Just playing a great game of Europe 1940. I found myself in the following situation:
An interesting strategy played by the Allies was to land in Northern Italy! It is common to have a large Allied Navy and Army off of Casablanca (Usual Operation Torch). If the Allies still control Gibraltar this opens up some interesting possibilities for the Allies. From this sea zone and its Naval Base this Strike force can hit anywhere in the Western Med, The Normandy coast, Holland/Belgium or even Western Germany!
As the Axis player I expected him to go for France or try to take out Italy by landing in Rome. So most of my forces were concentrated in the Italian Capitol.
The American player landed 3 Transports in Northern Italy! This was devastating to Italy as the Major IC was downgraded to a Minor and my entire European Empire was divided by this force. Germany did not have many troops in Central Europe (Austria etc) so was not able to destroy the force during the first counter-attack. To make matters worse the UK landed EVERY plane that could reach from Africa and Great Britain next turn.
This tied up Italy as they were caught up fighting for their existence instead of expanding their African and Middle-eastern Empire. Germany had to build/divert large amounts of troops to the region to stop an Allied break out. Northern Italy is smack-dab in the middle of Europe and allows attack to both Southern France and Paris, Southern Germany, and the Balkans. What a mess!
Additionally, it is stated in the rule book that if you upgrade a minor IC to a Major IC, you get to place 3 additional units on the same turn (Please confirm my reading of this). This allowed the USA to build 6 tanks on the second round of occupation, with additional Air units supplied from the UK.
I think this was a great move by the USA/UK and highly unexpected. It is still unresolved and after several counter attacks and wasted resources, the AXIS have yet to push the western Allies out of Italy.