Scale is always a problem for wargames; the best and most detailed AFV models are 1/35 but at that scale where the tank is about 8 inches long, a tank gun would fire effectively within 42 meters of real distance, which would require 6x6 (THIRTY SIX!!) standard 4x6 gaming tables (a measly 864 square feet of gaming space) to make an “in scale” game work across its longest square dimension.
On the other hand, you have the 10mm model standard, which allows you to denote entire regiments of Prussians and some realistic firing/marching distances in scale, but it is so small that while you can get all of the pieces on the table, you can’t really paint any detail on them without Chinese factory hands.
Then you have AxA, where all such realism is thrown out the window; an aircraft carrier is the length of 3 tanks (not thirty), the men are scaled for embarkation on miniature trains (but there are no railroad rules), a factory is smaller than the troops created within, and ships sail more or less their own length in the course of 3 months of simulated game time. Either the ships are approximately 432 miles long per inch, or their maximum speed is about 1 mile per year you decide.
Now that’s a game.