@fasthard ok thanks for explaining! Have a good day!
Funcioneta's 1940 Global module
NO, I thought all I had was the two T40 folders was the exe in one fo them? Guess I can check my email…right now I have income, oil, convoy, etc…
You must have the new version of ABattlemap for this module to function properly. You can get it by downloading and unzipping
Atti’s P40 module from FoE (you must be registered)this file, and replacing the ABattlemap.exe file in your pre-installed ABattlemap version .79f program folder with the ABattlemap.exe file found in the download (some things will affect compatibility with other people’s save files).This module works with the most up to date version of Abattlemap 0.80+ I recommend HolKann’s Abattlemap Installer found at: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=12873.msg357193#msg357193 or directly downloaded at: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w05zwkxji5w/ABattleMap_Installer.exe
Func, I highly recommend putting these links in your first post, and also linking to TMTM’s module thread to avoid confusion from new players not knowing there’s now more than one module. TMTM - you might also consider linking to my direct download of the .EXE for those who do not want all the modules installed or have a slower net connection, and also linking to Func’s module thread.
NO, I thought all I had was the two T40 folders was the exe in one fo them? Guess I can check my email…right now I have income, oil, convoy, etc…
You must have the new version of ABattlemap for this module to function properly. You can get it by downloading and unzipping
Atti’s P40 module from FoE (you must be registered)this file, and replacing the ABattlemap.exe file in your pre-installed ABattlemap version .79f program folder with the ABattlemap.exe file found in the download (some things will affect compatibility with other people’s save files).will do
This module works with the most up to date version of Abattlemap 0.80+ I recommend HolKann’s Abattlemap Installer found at: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=12873.msg357193#msg357193 or directly downloaded at: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w05zwkxji5w/ABattleMap_Installer.exe
Func, I highly recommend putting these links in your first post, and also linking to TMTM’s module thread to avoid confusion from new players not knowing there’s now more than one module. TMTM - you might also consider linking to my direct download of the .EXE for those who do not want all the modules installed or have a slower net connection, and also linking to Func’s module thread.
Well, TM’s got a newer start file where the French territory is lighter in hue, thus one is able to see the amount of units in a territory easier. He forgot the 4 infantry in Greece still and I also modified my copy (with those guys) as well with the Auto-Convoy box selected as well as the starting national objectives.
I am still trying to get the convoy thing to work. I attempted to put a burning German transport in SZ 119 as well as a German battleship (thinking maybe the BB also had to be present to represent a warship to do the raid.) I even tried laying the transport over the convoy raid icon directly, to see if that made a difference. It did not.
Their are 4 inf in Gre now… you might have an older version of my module…
Yea, so I am a teacher who can’t read well…deal. lol. Sorry, Stoney. TMTM sent me a link to the file, downloaded, ran and check it, seems it did work so the auto-convoy is running now. He also adjusted the french tt color and sent me a file of that so I can read the unit numbers there now too, which is awesome!
Yea, so I am a teacher who can’t read well…deal. lol. Sorry, Stoney. TMTM sent me a link to the file, downloaded, ran and check it, seems it did work so the auto-convoy is running now. He also adjusted the french tt color and sent me a file of that so I can read the unit numbers there now too, which is awesome!
Damn good “customer” service for a guy who works for free and goes on business in China.
Yea, so I am a teacher who can’t read well…deal. lol. Sorry, Stoney. TMTM sent me a link to the file, downloaded, ran and check it, seems it did work so the auto-convoy is running now. He also adjusted the french tt color and sent me a file of that so I can read the unit numbers there now too, which is awesome!
Damn good “customer” service for a guy who works for free and goes on business in China.
Isn’t it thought? If we still had a Karma system, I’da be bumbing it everyday for a couple weeks.
Yea, so I am a teacher who can’t read well…deal. lol. Sorry, Stoney. TMTM sent me a link to the file, downloaded, ran and check it, seems it did work so the auto-convoy is running now. He also adjusted the french tt color and sent me a file of that so I can read the unit numbers there now too, which is awesome!
Damn good “customer” service for a guy who works for free and goes on business in China.
Went to China for my wifes family also… I don’t know the language… so when everyone is busy chatting etc… I have lots of free time to build a module… seem each year I build a module in China hehe not just the little plastic peices are made in China… even the modules hehe
Yea, so I am a teacher who can’t read well…deal. lol. Sorry, Stoney. TMTM sent me a link to the file, downloaded, ran and check it, seems it did work so the auto-convoy is running now. He also adjusted the french tt color and sent me a file of that so I can read the unit numbers there now too, which is awesome!
Damn good “customer” service for a guy who works for free and goes on business in China.
Went to China for my wifes family also… I don’t know the language… so when everyone is busy chatting etc… I have lots of free time to build a module… seem each year I build a module in China hehe not just the little plastic peices are made in China… even the modules hehe
Yeah, that was good.
I hope in the next version they fix the NO’s for G40 Alpha 2
I hope in the next version they fix the NO’s for G40 Alpha 2
Your wish has already been granted. See TMTM’s module, which has all Alpha 2 NO’s done, and has the Alpha 2 setup.
Go to the first post in this thread for downloads. http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22555.0;topicseen
I wish I hadn’t written over the 1941 Anniversary and 1942 Anniversary start files……/sigh
I wish I hadn’t written over the 1941 Anniversary and 1942 Anniversary start files……/sigh
just ask someone who you know has the copy you wanted to email it to you :)
I’ve finished the first version of my module. Its based on the modules of Funcioneta and Stoney229… what I did was make the map bigger and put all the NO’s on their own chart and the artwork is different as well. Give it a try and let me know of any improvements or fixes it needs… I’m also providing a link to the Paint.net source files… you just need Paint.net which can be found at www.getpaint.net
You will notice a few differences… like damage… you’ll need to use the damage icon toolpeice to do damage… this is done to prevent overdamaging. Anyway feel free to use the source files and make the artwork/module better or let me know what you’d like changed.
TMTM’s G40 Alpha2 module http://www.axisandallies.us/T40beta1.zip
The source files http://www.axisandallies.us/T40gimsourcefiles.zip
how would there be overdamaging?
Hey Stoney! A player at AAMC.net who asked me to build this module told me that you can over damage the UK/Scotland with zones 119 and 109. If you put 8 damage in z109 it will do the max damage allowed to the 2 combined but if you also add 2 damage to z119 it ends up damaging you 10 when the limit is 8… thats what I was told
Someone asked me about this again… so I went search for the official answer… and I guess my source is wrong. Read here: http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=4964
There a reason an install of this would not work on a system running 32 bit Windows XP (netbook) and would not work with a direct copy/paste of the directory from one computer to the other?
(The latter allowed me to open a file, but not scroll the map, if that helps.)
There a reason an install of this would not work on a system running 32 bit Windows XP (netbook) and would not work with a direct copy/paste of the directory from one computer to the other?
(The latter allowed me to open a file, but not scroll the map, if that helps.)
elaborate. is the install of your ABattlemap working, and this module is the only one not working? did you have the program open when you copied? did you try just using the download?
I can open the AAR file, the AA40 File (Global and TMTM) but I cannot scroll the map. It only displays from the default position (N. America/Europe).
I have attempted to just copy/paste the directory from a working computer, but that did not seem to help.
I can open the AAR file, the AA40 File (Global and TMTM) but I cannot scroll the map. It only displays from the default position (N. America/Europe).
I have attempted to just copy/paste the directory from a working computer, but that did not seem to help.
does it do this when opening your friends Map files? Does it happens when opening Abattlemap fresh and going to New and selecting the map from the list?
It happens when opening a fresh map. New–>Game Type->Frozen map
It happens when opening a fresh map. New–>Game Type->Frozen map
redownload the module thats not working and let it overwrite all the files. Try rebooting
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