I read that, and is one of my sources. Funny enough, KaLeu put a link to Quora asking the same question, and one of the answers just copied and pasted the article you sent me.
Best Soviet Weapons?
1. T-34
2. RPG-29
3. PAK FAOfc, the AK-47 should be on the list, it’s mandatory, but lets just forget about the ak-47 b/c it’s a given, like discussing books and not mentioning the Bible…get my point (?), and it’s hard to argue with a cheap weapon (rpg-29) that can damage modern tanks.
Well the PAK FA is more modern than 1991, so then I would rank the Dragunov sniper rifle at 3. It was better than any western sniper rifles until the 80’s.
1. T-34
2. RPG-29
3.Dragunov SVD -
-Katjuscha (russ. »Катюша«)
-JS 2 -
Far East Army
Stalin staying out of operational command of Soviet forces -
Winter. Destroyed both Napoleon and Hitlers armies; a few more weeks of fall weather and the outcomes might have been different.
The Tsar Bomba; most powerful nuclear weapon designed and tested. Truely an engineering marvel dwarfing (even in the scaled down version tested) anything the Americans (or British or French) did.
The T34 tank; revolutionized tank design.
Since winter isn’t really a designed product, I’ll have to include Sputnik due to the political capital this gave the Soviets.
I think you are ok w. Winter since IL used
@Imperious:Stalin staying out of operational command of Soviet forces
:-P :-P
T-34: Most effective mass produced tank during (and long after) the war
Winter: Added “Germany” to the long list of invading countries overwhelmed while (attempting) to invade Russia
Virtually unlimited supply of conscripts: more than you can say for Germany
None, they can’t even make a car right.
1. http://www.fillmoregazette.com/military/soviet-heavy-bomber
2. http://gizmodo.com/5598213/what-planet-did-this-tank-came-from
3. Sub in the White Sea/Barents Sea -
Iosif Stalin tank -
:-D :lol:
T-34, winter and ppsh-41
As one of the NA’s in revised edition said
Russia’s greatest ally was its winter
AK-47 for all around best weapon to me.
For WWII - The cold Winter, the T34 in numbers and the Katuscha rockets I think had the biggest impact against the Germans.
lol oh and I just remembered…… The Tsar Bomba!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwlNPhn64TAHAHAHA I wish I had a few Tsar bombas. Maybe Target has some in aisle 5? lol :evil:
IL2 Sturmovik and the T-34 all versions for WWII. The MIG15 for Korea. These three had a tremendous impact when they first appeared on the battlefield. Got to get the AK47 in there somewhere.