You can find units silhouettes in the Unit Identification Cards I posted here:
Each chart can be expanded in size by clicking on it.
at last i got my boards are set up,it has taken months and a sh*t load of cash.but its worth it.i had to get a wooden room built in the garden cos my house is so small,i used an old snooker table to house my boards.check out the link
yep all we need is for larry harris to decide how the game is meant to be played!
Well, that has to take the cake. You didn’t even commandeer an existing room. You built an entire new room! :-o :-o :-o Now who is going to try to top that!
Not even just a new room, but a whole new structure. I’m jealous.
yep all we need is for larry harris to decide how the game is meant to be played!
we are nearly there,with +2
at last i got my boards are set up,it has taken months and a sh*t load of cash.but its worth it.i had to get a wooden room built in the garden cos my house is so small,i used an old snooker table to house my boards.check out the link
Looks great. How did you work out the magnetic IPC chart?
hey,how i made the magnetic IPC chart,scan and print the chart and laminate it,super glue it to a metal plate,i got mine from an old kids black board,any metal plate will do,i got a magnitic roll from a hobby shop,its like sellotape so its self sticking,i just cut it up in to small pieces and stuck some on the back of the roundls.thats it very easy,i hope this helps
Nice set up! Have fun.
WOW! And here I thought I was doing good by turning my basement into a game room. You built a building! Nice work and enjoy!
WOW! And here I thought I was doing good by turning my basement into a game room. You built a building! Nice work and enjoy!
i wish my house in dublin had a basement,my wifes house in sofia has one and its huge,when i retire there i will be very happy
hey,how i made the magnetic IPC chart,scan and print the chart and laminate it,super glue it to a metal plate,i got mine from an old kids black board,any metal plate will do,i got a magnitic roll from a hobby shop,its like sellotape so its self sticking,i just cut it up in to small pieces and stuck some on the back of the roundls.thats it very easy,i hope this helps
Thanks a bunch and great idea.
yep all we need is for larry harris to decide how the game is meant to be played!
<like> :-)</like>
That is very impressive, congratulations. I thought I was top dog with a gaming room in my new apartment. Next up, I’ll have to buy an old government missile silo and covert that into levels of gaming mayhem. Oh, but when gamers dare to dream. :-D
my buddy is making a bomb shelter style game room under his back yard(with a permit). complete w/ old (worn)style of Il’s maps, death dead head’s map and coaches map. flags of all powers are ready to be hung, as well as real WW2 decor,(shell casings, ammo boxes(sorry not FMGs) and other cool gadgets that are going to blend in well. ) its half done but i
ve seen the drawings(his dads an architect). i
l get pics as soon as i can! :evil:
my buddy is making a bomb shelter style game room under his back yard(with a permit). complete w/ old (worn)style of Il’s maps, death dead head’s map and coaches map. flags of all powers are ready to be hung, as well as real WW2 decor,(shell casings, ammo boxes(sorry not FMG
s) and other cool gadgets that are going to blend in well. ) its half done but i
ve seen the drawings(his dads an architect). i
l get pics as soon as i can!
Here’s a possible source of inspiration: