axis  nation to do so;  Yugoslavia  and Croatia were still to sign. In return for military access to invade Greece, Hitler promised the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III all the territory she had lost to Serbia and Greece after siding with the Central Powers in WW1. His PM Bogdan Filov signed on his behalf.
    Bulgaria did not furnish any troops for Operation Barbarossa, unlike the other signatories. In fact though they declared war on the UK and the US, they resisted Gerrman pressure to do so against Russia. Instead they sent troops to occupy Thrace  and Macedonia. Pro Russian feeling was strong in the country especially from 1943 on. With theSoviets close to their border, on the 23rd August 1944, they declared war on Germany. Russia was not to be placated and declared war on them 13 days later; for 3 days Bulgaria found itself  in the strange position of being at war with both countries! Sofia was entered by Soviet troops on the 14th September 1944 and soon it was free of German troops. Three armies of 450000 troops liberated Macedonia as the Germans were pushed out.
    Their casualties for WW2 were a very low 25000, most fighting the Germans in the last 8 months of the war. Their 130000 strong 1st Army entered Hungary and by war’s end, Austria, joining up with British 8th Army in Klagenfurt on 8th May 1945.

  • March 6: Cologne was captured by units of 1st US Army today in 1945.
    Cologne is  in West Germany and is an ancient city; the Romans founded Colonia on the Rhine as the capital of Germania Inferior. It was also a great Medieval city, its cathedral a beautiful Gothic example, not finished unti the 19th century. Napoleon later made it part of his empire. Its proximity to the French border ensured it was strongly fortified and designated one of the Fortresses of the German Confederation. After WW1 it found itself in the Demilitarised Rhineland, so these defences were removed.
    During WW2 it was the HQ of Wehrkreis VI and home to the 211Inf Regt and 26 Art. Its prewar population was over 700000 and it was never a great centre of Nazi sympathy. On may 31st 1942 it  was the target of the first 1000 plane bomber raid(actually 1046 bombers). In total it suffered 262 bombing raids and 20000 civilian casualties.  By the end of the war its population was reduced to 40000, most of which was voluntary and to rural areas, to avoid the bombings.

  • @wittmann:

    It was also a great Medieval city, its cathedral a beautiful Gothic example, not finished unti the 19th century.

    Considering what a thorough job the Allied bombers did of demolishing Cologne, it’s amazing that Cologne Cathedral managed to survive the war.  It took some seventy bomb hits over the years without collapsing.  To quote Curt Jurgens in the submarine movie The Enemy Below, “We build them good in Germany, eh?”

  • Good film.
    I love Sub films.
    I saw the cathedral 4 years ago, as I had a friend working nearby. Have always liked Germany.

  • On the 11th March 1945 24 Japanese twin engined Bombers left Japan’s southern most island, Kyushu, for a kamikaze raid on the Ulithi Atoll, part of the Caroline Islands.
    The Atoll had been used as an anchorage by the Japanese and was a radio and weather station, but had abandoned it in 44. The US Navy saw how it could be used to house hundreds of its ships while in the Western Pacific, without the need to return to Pearl. It was a gigantic staging area for ops late in the war, particularly against Okinawa.
    The 24 Bombers carried fuel for one way(was 1300 miles) and one 1700lb bomb. Only two of the P1Y1s reached the Atoll, six turning back with mechanical problems, some landing at nearby Yap Island, the rest ditching in the sea. One hit the Essex Class Carrier, the Randolph, in the stern below the flight deck killing 27 and wounding 105. The second hit a road, mistaking it for a Carrier in the dark.
    The Randolph was repaired at the Atoll and was in action at Okinawa in April.

  • 14th March 1943: the Krakow Ghetto was finally “liquidated”.

    There had been 68000 Jews living in Krakow before the war. The 15000 who were allowed to remain as slave labourers were, by 1941, crammed in a ghetto.
    On the 13th and 14th March  1943 maybe 2000 were shot in the streets, 8000 sent to Plaszow Labour Camp, the rest to Auschwitz.

    This day was reenacted in Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List”.

  • March 19 1939
    Germany annexed predominantly German speaking Memel from Lithuania. It was accoplished by the simplest of means, Hitler sending a registered letter announcing the action to the Lithuanian Government. An actual treaty was signed subsequently as the Lithuanian forein minister went to Berlin to give part of his country away. In return for Memel, Lithuania received German guarantees of independence and a flow of trade between the two countries.

  • 24th March 1944:Major General Orde Wingate and eight others died in a plane crash(a Mitchell) in the jungle.
    He had just been lauded by Churchill as “a man of genius and audacity”. He oft quoted the bible and was an eccentric man, whose battlefield successes in the use of irregular tactics were spectacular.
    In the 30s his British led lJewish Commandos (Special Night Squads) safeguarded the Oil Fields and settlements in Palestine from Arab gangs.
    In Sudan in 1940 he raised a rebellion which helped oust the Italians from Ethiopia, again using British officers and local troops. In 1942 he was sent to India to come up with a plan to thwart the Japanese in Burma. He trained a Brigade strength unit of Ghurkas and British troops for deep penetration raids. They became known as Chindits and were first used in the Spring of 1943. They caused havoc behind the Japanese lines, destroying anything which could disrupt their communication lines, sometimes even 200 miles away. Unfortunately, the price paid was the loss or exhaustion of most of his small units.
    Some, including General Slim, thought it was a waste of resources, but on the whole it probably helped more than it hindered the Allies. It certainly boosted morale.
    It was in 1944 that a larger forc e of 20000 was being prepared for further action, that Wingate lost his life. Operations continued, but without their leader, the Chindits unit was absorbed into other commands. Many think Burma’s reconquest was down to Wingate’s hard work. Merrill’s (US) Marauders were modelled on them.

  • @wittmann:

    He trained a Brigade strength unit of Ghurkas and British troops for deep penetration raids. They became known as Chindits and were first used in the Spring of 1943. They caused havoc behind the Japanese lines, destroying anything which could disrupt their communication lines, sometimes even 200 miles away. Unfortunately, the price paid was the loss or exhaustion of most of his small units. Some, including General Slim, thought it was a waste of resources, but on the whole it probably helped more than it hindered the Allies. It certainly boosted morale.

    The first Chindit operation also made the important point that ordinary British troops, given the proper training and support, could operate successfully deep in the jungle, which hitherto had been considered the private preserve of the Japanese.  This helped the British psychologically by shattering the perception that the Japanese had some undefined special abilities which made them unbeatable in the jungle.

  • I read that, but did not post it.
    Thank you for adding it, Marc.

  • Fire in the Night - good biography of Wingate

    The guy was out there

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