I have designed a set of ships. If you recall my destroyers and cruisers were smaller then the battleship. I didn’t get to much flack at the time but A&A then just used generic pieces.
Shrinking the smaller ships would make one country ships indistinguishable from another but it would make it visibly easier to tell what you have and are attacking. The subs I designed are about half the size of the battleship and are still too big in scale. But that allowed me to offer a periscope option (having your periscope up or down).
What is most important to you?
The ships need to be in very close size by class to each AA unit so both are compatible for play.
The ships you release must have at least the same detail as the AA ships.
Central Powers ships frankly looked like putting skyscrapers on top of a row boat. The shapes of the superstructure looked like buildings and had very poor detail.
Avoid making the ships look like Eagle games Attack! and more like Axis and Allies. Attack! does not sell well and is not well received.
If i was you BEFORE you spend money…. post a picture in CAD outline of what you propose and we can give you input.
Also, check out the FMG thread on their own line of pieces. They know exactly what we need.