• '17 '16

    This pict my interest and had to get my tape measure.  My Europe boards measure 31 13/16" along with the east board of Pacific. The west board of Pacific is a even 32".  Pretty close, we have tolerances in the industry.

  • Sponsor


    This pict my interest and had to get my tape measure.  My Europe boards measure 31 13/16" along with the east board of Pacific. The west board of Pacific is a even 32".  Pretty close, we have tolerances in the industry.                                            Â

    Thats crazy, so your Pacific set had 2 different sizes of boards within the same box?

  • It seems the Pacific side has the issues.  The air/naval bases cardboard prints are off center and the board doesn’t quite line up perfect and my board was bowed up.  Even the new one they sent me is a bit bowed on Japan.  That sucks cuz it’s on both boards, so if it isn’t even, setting pieces on it is annoying.

    YG, i saw the crooked base prints in your video and thought “those have to be from the pacific side”.  exactly like mine.  I don’t know why they just didn’t print the symbols on the map like you did on your custom map.  I’ve been looking for mini plane/anchor stickers for mine.

  • Sponsor


    It seems the Pacific side has the issues.  The air/naval bases cardboard prints are off center and the board doesn’t quite line up perfect and my board was bowed up.  Even the new one they sent me is a bit bowed on Japan.  That sucks cuz it’s on both boards, so if it isn’t even, setting pieces on it is annoying.

    YG, i saw the crooked base prints in your video and thought “those have to be from the pacific side”.  exactly like mine.  I don’t know why they just didn’t print the symbols on the map like you did on your custom map.  I’ve been looking for mini plane/anchor stickers for mine.

    Yep, pretty disapointed with the production quality, I could honestly care less if ANZAC has new sculpts, I would even play with all nations having the same sculpts if it meant having a better map board.

  • Sponsor

    Contacted WOTC and they are sending me new pacific boards, however… there is no way of checking the measurement before shipping as they said they can only send what they have… so it’s quite possible that the boards I get will have the same problem. I’ll wait to see and let you guys know what happens.

  • Sponsor

    Got my new Pacific boards today from WOTC, I don’t have my Europe boards with me to line them up and see, but they measure 32" tall which is a good sign. I encourage anyone with misaligned boards to contact WOTC customer service and get them replaced… 1-800-324-6496. These games are too expensive to settle for production flaws, as for why they are carrying the same product in different sizes… who knows, but on a positive note, they shipped me new ones no questions asked.

  • '15

    It’s good to hear that they did that for you. Props to them and their service department.

    I can live with my boards’ (very) slight misalignment, though I might have done the same thing in your situation.

  • Does the blue color for the oceans match?  My Pacific side is a liter or more faded blue than the Europe side.  Even the replacement was off colored.

  • Sponsor


    Does the blue color for the oceans match?  My Pacific side is a liter or more faded blue than the Europe side.  Even the replacement was off colored.

    I’ll let you know tonight when I look at them together.

  • '15


    Does the blue color for the oceans match?  My Pacific side is a liter or more faded blue than the Europe side.  Even the replacement was off colored.

    I have the same, and I never even noticed it until someone else mentioned it to me. Now I can’t un-see it :p

    Still, the difference is quite minor–enough to not even notice for five months and a half dozen games.

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