Thanks for the feedback. Most of the rules for the game were crowd sourced from those actually playing an axis and allies style game. The game was never intended to be a historically accurate representation of the American civil war…as are the axis and allies WW2 games. They are themed games. You are welcome to try it out on Steam tabletop simulator if you have it before casting any kind of judgement. It really is a fun game that challenge players. If you want more historically accurate games, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
Aircraft Range Markers - for all games
But when do you use the 8 marker ?
But when do you use the 8 marker ?
bombers with long range aircraft tech.
you would use it to show the bomber hasn’t moved yet -
But when do you use the 8 marker ?
bombers with long range aircraft tech.
you would use it to show the bomber hasn’t moved yetactually you don’t need a marker for aircraft that hasn’t moved yet.
You do need an 8 marker for a bomber starting on an airbase with long range tech in the upcoming AAG40 game. In this case a bomber would have a range of 9 spaces.
Excellent markers! they will definitely help keep aircraft ranges straight, especially after battle.
I have to admit that at the beginning of the game it is the toughest thing to remember the fighters because of all the locations they start at, but as the game progresses and forces are consolidated it is easier to remember these things, at least IMO.
Thank you for lining up the markers on equal spacing on the sheet.
This allowed me to glue two sheets (110 lb cardstock) back to back (zeros back to zeros & eights back to eights) using spray adhesive, then cut apart.
Now the Aircraft Range Markers are thicker and numbered the same on each side. No need to flip a marker over to see what number I need when it is in the pile/dish/container/or compartment.
Thanks again! :-D
Very nice.
J. 8-)
Excellent work they are really nice
Very nice! I will use these the next time I play. Not to get off topic in the Europe 1940 forum, but this will be GREAT for Pacific 1940 (tons of plans flying over sea zones)… in my last game of Pacific, keeping up with movement and which plane came from where was one of the biggest obstacles.
Thanks again for posting this.
This is great, thanks. I don’t know how many times I’ve attacked with a high number of planes and then just “bulk parked” them because I’m too lazy to remember/figure out what they have left in range or even worse a player inadvertently cheats, because range was forgot in the chaos.
This is awesome! I will SO use these!
Great! :)
Nice adition to the game.
Thanks -
Those are really cool. I might just print that out on magnetic paper. They have to be magnetic for my board.
I made these fuel makers a couple years ago but none of our group used them. Maybe if they were not chips my group might use them.
Fuel Markers
Purple (numbered 1-7) These are my new chips to mark the spaces left that a plane can fly after combat. With so many planes in global 1940 we found it useful.This second pic shows my IPC board which is a small replica of the main board. Here the board can be tilted perpendicular and still hold a stack of 30 chips.
Nice, man, all these customizers on these topics, and NONE near me, how id love to go to a buddies house and do A&A mods all gawddamn day, gowddammit!! :)
Going to print these tomorrow at work. Ive been using the ones from revised, but yours go higher and now i’ll have plenty!
I know this is an old thread but: Thanks Adam, great game enhancement.
If printed them half a year ago and laminated them. They worked great for our gaming group to keep up with the movement of our air units.
A couple of days ago I’ve tuned them a litte. I’ve resized your designs so that they will fit into a stacking chip. I’ve printed them on sticker material, cutted them and attached them to the chips. Now ontop of each stack we’re able to attach one of the markers to keep the remaining movement point in scope.
PS: I would love to add a picture but there no option for me to do this. (Attachment Option shows not up. Links & image links are not allowed) :-/
PS: I would love to add a picture but there no option for me to do this. (Attachment Option shows not up. Links & image links are not allowed) :-/
You need approximately 10 posts before you can attach pictures, due to the forum’s anti-spam software.
PS: I would love to add a picture but there no option for me to do this. (Attachment Option shows not up. Links & image links are not allowed) :-/
You need approximately 10 posts before you can attach pictures, due to the forum’s anti-spam software.
Thanks for the clarification! So I’m looking forward to join more discussions (insted of just reading them :roll:) to gain the needed number of postings.