Thanks @Stucifer, @SuperbattleshipYamato
& @Krieghund. I suspected that was the case but was really hoping it wasn’t.
Placement of China reinforcements - clarification please
How should this work? Given that China cannot buy a factory, can China buy say 5 infantry and place them all in one territory (regardless of the base value of the territory) at the end of its turn. Or must China comply with the value of the territory for placement, e.g can only place up to 1 infantry in Yunnan and 2 in Shantung, etc. I just played a game where my opponent was stacking all of his infantry in one province (generally value of one) right next to my japanese forces. What is the ruling??? thanks
China can buy and place as many units as they can afford in a turn. They can place them in ANY territory(ies) they control including those just liberated from Japan that turn. They can place every unit bought in 1 territory or spread them out as they see fit. Territory values don’t place a limit on placement.
You can place them anywhere you want, no restrictions
Seems a little ludicrous but hey…this game seems to be full of little problems but it does put more strategic importance on wiping china out altogether as early as possible, if necessary at the expense of going after india. Thanks gents. One more question if I could…if a kamikaze attack (or a number of them are made on a carrier with aircraft, if the carrier is sunk are the aircraft lost?
Seems a little ludicrous but hey…this game seems to be full of little problems but it does put more strategic importance on wiping china out altogether as early as possible, if necessary at the expense of going after india. Thanks gents. One more question if I could…if a kamikaze attack (or a number of them are made on a carrier with aircraft, if the carrier is sunk are the aircraft lost?
Not necessarily. Kamis can only be used on the allies’ turn, so the planes have their remaining movement to land