Why should China work under the same rules as other powers, when it was not in the same situation as other powers? China was not an industrialized nation like the other powers. The other powers were not in the midst of a full-blown civil war, as China was. I agree that the game should not be scripted to follow history exactly. There should be room for what-ifs. However, it also should not include elements that are complete fantasy
I agree with this. You should include difficult terrain rules for China: tanks and air units should have their movement reduced by one if enter, move or exit from China since is a non industrial country
Also, to prevent fantasy scenarios, delete the ACME wall as well. China was at war with Japan. If Japan had some troops in FIC or Korea or Novo (fanatay anyone? :lol: ) and China had enough force to kill them, you can bet your pants China would attack, it’s a war after all, even if a three sides war (KMT vs Mao vs Japan). If you want simulate chinese civil war there are other ways: the reduced income China has is a way (no way in real life of Japan outproducing China in terms of manpower as does in A&A). Other option is rolling after combat move is done: if China attacks out of China (or moves in NCM) roll one die, with a 6 China don’t attacks due civil war. Other option is split chinese income in two (commies and KMT), make a new maoist sculpt and don’t let commies and KMT mix … and delete the fantasy ACME wall
The Flying Tigers were not chinese (by your own statemens), so the ACME limitation should not include them
Chinese coast were … chinese, you know … the FT should attack lone trannies at least at chinese coast
Face it, Krieg: ACME wall is the fantasy scenario, jap tanks rushing for China is the fantasy scenario, chinese jedi lightsabres destroying ICs is the fantasy scenario, Japan having more air units than China total units and producing more inf than China is the fantasy scenario, Mongolian ACME walls is the fantasy scenario and all that stuff that lets gamey strats happen (as bombers parked in Korea laughing of chinese forces that are going to be uberbombed next round just because a fantasy rules don’t let them attack). It’s not elegant, in fact is the worst rule made in any A&A game. China is not well represented in any A&A game and ACME wall is just the opposite way the things should go