• I think this has been answered earlier in the thread, but i dont remember which page, what is the purpsoes of the 2 union jack cricles u get in 1940 europe?

  • Official Q&A


    I think this has been answered earlier in the thread, but i dont remember which page, what is the purpsoes of the 2 union jack cricles u get in 1940 europe?

    They’re for tracking the United Kingdom’s Pacific economy income level on the National Production Chart in the global game.

  • why 2 of them?

  • Incase you lose one or you want to track the tech chart.

  • @TheDefinitiveS:

    Incase you lose one or you want to track the tech chart.

    Tech for UK is all together as one, so no need for it on the tech chart…

  • @gamerman01:


    Incase you lose one or you want to track the tech chart.

    Tech for UK is all together as one, so no need for it on the tech chart…

    This is true…then there is  a 2nd marker because there can be.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11




    Incase you lose one or you want to track the tech chart.

    Tech for UK is all together as one, so no need for it on the tech chart…

    This is true…then there is  a 2nd marker because there can be.

    Simply put the other roundel on the stack of IPCs ’ money ’ ( you are using IPCs 'money ', don’t you ? ) belonging to the Pacific side.

    J.  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I think this has been answered earlier in the thread, but i dont remember which page, what is the purpsoes of the 2 union jack cricles u get in 1940 europe?

    England Atlantic Board
    England Pacific Board

  • @ghr2:

    why 2 of them?

    Another use, if you use paper money, I use the second jack on India cash, with the other UK marker on the London cash. Sometimes the two collect the same so this helps if you detest using pencil and paper for your income.

    Question regarding U.S. Major factory upgrade, here is the Alpha +.2 rule:

    “7. All 3 Minor ICs in the continental US automatically are immediately converted to Major ICs when the US is at war. They can be upgraded at any time before that for 20 IPCs each.”

    Alpha +.2 question: If the U.S. declares war during its combat phase as a result of this rule: “9. The United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its next turn if London and/or any territory in North America is captured by an Axis power.”, can it build 10 units per upgraded minor that turn? Normally, the turn a factory is upgraded, it is limited to 3 units. However rule 7 indicates and immediate conversion (not a purchased upgrade). Does immediate imply immediate use this turn, or does it simply mean replace the factories now, but use them as minors this game turn?

    Thank you in advance, I read an earlier discussion on factory limits, but not one regarding this rule change in the latest Alpha rules. I’m playtesting the handicapping of America’s factories for a USA first axis approach and this has come up.

    I plan on converting the national mall into a beer garden for the refreshment of axis forces in Washington D.C., they can make a barracks out of the Main Navy and Munitions buildings.

    In 1918, contractors for the United States Navy’s Bureau of Yards and Docks constructed the “Main Navy” and “Munitions” Buildings along nearly a third of a mile of the south side of Constitution Avenue (then known as B Street), from 17th Street Northwest (NW) to 21st Street NW.[16][17][18] Although the Navy intended the buildings to provide temporary quarters for the United States military during World War I, the reinforced concrete structures remained in place until 1970 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Mall

  • Official Q&A


    Question regarding U.S. Major factory upgrade, here is the Alpha +.2 rule:

    “7. All 3 Minor ICs in the continental US automatically are immediately converted to Major ICs when the US is at war. They can be upgraded at any time before that for 20 IPCs each.”

    Alpha +.2 question: If the U.S. declares war during its combat phase as a result of this rule: “9. The United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its next turn if London and/or any territory in North America is captured by an Axis power.”, can it build 10 units per upgraded minor that turn? Normally, the turn a factory is upgraded, it is limited to 3 units. However rule 7 indicates and immediate conversion (not a purchased upgrade). Does immediate imply immediate use this turn, or does it simply mean replace the factories now, but use them as minors this game turn?

    They may mobilize 10 units each on the turn that the US declares war.

  • @ghr2:

    why 2 of them?

    I case someone loses one of the roundels.

    Or, in case you dog eats one of the roundels.  Then you may use the back-up roundel while you wait for the first one to pass thru.  :lol:

  • @BadSpeller:


    why 2 of them?

    I case someone loses one of the roundels.

    Or, in case you dog eats one of the roundels.  Then you may use the back-up roundel while you wait for the first one to pass thru.   :lol:

    Or buy more of them, I have a dozen UK Union Jack roundels, useful for my house rule that means I can transfer Persia, Iraq and Transjordan/Syria to UK Pacific control. And I mark West India with one. If UK London falls, either I use the ‘Canada/South Africa’ house rule I wrote or the UK Pacific is overall UK Capital house rule.

  • @13thguardsriflediv:



    why 2 of them?

    I case someone loses one of the roundels.

    Or, in case you dog eats one of the roundels.  Then you may use the back-up roundel while you wait for the first one to pass thru.   :lol:

    Or buy more of them, I have a dozen UK Union Jack roundels, useful for my house rule that means I can transfer Persia, Iraq and Transjordan/Syria to UK Pacific control. And I mark West India with one. If UK London falls, either I use the ‘Canada/South Africa’ house rule I wrote or the UK Pacific is overall UK Capital house rule.

    Did you buy 5 more E40’s?  :-D
    Seriously, that’s a great idea, to mark West India!!  I think I’ll do that.

  • @gamerman01:




    why 2 of them?

    I case someone loses one of the roundels.

    Or, in case you dog eats one of the roundels.  Then you may use the back-up roundel while you wait for the first one to pass thru.  :lol:

    Or buy more of them, I have a dozen UK Union Jack roundels, useful for my house rule that means I can transfer Persia, Iraq and Transjordan/Syria to UK Pacific control. And I mark West India with one. If UK London falls, either I use the ‘Canada/South Africa’ house rule I wrote or the UK Pacific is overall UK Capital house rule.

    Did you buy 5 more E40’s?  :-D
    Seriously, that’s a great idea, to mark West India!!  I think I’ll do that.

    I think that half a dozen come with P40?  I may be wrong though

  • @The:

    I think that half a dozen come with P40?  I may be wrong though

    Oh, that’s right - it would be with P40, not E40.  I only got 2, and it sounds like others got just 2 as well.

  • e40 comes with 2 as well

  • turns out I was wrong. Not unusual though P40 has 0 and E40 has 2

  • Is a failed axis conquest of Yugoslavia treated the same way as Dutch territories are treated in terms of the allies gaining an ally that they cannot control? More specifically, can allied air units land in allied Yugoslavia before land units take it over? (They join the allies per page 11 of the rules).

    Page 11, 1st column, last paragraph above the section :“Strict Neutrals” in the Europe 1940 rulebook uses a German attack on Yugoslavia as an example.

    From the rule: “If the attack upon the neutral territory is unsuccessful (the territory is not captured), it’s no longer considered neutral and becomes part of the alliance opposing the power that attacked it. For example, if Germany attacked Yugoslavia but failed to capture it, after the attack Yugoslavia would join the Allies. Any remaining defending units stay in the territory, but can’t move. The territory remains uncontrolled, but units from the side it’s not allied with can move into it and take control of it and its remaining units in the same way as if it were a friendly neutral.”

    If the axis fail to capture:

    1. Is a once attacked Yugoslavia prior to being occupied by allied land units actually another ally like the Dutch territories?

    2. Can the allies use Yugoslavia as a place to land air units during non combat before other allied land forces occupy it and convert it?

    3. If they cannot land there, can allied planes fly over a once attacked Yugoslavia as it is no longer neutral if I understand correctly?

    4. I assume for purposes of building air and naval bases, or factories, an allied Yugoslavia that you reinforce with land units, counts as being taken over that turn and thus you must wait a turn to build on it. Is that correct?

    Basically, I am wondering if you can use it as a place to land, for an attack on the Italian fleet, if the German’s use it as an exploit (meaning they attack from two sides, without intending to capture, so they can retreat towards Russia with S. German units and 1 Romanian attacking and thus retreating to Romania).

    This would basically allow 2 UK fighters (in alpha 2) to hit sz 97 to land on the carrier, and permit the Gibraltar and Normandy(if alive) planes to hit and land in Yugoslavia, along with the Tactical and Malta fighter, plus a non combat transported 2 land units….you would assemble a large force in Yugoslavia or at the very least, hit it with more air than otherwise possible choosing them as first casualties for instance.

  • Also, page 21 of the AAE1940 says air units can land on a “friendly” territory that was friendly at the start of your turn.

    Is Greece considered “friendly” even before you take it over…I.E. can UK attack sz97 Italy with more UK air units and land in Greece, if the UK non combats land units into Greece to take it over. In other words, is it a “friendly” neutral even though its not yours yet?

  • Official Q&A


    1. Is a once attacked Yugoslavia prior to being occupied by allied land units actually another ally like the Dutch territories?



    1. Can the allies use Yugoslavia as a place to land air units during non combat before other allied land forces occupy it and convert it?



    1. If they cannot land there, can allied planes fly over a once attacked Yugoslavia as it is no longer neutral if I understand correctly?



    1. I assume for purposes of building air and naval bases, or factories, an allied Yugoslavia that you reinforce with land units, counts as being taken over that turn and thus you must wait a turn to build on it. Is that correct?



    Also, page 21 of the AAE1940 says air units can land on a “friendly” territory that was friendly at the start of your turn.

    Is Greece considered “friendly” even before you take it over…I.E. can UK attack sz97 Italy with more UK air units and land in Greece, if the UK non combats land units into Greece to take it over. In other words, is it a “friendly” neutral even though its not yours yet?

    Friendly neutral is not friendly.  You cannot land air units in a friendly neutral.

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