• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well sounds like the allies are getting units for free???

    They already have the advantage…. what do the Axis get?

  • Customizer

    While this is and interesting idea and based in reality, I feel that it unbalances the gameplay even further towards the Allies like Gargantua logically stated.  And, like the “Coach” said, if you don’t subtract these units from the IPC’s of the receiving nations they end up like a free gift as far as gameplay concerns.  I’m keeping an open mind on this but think it would be hard to implement and keep a level playing field.

    “Tall Paul”

  • If you get any ideas, feel free to post it. i dont have a good idea

  • its more a new lend-lease, replacing the previous one

  • One idea i’ve had w/ this……(it was originally called lend/lease) “implying they’d re-pay for it” but never did…

    I’d say split the bill…

    for example, Russia wants a tank from U.S.
    Russia pays 2 IPC, and the U.S. picks up the rest of the bill and then builds it on U.S. turn…then ships it over.

    Russia wants a plane from U.K.
    Russia pays 4-6 IPC, and U.K. picks up the rest, builds it and ships it over.

    This way it is a cheaper product for Russia but completely paid for by the allies…or Russia has to pay a portion for it once it is delivered?

  • S@dirk2243:

    One idea i’ve had w/ this……(it was originally called lend/lease) “implying they’d re-pay for it” but never did…

    I’d say split the bill…

    for example, Russia wants a tank from U.S.
    Russia pays 2 IPC, and the U.S. picks up the rest of the bill and then builds it on U.S. turn…then ships it over.

    Russia wants a plane from U.K.
    Russia pays 4-6 IPC, and U.K. picks up the rest, builds it and ships it over.

    So, you mean that russia pays 2 IPC for the tank and the USA the other 4??

    BTW, good idea. We can make this for both sides,but we need something for Japan. they dont get easily connected with the european axis.

  • '14

    Idea: The U.S. (for example) Sends units by way of the North Atlantic to the U.K. and Russia in actual convoys. These convoys can be intercepted by Germany without bringing the U.S. into the war. Playing on the global 39 map these convoys have to end each turn in a convoy box until they reach the shoreline of the receiving country. Germany can attack these convoys only in the convoy zones, without bringing the U.S. into the war early. Just an idea!!!

  • @Warplayer12:


    One idea i’ve had w/ this……(it was originally called lend/lease) “implying they’d re-pay for it” but never did…

    I’d say split the bill…

    for example, Russia wants a tank from U.S.
    Russia pays 2 IPC, and the U.S. picks up the rest of the bill and then builds it on U.S. turn…then ships it over.

    Russia wants a plane from U.K.
    Russia pays 4-6 IPC, and U.K. picks up the rest, builds it and ships it over.

    So, you mean that russia pays 2 IPC for the tank and the USA the other 4??

    BTW, good idea. We can make this for both sides,but we need something for Japan. they dont get easily connected with the european axis.

    Well, the actual price can be decided upon by the allied players. Or even split by U.S.A. and U.K. They can pay full price for the tank, ship it over……then Russia can pay a said amount to them once delivered.

    What you could do to make this more of a convoy system…is the cash that Russia pays back goes onto that transport and then goes back to the home country and if that transport is sunk enroute back…then the home country is force to foot the entire bill, unless the transport makes it back without being sunk.

  • '14




    One idea i’ve had w/ this……(it was originally called lend/lease) “implying they’d re-pay for it” but never did…

    I’d say split the bill…

    for example, Russia wants a tank from U.S.
    Russia pays 2 IPC, and the U.S. picks up the rest of the bill and then builds it on U.S. turn…then ships it over.

    Russia wants a plane from U.K.
    Russia pays 4-6 IPC, and U.K. picks up the rest, builds it and ships it over.

    So, you mean that russia pays 2 IPC for the tank and the USA the other 4??

    BTW, good idea. We can make this for both sides,but we need something for Japan. they dont get easily connected with the european axis.

    Well, the actual price can be decided upon by the allied players. Or even split by U.S.A. and U.K. They can pay full price for the tank, ship it over……then Russia can pay a said amount to them once delivered.

    What you could do to make this more of a convoy system…is the cash that Russia pays back goes onto that transport and then goes back to the home country and if that transport is sunk enroute back…then the home country is force to foot the entire bill, unless the transport makes it back without being sunk.

    I like this idea. Use supply tokens to represent money being transported back. I think this will add a demension to the game that is historical and it would also give the U.S. player something to do other than wait.

  • right up your alley crusa

  • I use the supply tokens from BotB (trucks too) 1 token cost 1 IPC they can be only move by truck or transport. and cashed in at an IC, each token is worth 1 IPC when cashed in.

    Example USA Builds 6 supply tokens (cost 6 IPCs) in Eastern US, loads them onto transports and ships them to Russia. Once in Russia the Russian player loads them onto trucks and moves them to the Moscow IC. During the collect income phase Russia can cash in those supplies for IPCs (giving Russia 6 IPCs for those 6 supply tokens)

  • Good idea!

    I´m gonna use that in my next A3.9 game.

  • It works well and it gives Germany a good reason to Engage in the Battle of the Atlantic. Oh and the trucks end there movement by unloading the supplies.

  • Customizer

    This is a really cool idea, using the supply tokens to represent aid from US to it’s allies. You could do something similar for China with the Burma Road, although I’m not sure how easy it would be to get US supply tokens clear over to India (or possibly Burma while still in Allied hands) so they could be transported up into China.

    Question: Is there a limit to how many supply tokens can go on a truck or a transport ship? In BOTB, each truck can carry up to 6 supply tokens. Would that seem good for this game as well? Since transport ships could obviously carry more than trucks, I would think their limit would be higher, but how much? Now, I realize that in this game 1 truck piece isn’t just 1 truck but a whole fleet of trucks.

    Suggestion for transport ships: You could go by the maximum IPC amount that transports can carry which would be 1 tank + 1 Infantry = 9 IPCs. Since supply tokens cost 1 IPC each, the maximum load on a transport would be 9 supply tokens. If we keep trucks at 6 tokens max, in that case you would need at least 2 trucks to haul a full transport load to the Moscow IC.

    Another Question: If the US sent some supply tokens to Great Britain, the UK could cash them in immediately without using any trucks, correct? Also, could these supply tokens be cashed in at ANY IC, or just the capital? For example, could USSR use the tokens at the Leningrad IC?

  • wow didn’t think the idea would be this well recieved ok well here’s a total run down of the Lead-Lease rules I use.
    First throw out the Soviet NO of lead lease. 2nd any power may purchase supply tokens not just USA. Both Germany and UK provided there allies with Lend Lease type aid. The supply tokens cost 1 cashed in at major or minor IC for 1 IPC, 3 worth for a Minor, 10 for a Major. Supply Tokens are cashed in during the “Collect Income” phase of your turn. So it’s possible for the USA to move Supplies to the Island of Great Britian and on the next turn move them to Russia only to have the UK cash them instead. Due to the fact BotB is a tactical game and '42, '42 or Global is well a Global game then I down sized the trucks ability to carry supplies limiting it to 3 supplies per truck. Transports carry 6. Trucks cost 2 move 2 carry supplies or carries Inf. like in BotB but it’s 1 inf or suppllies not both. Trucks end there movement when they unload, Like transports do. and like in BotB they are captured not destroyed. I have the HGB pieces so I also have transport planes Transport Plane: Cost 7 move:4 can carry 1 inf. or 1 supply (so not to weaken the usefullness of sea transports), they can fly over impassible territories (not neutrals) but it cost 3 movement to do it. (Flying supplies over the hump). Nations that don’t have a truck piece for themselves just use either US or German with a nation token under the truck.

    I’m still working on the Burma Road thing as of right now I leave it alone but i do want to figure something out. The biggest hang up is the lack of a Chinese IC and that the Burma Road is two (chinese) territories so just letting cash them in at one while the other is in Axis hands has an unbalancing effect. But they should be able to cash them in after the road has been cut because of the Air Lifting supplies over the himalayes. So I’ve been alittle stuck but then again to be honest I need to put more thought into it.
    Transports can carry one unit plus 3 supplies or 1 inf and 1 other unit. I use the 1 unit plus 3 supplies (1 truck, 3 supplies) because the OOB setup doesn’t take these rules into account so it speeds up getting things going because in Global with no Lend Lease NO. Russia could use some help in getting the supplies flowing faster. It’s atleast 2 turns after German attacks before Russia cashes in supplies the first time.
    The answer to your question about the UK. As long as the supplies are at an IC they can be cashed in. So unloading supplies on the Island of Great Britian and cashing them in without the trucks is fine. The thing with the trucks is the supplies have a move of 0 so you have to have other units to move them. In this case USA built them in Eastern USA and moved them with transports got them to another IC so you’re all set. Trucks is just letting them move over land.
    Oh and in games not named Global any IC will do. If your using Minor and Major IC in your '42 games then i suggest using the rule of 3 for minor 10 for major.

    These rules were written after BotB was released and was first used with Revised. I have only updated them to keep them current.

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