@SuperbattleshipYamato Yeah I get you 100%. Alternate History is a niche interest in the first place so finding other people willing to go down the rabbit hole is always tough.
Coolest looking armored vehicle!??? and why???
Panther for me although my avatar dude has a Tiger
i personaly think that the panzer IV austf. G (the one with the extra armor)
close second would be Panther
I’ve always thought the Panzer 38T was a really cool looking tank.
Sherman crab flail mine busting tank.
I think JagdTiger is cool, man.
I think JagdTiger is cool, man.
Jagd Tiger is a tank destroyer not a tank. It has no turret and is essentially an 88 gun on tracks with armor
I wonder what Foxy thinks of that. Or Eagle?
#559 Do not delete me please.
I wonder what Foxy thinks of that. Or Eagle?
#559 Do not delete me please.
So do I….LMFAO !
Jagd Tiger is a tank destroyer not a tank. It has no turret and is essentially an 88 gun on tracks with armor
Wow, I thought you were banished.
Stug III mit shurzen und saukopf. Looks like a deadly and tough ambush weapon.
I think JagdTiger is cool, man.
Actually this is a Jagdpanther.
The jagdtiger had a 128L55 and built on a tiger II chassis, whereas the jagdpanther was built on a Panther chassis and sported an 88L71 if I recall.
Just FYIAnd yes, I love the Jagdpanther!!!
i’m not sure of the name but it was an armored roles royce, I always like it because you can own one as a civy.
Do you talk about armored vehicle or tank?
Hey yo…it’s not the same at all.By the way… Jagdtiger is a self propelled gun category.
To me it would be a Panzer-Spähwagen II (Sd.Kfz. 123) Luchs with a 5 cm Gun.
I was allways facinated about recon mission stories.
The SdKfz 250 series is getting my secind vote…. -
Do you talk about armored vehicle or tank?
Hey yo…it’s not the same at all.By the way… Jagdtiger is a self propelled gun category.
It is a SPG as were all tank destroyers (turretless tank). The SPA vehicles like the Wespe and Hummel had much less armor.
The SPG units came into favor in the later half of the war as they were less expensive to produce and the Germans were employing a static line of defense.
The M808V Main Battle Tank. Also known as Sheila :-D
Elefant. The most succesful Tank Destroyer imo.
Battle of Kursk’s MVP!
Elefant. The most succesful Tank Destroyer imo.
Battle of Kursk’s MVP!
Not really. Germans got their butts kicked at Kursk.
Elefant could not defend themselves at close range, no machine gun for one and too many fast moving T34’s closing the range on them taking away the advantage of their 88’s.I think the Stug wa a more effective TD.