Oh, awesome. We thought you had to own the base. That actually makes a lot more sense as far as realism goes.
Wanted: Complete French Set and/or Italian Set
I have a standing offer for a complete set of French pieces and/or Italian - I will offer:
New Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 Board and New Axis & Allies Europe 1940 Board (for both only!)
Used Axis & Allies Revised Board + $15
Let me know if anyone is interested
I have a standing offer for a complete set of French pieces - I will offer:
All 5 sets of pieces from Axis & Allies 1942 (sealed)
New Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 Board
Used Axis & Allies Revised Board
Let me know if anyone is interested
I can tell you that painting them lt blue would be very easy. Maybe the singapore game could provide you with other pieces that look somewhat like french infantry. Sounds like you would be giving up alot to get those pieces.
Can’t afford E40?
Bought my usual 2 copies. Want an extra French set.
Willing to give up any of the above.
why?,is 2 sets not enough,i cant see the french running out of 1 set, never mind 2 sets
I keep one set sealed.
See A&A Anniversary.
Europe and Pacific likely won’t be as rare as Anniversary. Anniversary pretty much became a $500 to $1000 rare item in just a year where as Europe and Pacific will take maybe 20 to 30 years to get to that point.
Still, always nice to have an unopened copy if you got the cash.
ok i see your point,how much is a used anniversary edition worth? cos i cant see my self playing mine much
ok i see your point,how much is a used annavisary edition worth? cos i cant see my self playing mine much
It’s supply and demand. If there is no demand then it would cost little to nothing to buy, but since there is very high demand it costs a lot. Obviously something is only worth as much as your willing to pay for it. You might only be willing to spend $100 for it but someone else might be willing to spend $600.
hmm,i think ill keep it for a few years lol
I will trade for sealed 1942 pieces.
Awesome! I sent you a PM.
I’ll still take another set if anyone wants the cash or the boards.
ok i see your point,how much is a used anniversary edition worth? cos i cant see my self playing mine much
I sold my used one for about $200. (after BGG Commission and Paypal fee)
Bump - Added Italian Set