Bump - Added Italian Set
What previews do you want?
When you click on the images in the story, the large original is not big enough to read the setup? I thought I went through each one to verify readability.
It would be nice to have some closer / clearer shots of the map so that all the territory names can be confirmed.
When you click on the images, it takes you to a page with only that image but the image is not any larger or in any higher resolution. This is true for all images in all the preview articles you have.
1. pictures of map with initial set up
2. any updated rules such as national objectives, axis/ally leaning neutrals, special rules like when russia can attack, etc. -
I want the combined map. Setup to if possible.
Close up on the map, Dear leader. Your soldiers will be grateful to survey the battlefield.
Seconded. Or thirded… whatever. Thanks.
I vote for the new rules regarding neutrals, NO’s and details on the techs.
Can we please have some Hi-Res pictures of the full map? So we can see all the clear lines and names?
Thank you
I’ll re-export the setup cards and map in high resolution. The original photos are crystal clear so it should be fine for reading. I was hoping to photograph the French pieces tonight but i got home late so I might do both France and Italy tomorrow night. The other pieces are the same from AAP40 as far as I can tell.
Soviet, German, and Italian mech and tactical bomber, plus all the french pieces are what we need to see.
Here is the latest preview: http://www.axisandallies.org/node/433
I see the Italians have got their original Infantry sculpt, as well as the German Tank (Panther), the SdKfz 251 Mech Infantry, and Flak 88 Artillery. I do like the Stuka Tac Bomber. Other than that, they have the German Fighter and Bomber pieces, as well as all the German Naval pieces from AA50. Looks cool to me.
I notice that the French Battleship is unique, which is really a downer because we’ll never see it in action as France doesnt start with any Battleships and if it is ever liberated it will more than likely be building land units. Meaning, we’ll never practically see it. (It’ll be more rare than the Anzac BB/CV or a second Russian BB).
Forgive me, but isn’t the French Battleship sculpt actually the same as the Soviet Union one from AA42?
And also, what of the Aircraft Carriers?
The french battleship is not unique. It’s the same as the Soviet battleship that came with AA42. France has no unique sculpts apart from the infantry unit.
I am very interested in finding out is the list of neutrals: pro-Allies and pro-Axis.
Ah yes… And the National Objectives, so that we can get the abattlemap and triplea versions running so we can start playing!
Can you confirm that the Global rules were included with AAE40?
Obviously, to each their own, but I personally can’t understand why anyone would be more interested in previews of unit sculpts than previews of rules or additional map detail.
Maybe it’s just me.
Yes, of course they were. I mentioned that as a possible preview for this game, Europe 1940. It will actually be the next preview.
Can you confirm that the Global rules were included with AAE40?
I am very interested in finding out is the list of neutrals: pro-Allies and pro-Axis.
-Greece -
I’ve added the details of the setup in the first preview. I guess people couldn’t read the crystal clear larger photos. I was able to and that is what I used.